Author has written 6 stories for Warriors. Most (if not all) of the fanfictions you will find here are Warrior Cats. I've been a fan of Warrior Cats for a long time now, since I was a young kid, and the rich world of warriors continues to inspire me in my writing. The biggest project that was my baby, and the thing that started it all was Lightning's Destiny. It is now completed, but I had the idea for it in mind since SkyClan's Destiny came out, which was way back in 2010, so it was a long running work. Lightning's Destiny was first published on here in 2015 and completed in 2018. I can't believe it's been so long, and Lightning's Destiny continues to be my lengthiest work, and the one I am most proud of even though my writing has grown a lot since my first attempts at Lightning's Destiny. Thank you all who joined me on Lightning's journey! Please note that I do not own Warriors! Warriors, its universe, SkyClan's Destiny, and many characters in these stories belong to Erin Hunter. However, Lightning/Lightningfire and Wolf/Wolfshade are my two OC's, and the rest of the characters that are not found in the Warriors novels are also my OC's. I've also decided to type up an "Allegiances" for Lightning's Destiny (for mid-story) for anyone that wants one. I know there are lots of characters, and it can get confusing. Here it is: SkyClan: Leader: Leafstar- a cream and tabby she-cat with blue eyes (mate- Brackenstorm, kits- Nightstorm, Lightningfire, Rosekit, Wrenkit) Deputy: Sharpclaw- a dark ginger tom with deep green eyes (mate- Cherrytail, kits- Adderpaw, Ripplepaw, and Owlpaw) Medicine Cat: Echosong- a small silver and white tabby with blue eyes Warriors: Patchfoot- a black and white tom (mate- Clovertail) Clovertail- a white and brown she-cat Petalnose- a pale grey she-cat with blue eyes Waspwhisker- a grey and white tom with a long scar (mate- Fallowfern) Fallowfern- a pale brown she-cat with blue eyes Sparrowpelt- a tabby tom with amber eyes Cherrytail- a tortoiseshell she-cat with light green eyes Brackenstorm (formerly Billystorm)- a fluffy ginger and white tom with green eyes Ebonyclaw (daylight warrior)- a striking black she-cat with green eyes Harveymoon (daylight warrior)- a white tom Macgyver (daylight warrior)- black and white tom Shrewtooth- a scrawny black tom Bouncefire- a ginger tom with bright green eyes Wolfshade- a long-furred, dark grey, "smoke" tom with greyish, green eyes Tinycloud- a small white she-cat with blue eyes Apprentice: Sootypaw (daylight warrior)- a fluffy pale grey tom Sagewhisker- a pale grey tabby tom with pale green eyes Minttail- a grey tabby she-cat with green eyes Egg- a fluffy cream colored tom with blue eyes Apprentice:Adderpaw- a dappled dark ginger tom with green eyes Nettlesplash- a pale brown tom Creekfeather- a grey tabby tom Rabbitleap- a brown tom Lionclaw- a fluffy golden tabby tom with yellow eyes Briarspot- a spotted tabby with white paws, she-cat with yellow eyes Ravenfur- a sleek black she-cat with dark blue eyes Apprentice:Ripplepaw- a grey tabby tom with thin stripes, one white paw, a flare of white on his chest and green eyes Nightstorm- a large black tom with white fore-paws, white ear-tips and green eyes Lightningfire- a ginger and brown tortoiseshell-tabby with white, she-cat with amber eyes Apprentice:Owlpaw- a fluffy white she-cat with two dark ginger tabby patches on her back, dark ginger ears, one dark ginger back paw, and yellow eyes Whisperheart (former rogue)- a small, fluffy dark red she-cat with amber eyes and a distinctive rasping, hissing voice Tatteredtail (former rogue)- a large scarred tabby tom with patchy fur Iceshiver (former rogue)- a pretty, white she-cat with green eyes Creamclaw- a grey and cream tabby she-cat with blue eyes Seedheart- a mostly white with brown tabby patches she-cat with grey eyes Queens: Plumwillow- a dark grey she-cat (Expecting Bouncefire's kits) Leafstar- (Rosekit- a very fluffy, dilute tortoiseshell-tabby she-cat with green eyes, Wrenkit- a fluffy light brown tabby tom with white and green eyes) Elders: Tangle- a large tabby tom with rumpled fur and amber eyes Lichenfur- a mottled grey she-cat with amber eyes SPOILERS FOR MY FAN-FICTION LIGHTNING’S DESTINY BELOW!!! (Read at own risk or only after you have finished the story) FUN FACTS ABOUT LIGHTNING’S DESTINY CHARACTERS: *In the future, Lightningfire and Wolfshade have a litter of three kits, two female kits and one male. Their kits are Shadewing (she has long dark grey fur and amber eyes) Lilydapple (she is a long furred black, orange, and white calico with green eyes) and Foxbreeze (he is a fluffy orange tabby with a white chest and blue eyes.) *Shadewing is named after her resemblance of Wolfshade. Lilydapple’s warrior name commemorates Leafstar’s warrior name (Leafdapple.) Foxbreeze’s ginger and white pelt strongly reminds Lightningfire of her father’s. *After Ripper died, he did not go to StarClan or the Dark Forest, but he walks in a sort of misty purgatory with other rogues/loners between the two realms. He is fairly content there. Although, I imagine he sometimes sneaks into StarClan to cause mischief and look down on Lightningfire to see what she’s up to. *When Wolfshade goes to StarClan, he will regain his lost memories. He uses his newly regained memories to annoy Lightningfire by relentlessly teasing her about how awkward she was when she was an apprentice. *Lightningfire’s broken ribs from the badger attack never healed completely right, so for the rest of her life she became short of breath more quickly than other cats. It became worse as she aged and this handicap factors into her eventual death. *When Wolfshade and Lightningfire fell in love, Wolfshade was terrified of the strength of the feelings he was developing towards Lightningfire, and he desperately fought against them for a time before he finally gave in. — and he had to go through this again after he lost his memories and fell in love with Lightning again. *Even if Lightningfire and Wolfshade didn't work out, Lightningfire would not have ended up taking Sagewhisker as her mate. He loved her, but for Lightningfire, he would have never been the right cat. *Ripper considered Lightningfire his friend. Ripper thought she was the only true friend he ever had, since the cats he knew in the Kingdom only were with him out of fear. Ripper admired Lightningfire for her bravery, loyalty, intelligence, ferocity, and her ability to not only stand up to him, but to beat him. All of this stood in stark contrast to the meek, fearful cats from the Kingdom that were terrified of him. *In StarClan, Nightstorm feels very guilty about giving Whisperheart, Tatteredtail, and Iceshiver to the Kingdom as prisoners. *Wrenpaw and Rosepaw’s warrior names are Wrentalon and Rosepetal. Owlpaw, Adderpaw, and Ripplepaw’s warrior names are Owlflight, Adderpelt, and Ripplestripe. FUN FACTS ABOUT THE WRITING OF LIGHTNING’S DESTINY: * Lightning’s Destiny took me over 2 years to completely write. *I had the idea for Lightning’s Destiny for much longer than 2 years though. It started forming in my head after I read SkyClan’s Destiny when it first came out in 2010. *And, even before SkyClan’s Destiny, I knew I wanted to write a fanfiction about SkyClan when I read Firestar’s Quest back in 2007. However, the concept was very different then. I still wanted to write a story about Leafstar’s daughter, but I had Sharpclaw be Leafstar’s mate, and Lightningfire was a different character. She was called Lightningtiger, and it was going to be a love story between her and a character named Rockpine (which was the warrior name I gave to Rockpaw. Back then, his warrior name “Rockshade” was unknown.) This idea evolved significantly after SkyClan’s Destiny came out. I changed Lightningtiger’s name to Lightningfire, which I thought sounded a lot better. She became the daughter of Bracken(Billy)storm. She got a brother, Nightstorm. And, I scrapped the idea of using Rockpaw as her love interest, opting instead to use an entirely OC character. So, I got rid of the character Rockshade, and replaced him with my original character, Wolfshade (although I kept Wolfshade the littermate of Bouncefire and Tinycloud, and adopted Rockshade’s suffix for Wolfshade as a nod to Rockshade’s character. And, also because I think “shade” is just a really cool suffix to use.) *I changed Billystom’s name to Brackenstorm because although I like the character, Billystorm, I cannot take his name seriously. Sorry, Billystorm. *In my earliest ideas for Lightning’s Destiny, the Kingdom did not exist, and instead the main conflict in the story would be Leafstar trying to force Lightningfire to be a medicine cat when Lightningfire wanted to be with Wolfshade. In this version of the story, Lightningfire and Wolfshade run away to be together, and end up finding ThunderClan (during Omen of the Star’s era.) They stay there for a while, interacting with canon ThunderClan characters, before eventually journeying home because they get a sign from StarClan that SkyClan is in trouble and in need of their help. This idea was scrapped for a variety of reasons, but shadows of it remain in the final draft of the story. For example, now instead of running away to ThunderClan after Leafstar and Lightningfire fight about her being a medicine cat, Lightningfire and Wolfshade were swept downstream into Kingdom territory, although they are only there for a few days. *My first ideas for Lightning’s Destiny were for it to be an almost solely Romance story about her and Wolfshade. However, I changed that because I felt like there was so much more to explore and tell in this than just a simple love story. There are still a lot of Romance elements to the final version of the story, but it is also an Adventure too. *When creating Ripper’s character, I briefly considered a Wolfshade-Lightningfire-Ripper love triangle. This idea was quickly scrapped because I felt it out of character for Lightningfire to fall for a cat that killed her friends. I’m glad I did not go this route because I am quite happy with the character Ripper became. *By the time I actually started writing the story, I had a long outline giving an overview of the biggest plot points (ex: Lightningpaw and Wolfshade fall in love, the badger attack, Wolfshade loses his memories, Ripper shows up, etc.) This means I knew what would generally happen and how it would end from the very first moment I started actually writing it. But, this sort of outline also gave me enough freedom to bulk things up in certain areas and weave in new ideas that felt like a natural progression of the story, while sticking with the same overall plot from beginning to end. |