Author has written 42 stories for Batman, Disney, Star Wars, Zombies, Run!, Thor, Dragon Age, Harry Potter, and Avengers. Sometimes I look back over my writing. It's fun to revisit old stories, like hanging out with friends. I don't really feel like my style is changing much, which in some ways is disappointing - if I'm not changing, I'm not improving! - but in other ways is kind of reassuring, like I've sort of figured out who I am as a writer by this point. "Harder Than It Looks" was the first piece I'd written of any significant length. Now "Best Laid Plans" just hit 26 chapters, and it's still got several more to go! Additionally, my chapters seem to be getting a bit longer as well - HTIL was under 20k words, and BLP is getting close to 30 at the same number of chapters. I've realized that (barring a very few exceptions) I still don't actually like to write. What I like is having written. Because then I get to talk about stories and characters and I love that so much! I think that's why I'm such a review junkie! I love getting detailed reviews, and I love giving them almost as much! It's so much fun to talk about what might happen next and why the characters are responding to the situation in certain ways. Writing resolutions: - I will use less of the following: bold, italics, ellipses, dashes. - I will include more description, particularly of setting details. This means I may need to reacquaint myself with my characters' surroundings. - I will vary the beginnings of my paragraphs, so that they don't all start with a character or with dialogue. Yay stories! Here’s the order of the stories in The Adventures of Galaxy Girl and Farm Boy, featuring Vacy Fiorst: 1. Winds From the East – Early Ord Mantell N/A: Always – Early Ord Mantell through Tattooine; references other story events from those planets. Current plans: 1 - Finish Vacy's first story arc (Act 1 of the SWTOR smuggler storyline). This will involve several more chapters of "Best Laid Plans" before moving immediately to the chapter finale in a separate document. The Alderaan class quests will be adjusted to fit with the Act 2 storyline, but I don't want to start that arc just yet. 2 - Revise the cycle's early fics to provide a more engaging introduction to readers who aren't already part of the fandom. 3 - Return to "Through the Gyroscope." No, I haven't forgotten about you, darling AU self-insert crackyfic! I'm hoping this will give me a nice breather before returning to Vacy's escapades. 4 - Begin Act 2! I also haven't forgotten about "Broken," my fanfic for Disney's Cinderella, and I may return to that chapter by chapter in between Act 2 stories. But that's awhile in the future. |