Author has written 5 stories for Inuyasha, Star Wars, and D N Angel.
Yup, this is me. As is evidenced, I like to write. Wow imagine that. Can't think of whyI would have a profile on some fanfiction site, I mean come on I'm illiterate. But seriously, I value even my oddest or most unorthodox fics and though I am doing this for fun, I'd prefer mature critiques and comments. My goal here is to practice my writing and, ultimately, improve it, so keep that in mind when
reading/reviewing my stuff here. But of course this is all about fun too, right? Well, I fear at the moment I must fulfill my promise to myself and work on some original fiction for a time. I do plan to return to the fanfiction scene with continuations on my stories Wild Home and Queen of the Forest however. At the moment, though, I'm doing some work on two Star Wars fanfics! . But right now these are dreams alone, so don't hold me to 'em. In the meantime, please read my fics! Ahem.
Ummmm, movin on, here's a bit of my likes.(this seems to be something a
lot of people are doing, right?)
Bands: MINE! Oo sorry, band nerd moment. But for real too. Let's see...Relient K, Switchfoot, Jars of Clay,
Kutless, 12 Stones, Ian Eskilin(Save the Humans!), Newsboys, and then
several trillion Christian bands/artists that I love individually and
as their own. 0_0; Can't help myself, I love music!
Food: CHINESE! Chicken's pretty good too...
of Writingness(aka where I might post a fic): Inuyasha, Star Wars,
DNAngel, Tenchi Muyo, Alice 19th, ya da da da da the list will get
longer with time. Be warned: Most of them will be romance or angst
seeing as I like those best so deal with it! x_x _;
Life: Hey I prefer mine thank you. Actually its pretty good, so I'm not complaining!
Maybe I'll put some more junk in this profile thing later...
Until then, toodles_~ Oh and by the by, since it seems that my email didn't paste somewhere (or at least so I've heard), it's jedigirl05@, so if you have something to say, don't hesitate! Comments on my comments as well as writing are welcome.