Weak – A DNAngel Fanfiction


During a trip to the mountains, Satoshi stumbled upon a boy who has fainted in the snow. He brought him back, and the boy changed much of his cold personality. Unfortunately, the boy was then kidnapped by an agent from Satoshi's own family. Will he succeed in rescuing him back?

Usual disclaimers apply.


He hated it.

The moment he stepped into the school's main hall, the groupies just came flocking over, like he was giving away free diamonds. Glare, decline, exit. Rinse and repeat. Every single day.

Then there were the others. Professors, students, even janitors!

"Hiwatari-san! Can you help me with my homework?"


"Hiwatari-san! Please review the methods of Einstein's genius again…"


"Hiwatari-san! Wanna come to my party?"


"Hiwatari-san! Please perform your cleaning duties!"


Their pathetic whining echoed in his ears everywhere. Even the library wasn't as safe as it was before. He was trying to finish his essay on the importance of 'personal space at school' when…

"Satoshi-kuuun! Be my date, ne?"

That did it. She had no right to use his first name!

Satoshi Hiwatari threw his reference book to the floor and exploded. "What in the name of you-know-who is WRONG with you! Couldn't you just fucking leave me ALONE!" His teeth rattled. His glasses slipped from the top of his nose to the ground beneath him. He didn't care. He didn't need them anyway.

The whole library halted to a complete standstill. No-one dared to even blink. The wind stopped blowing through the windows. The ceiling fan ceased to function. For a whole five minutes, nothing – absolutely NOTHING - moved in that huge space known as the library. Until suddenly the girl sitting at the edge of Satoshi's table toppled over without any logical reason.

The frequency of hearing the school's most mysterious bishounen sputter a swearword was exceedingly rare. Satoshi was known for his reserved, brooding personality. He never actually switches into rampage mode at school.

Alright. It's decided. He needed a break.

And he needed it NOW.


"A vacation?" His father repeated, looking up from his contract papers. In one hand, he held a cup of black coffee, while in the other, a fountain pen.

Satoshi was leaning against the doorframe, wearing a plain white shirt and jeans. His hair was left unruly, strands of blue drooping over his blue eyes. His glasses were absent, giving him a more boyish look.

"Why would you need a vacation for? Your studies are more important."

"I cannot concentrate anymore, father."

The older man sitting behind the oak desk placed his cup back down onto its saucer. He signed a few papers expertly while Satoshi waited. His father must not be rushed in his work, he'll just snap.

"You should be able to focus. You are, after all, a police commander."

Satoshi flinched mentally at that. "I'm sorry if I have disappointed you, father. But I need this break." He said quietly, his face grim. Something snapped. A pen, he guessed. The sharp, crisp sound scared him.

His substitute father had snapped the pen he was holding in two. "Satoshi. Come here." Satoshi straightened and approached his father's desk, holding out his hand. He closed his eyes calmly, awaiting his punishment.

A second later, a sharp shard of the pen embedded itself into the center of his palm, and he winced. Not because of the pain, not because of the blood dripping off his hand… but because of the maniacal laughter his 'father' was spewing.

Satoshi exited the room and closed the door behind him silently.


A soft music played throughout the aircraft as passengers shuffled into their allocated seats. Satoshi browsed through the various magazines presented before him, not even bothering to read the text. But, as fate has it, he accidentally stumbled across a page that said – in big, bold block letters at the top – 'Kewl Stylez 4 Ur Flavaz'.

He dropped the 'illiterate' magazine to the floor and flattened it even more with his foot. "Fools." He whispered under his breath, his bandaged hand curling into a fist. The gesture triggered a searing pain to lance along his arm, and he took a deep breath to tone it down.

Today was the day hell devoured him.

First, he had problems with the customs regarding his Russian Blue cat. Apparently, Kvar (that's the name of the cat) had stolen a little girl's candy while in quarantine, and had spat it out into the face of a custom officer.

Secondly, his small suitcase was stolen by a male transvestite who thought it was his make-up bag.

Third, his flight was delayed, and Kvar got cranky. He had bitten Satoshi's pinkie, giving the boy ANOTHER bandage to deal with.

And lastly, this crapped magazine had succeeded in completely ruining his day… if not again.

In other words, Satoshi felt like shit.

That's why he wasn't expecting someone to sit beside him.

"Hey, man!" A blond-haired teenager around his age flopped onto the empty seat beside him, grinning like an idiot. Satoshi glared stiffly. The newcomer had pea green eyes that shone with a mischievous glint. The police commander felt like crawling into a wormhole.

"I'm Keiji. Keiji Yureki." The boy, Keiji, peeked downwards to Satoshi's foot space. He clicked his tongue. "That, my friend, is property abuse." The blue-haired teenager beside him continued to glare, his gaze not once faltering. Satoshi moved his feet in a way that soon, a near-deafening 'riiip' was heard. Keiji's eyes widened in shock.

"Dude, you're gonna have to pay for that."

Satoshi raised an eyebrow. "Oh, do I?" He flicked the magazine forwards with his foot, sending the book sliding under the seat in front of him and into an old man's foot space. The man was sleeping with his legs on the seat, so he didn't notice.

Keiji stared at Satoshi, as if worshipping him. "Even I didn't think of that!" He breathed, saluting the police commander. Satoshi ignored him and looked out of his seat window. He found that the plane was already moving along the runway, preparing for take-off.

Keiji tapped on his shoulder.

"Dude, You haven't told me your na-"

"I would like it if you do not disturb me for the rest of this flight." Satoshi cut in smoothly as the plane hobbled. The front nose of the plane rose into the air, then its body, then lastly its tail. Satoshi felt the distinct urge to puke. How he hated plane rides.

But in order to reach the small cabin his father owned in a ski resort in Hokkaido, he needed to get on a plane, unless he preferred to walk through the mountain paths, which he had absolutely NO intentions of doing.

"Fine, man, be that way." Keiji rolled his eyes, pouting like a child.

"Humph." Satoshi whispered to himself, glancing at the boy beside him. Keiji snorted.

A while later, the pilot announced that all the facilities were now available for use. Satoshi thanked everyone he could think of and withdrew his laptop from his backpack in the luggage compartment above. He had to finish that essay now so that he could relax later.

He was quite a fast typist with both of his hands, but now one of them is bandaged, he had to take a leaner approach. Satoshi decided to use his injured right hand for pressing the 'Backspace', 'Enter' and 'Shift' buttons, while his left hand does the rest.

Satoshi propped the laptop screen up, and pressed the power button.

The usual plinky opening tune (that Satoshi hated) blared out of the laptop, attracting Keiji's attention. "Whoah! Nice piece of gadget you got there! May I have a look?"

Satoshi mumbled something about having to cling on to his sanity for the next forty minutes or so, before turning to his side. It's a good thing he booked a first-class ticket, he could have all the space he wanted.

Keiji huffed and stuck his tongue out at him. "You're strange, you know that?" The aqua-eyed boy beside him didn't reply. A rapid tapping sound came from Satoshi's side. It showed that he had started his work, and he does NOT wish to be interrupted.

Unfortunately, Keiji was too stubborn to grasp the message. "Where are you going, anyway? I'm going to this posh ski resort so that I could catch a date with a babe and…"

His rambling went on and on. Satoshi had to borrow the headphones the aircraft provided to block out all the noise and concentrate on his work. He was nearing the end of his essay when someone poked him in the ribs.

And that someone, just as Satoshi predicted, was Keiji.

"Are you a new type of geek? You know, good looks, cool personality, but anti-social and a bit boring to talk to? Or maybe you're just weird… whoah! Are you an alien! Where's your spaceship? Ooooh… it must be somewhere in Hokkaido, huh? And that laptop! It must be some kind of communication thing where you contact your alien mama ship, right!"

Satoshi was not entirely sure whether Keiji was doing it on purpose, or he's just a moronic idiot with no on-going life whatsoever, but when the blond-haired boy started making funny faces in front of the laptop screen he knew he's had enough.

He elbowed Keiji, HARD, in the stomach. The unfortunate boy yelped. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry…" He groaned and whined about his beautiful stomach now being deformed.

Satoshi conjured a fleeting image of him burning Keiji on a stake in his mind. It calmed down his nerves… momentarily. He finished the rest of his work and switched off the laptop, just in time for the pilot to announce their arrival in Hokkaido.

At last, a quiet, stress-free month in the snowy peaks of Hokkaido!
