Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. Mikril-dey means starbird-wings, and mikril is just a type of mystical bird that is said to be hatched from stars after they burst. Don't ask, it's an old running joke between my pen-pal and I. I'm a student going into university, and english is really my second language. I am hoping for a major in English, with a minor in business and maybe some classes in psychology, socialogy and criminology. I know, I'm weird. Favorite color: Purple Favorite number: 13 I'm a slash fan (or yaoi fan as anime-lovers would say) as well as an anime fan. I've read a fair number of really hard core yaoi and slash mangas and fics. My pen-pal and fellow starbird corrupted me into anime, and I... well, I kinda introduced her to slash. She's not a fan persay, but she doesn't mind it. Favorite couple (pretty typical): Harry Potter: DracoxHarry, SiriusxRemus Whew... quite a handful, ain't it. I have a tendency to move from fandom to fandom. I will usually exhaust my ideas for one fandom before moving on to the next. Right now, the focus is on Harry Potter works. Completed Works: Current Works: Harry Potter and the School for Pureblood Wizards - I started ahead on this one because I had a writer's block with Godfather Crisis. The basis of this fic is the racial discrimination in the early parts of the Nazis era in Germany. However, the relations are not going to deteriorate into concentration camps or anything. I am trying to write a reasonably light hearted, slightly more normal romance with this fic. This will not turn epic, and at times the chapters may seem more like one-shots in the same universe. Future Works: |