Author has written 1 story for X-Men: Evolution. The cat went here and there And the moon spun round like a top. And the nearest kin of the moon, The creeping cat, looked up. Black Minnaloushe stared at the moon, For, wander and wail as he would, The pure cold light in the sky Troubled his animal blood. Minnaloushe runs in the grass Lifting his delicate feet. Do you dance, Minnaloushe, do you dance? When two close kindred meet, What better than call a dance? Maybe the moon may learn, Tired of that courtly fashion, A new dance turn. Minnaloushe creeps through the grass From moonlit place to place, The sacred moon overhead Has taken a new phase. Does Minnaloushe know that his pupils Will pass from change to change, And that from round to crescent, From crescent to round they range? Minnaloushe creeps through the grass Alone, important and wise, And lifts to the changing moon His changing eyes. William Butler Yeats, "The Cat and The Moon" He has other poems that are even better. But I liked the name, so I picked it. It's not my cat's name- she's named Guinness. After the drink. I'm sixteen going on seventeen, I go to an all girls Catholic school (God help me), and I live in Buffalo, home of Wide Right and No Goal and funny looks when you tell people you're from Buffalo (well, actually I'm outside of Buffalo, but it's simpler to just say Buffalo when you're speaking to someone who doesn't live in Western New York). I write for more than just fun, I love writing with a passion and need to be writing something, always, when I'm not reading. You got time, check out my story below. (And if any of my friends are reading this, that means you, too! You can figure it out whether you know anything about the X-Men or not) Anyway, as to my likes, I really like adventure, action, fantasy, that sort of thing- especially when there's humor and romance mixed in. And banter. My favorite characters tend to be those you can relate to- often those who fall more in the gray, characters who are complex- not just one thing or another. And I always love characters with a smart mouth- andit doesn't do any harm if it'sthe good looking guy- oh, y'know, Han Solo, Sirius Black, Gambit of X-Men, Sawyer on Lost- there's something about guys with edge... I love the original and unpredictable. Excellent dialogue, good description, captivating story-lines- that's what makes fanfiction so much fun! (Especially with me continually racking up charges on my library card or being unable to go... I need to read something good, and there's plenty of that here!) |