Author has written 2 stories for Death Note, and Treasure Planet.
We can't be friends if you think Napoleon Dynamite is not a great movie.
I took a quick break from my iron supplements (yes, I'm anemic) and now I feel like shit.
*drinks soju, slams glass on table and quotes Freddie Mercury* "I'll fucking do it, darling."
"Communication's a two-way street, pal. You see this? That's the 'Send' button."
- Qrow Branwen
Thou hath no idea how important character development is to thy story's plot.
Author's Notes/Updates:
Please visit my sideblog justawriterforfun dot tumblr dot com (replace dot with . and no spaces) for this.
All updates regarding my stories as well as my responses to your reviews will be found there.
Got a message? PM me here on this site, or do send an ask through my sideblog where you can take advantage of the anonymity feature, thanks!
About author:
- Name: Justy, from my username obv
- MBTI type: ISTP (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving)
- Lefty or righty: Righty
don't worry; i'm a docile pervert
there's nothing really interesting about me. i write simply because i want to write.
'Moderate Guest Reviews' setting is enabled.
Updates whenever not busy with life.
My Take on the 'Ten Commandments of Fanfiction':
1. Thou shalt have no other canon but Canon. (do not glorify the inevitable Deus Ex Machina, nor warp established canon and incorporate unfit story elements for thine own satisfaction; however, fix fics, AUs, and/or crossovers are all considerable Canon of thine own take in thy fanfic as long as they are executed properly; literally do research on thy Canon)
2. Thou shalt not take the name of thy original writers in vain. (respect intellectual property not of thine own; insert thy disclaimers wherever one can but be smart in writing them; give thine original writers credit where credit is due)
3. Thou shalt remember thy writing day to keep fanfiction updated. (maintain a regular update schedule and make sure to finish the story that thou hath started; thou hath been given the responsibility to not leave thy readers hanging and disappointed by unresolved story of thee)
4. Thou shalt love and honor thy characters. (this goes for both canon and original characters; do not commit the universal Mortal Sin of Mary Sue/Gary Sue, nor kill off or violate characters for no rational cause; give thy characters the closure or characterization they deserve; show, and not tell, thy story to properly flesh-out characters and plot)
5. Thou shalt not threaten thy readers and fellow authors. (respect the ideas not of thy property, this includes ships; do not criticize thy reader's feedbacks but take thy criticisms nicely; do not self-promote in another fanfic unless permitted by said fanfic's author; blackmailing thy reader for reviews in exchange for content is a cheap move; people come here to read not review, moron)
6. Thou shalt not commit infidelity on proper labeling and rating. (give thy story proper fiction rating, genre(s), warnings, and tags to the important characters; make thy summary coherent and 'sux at summaries' is not an exception)
7. Thou shalt not steal. (plagiarism obviously, as well as claiming someone else's contribution to the story as thine own; always cite thy reference materials)
8. Thou shalt not bear false witness on thy wrong spelling, improper verb tense and grammar, and most importantly spacing. (proofread thy story thoroughly or consult thy beta reader; use proper spacing in between dialogue and scenes for thou hath been gifted an 'Enter' key for a reason; Wall of Text all up in thy face is known to be frustrating to some of thy readers)
9. Thou shalt not covet inserting author's notes wherever thou desire. (be considerable in where thou place thine author's notes because not all of thy readers want their momentum interrupted, nor are some of them even interested to read it in the first place)
10. Thou shalt not covet self-publishing of original version of thy fanfiction in any form. (it's fanfiction, duh. Thou could get in trouble for that, unless thou change a lot of major elements in the story such as renaming thy main characters Anastasia or Christian instead of Bella and Edward)
P.S.: You're free to repost but please credit me as OP when you do so.
Thanks for stopping by!