![]() Author has written 27 stories for Card Captor Sakura, Captain Tsubasa, Naruto, Gakuen Alice, Detective School Q, Inazuma Eleven, and Walking Dead. Current addiction/s: The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Hannibal, Orphan Black Thanks to: my reviewers!! And the ones who put either me or my stories on alert! And faves!! -throws out invisible confetti because I don't like cleaning up- Krizzie and Yuki; http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/942385/ this is a combined account with a silver gem yuki -now known as Akira Kobayashi-. Only Captain Tsubasa stories are posted. Also, it's a dead account. Ongoing stories: Walking Dead Baggage Upcoming stories: Working on a TWD Daryl-centric fic. Let's see if it sees the light of day. Discontinued stories: Captain Tsubasa Obra Maestra: Some asshole plagiarized it and posted it somewhere else and I was upset. Detective School Q The Second Heir Deleted stories: Captain Tsubasa I’m a Babysitter Weird School, Same Weird Students When Two Teams Live Together: Rewritten and posted with the same title. When Two Teams Live Together (The Original) The Fifth Floor Mystery Say my Name Dare A Day with the CT Cast Savage of Love Cardcaptor Sakura Destiny in a Bottle Detective School Q The Return of Jack the Ripper Naruto The Great Fire in Konoha twitter: @kriz_speaks |