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![]() Author has written 26 stories for Prince of Tennis, Haikyu/ハイキュー, Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ, and Eyeshield 21. Notice: New Haikyuu fanfiction up. I'm looking to finish my old stories now one by one. I need closure haha. Chinese translation for Horoscopes & Soda now posted on LOFTER! Scroll down to my master list to figure out how to access it; you can also just type 'LOFTER' into the search bar of your browser. It's posted by 水無涼奈. Updated: 06/25/17 I've posted again! I'm quite stuck on a few of my stories, but I'm going to be finishing up a few things. My writing style has changed A LOT, and it's a very noticeable change. Hope you don't mind... I'm not going to go back and edit all my older works because not only would it be time-consuming, but I also think it serves as a reminder for how much I've grown :) Note: translations are always welcome! All I ask is that you send me a link to the story, and give credit (preferably link back to my account on fanfiction.net). As long as you guys don't change the story, and I'm given credit, I'd love for my stories to be translated! I will also post links/explain how to access translated versions next to the stories below (in my master list, see table of contents). Important (Please Note): I don't know if this is the case for everyone, but sometimes bold text does not show up properly when using Chrome as your primary browser. You can definitely see it in Safari. If you guys are having a tough time seeing any bolded text that I refer to, it's probably due to browser issues. Regarding profile update cycles: I try to update this every time I either post something new, or find something new that can improve it. Contact Me: Email (fanfiction-related topics only): vieuxffn@ Instagram (Art-account): @DropletofSky (Sorry, FFN won't let me link websites not part of fanfiction.net, so just open that link, and copy the part fanfiction.net to visit my IG) Ao3 (Archive of Our Own): Vieux (Basically the same thing as this account, so really not that interesting... this link doesn't work btw, just visit AO3 and type in Vieux) Tumblr (rarely (read: never) used): OtakuRepresent Table of Contents [use command-F (mac) or control-F (windows) to find specific sections)] I. News II. Short Bio III. Story Priorities IV. Masterlist of Stories V. Information on Specific Stories (word count, short summary, ships/pairings, themes, genres, fandoms, etc.) VI. Random Informational Drabbles VII. Fandom Information (i. Manga & Anime ii. Book stuff) VIII. Travel Drabbles (More random stuff basically, updated every time I travel somewhere new) IX. Warnings (Limitations on requests I accept, themes I will not write for, etc.) ºooººooººooººooººooººooº News (skip to find an actual bio :D)// Updated: 03/15/17 1. Recent stories: none, tbh... 2. I'm sorry I've been gone so long, but now I'm back to writing. Not going to be beta-ing much, since I'm pretty busy, but shoot me a message if you guys (and gals and other) need anything! 3. I've re-vamped my whole writing style over the last few months, so I'm hoping to get some quality dribbles, one-shots, and maybe even chaptered pics up. I'm planning to revamp a few of my old stories, so give me some time to read them over (and watch me cringe so hard). 4. For those of you who are further wondering or suspicious yes, I am actually planning a 30 (or so) chapter Royal Pair AU. However, before I post anything, I would like to finish up all of my other stories. This will most likely take around 2 weeks after 'This Small Town' is finished. No, nothing about this one will be posted before TST is finished, I'm sorry :( The genre will be something along the lines of mystery, romance, suspense, thriller, crime, etc. All characters will (hopefully) stay true to themselves, so no age-swap Atobe & Ryoma, sorry for those of you who were anticipating that :D That'll come sometime in the not-too-distant future :) 5. Expanded my (already really really long) profile to include sections dedicated to specific stories! Check it out below, it's located right after my self-introduction and stuff, so basically right after the list of stories :) Actual Bio (skip to find story priority information) Hiii everyone! I'm basically a hermit who reads/writes fan fiction, watches anime, dabbles in both drawing and piano, sleeps, and eats. Although I admit, I'm probably lacking in the "sleep" department, considering the frequency at which I hold anime marathons, especially around 3 AM :D Any news regarding my stories will always be at the top of my profile, in the 'News' section. Please check that before PMing me :) Also, if you think anything I write in my stories or mention on my profile is rude, I'm really sorry! I don't mean to be, but it sometimes just comes out that way. I'm secretly really social once you get to know me so PM me often guys :D I try to respond to all my reviews, but I apologize if I miss any of you! And dear any guests that are reading this, please make an account so I can respond to you (insert cute puppy dog eyes here). Update Times and Release Dates are always posted in the Stories section below, but you can also check for general information in the News section above :) You can also find me at: (I used to have Wattpad names as 1. and 2. but as I do not use Wattpad anymore, I have removed them. Please do not message me telling me to update any stories on Wattpad, as all of the ones I have deemed worthy of continuing have been re-uploaded here. Anything not transferred over will not be continued, sorry . 3. Instagram: @DropletofSky (art account only) 4. Tumblr/Deviantart: I don't use either of these two often but if you really want to know feel free to PM me :) 5. Archive of Our Own (AO3): Vieux (Yes, it will open in a new window. I understand how annoying it is when links don't :D) Scroll down to the bottom of the page for what requests I will not accept! I ask you to please read that section before submitting any suggestions, scenarios, or requests through PM. *Notes: 1.I currently do not use beta readers as I am rather new to so please let me know if you encounter any grammatical/spelling errors within my works. I will do my best to fix them ASAP! 2. For each story there are periodic, set update times. This is normally once a week or once every two weeks, depending on the story. I always post my next update time, either in the story or on my profile, so please read for that. You can also read the 'Stories' section of my profile for specific dates. If I miss an update, feel free to message me and remind me about it. However, please respect my personal schedule and refrain from rude criticism of my updating schedule (i.e. she updates so slowly) :) 3. Please do not re-write, use, or borrow any of my original characters, plot lines, and worlds without first requesting permission. I would be quite flattered if you did want to, but please ask first haha. Also, some (not all) of my story covers are original artwork, so do not use without permission. Thank you! :3 Disclaimer: I only write fan fiction. All characters belong to their respective authors unless otherwise stated. I also do not exclusively own any of the cover images, unless otherwise stated. ºooººooººooººooººooººooº Story Priorities (skip to find catalog of story information) (basically the order in which I'm trying to finish things, so this doesn't include already completed stories obviously): 1. This Small Town (Aomine Daiki x Kuroko Tetsuya, Midorima Shintaro x Takao Kazunari AU) Chapters left: ~4 Words left: ~20k (plus an epilogue at the end, however long it happens to be) 1.5 Fears (Kobayakawa Sena x Shin Seijuro, Sakuraba Hayato x Takami Ichiro, Ojo Boarding School AU) ~30-50k words left (not too sure, wrote most of it on a whim) 2. Devils & Demons (Fem!Ryoma x Kirihara Akaya kinda AU) Chapters left: ~10 (this one is weird, might be a lot less or a lot more) Words left: ? 3. Of Princes and Kings (I don't even know where this one is going, so I will be revisiting it after I finish those three stories above) 4. All my AoKuro drabbles (that includes both Blue and Drabbles) Chapters left (total): ~30 Words left: 30k 5.Snowy Enigma (Shiraishi x OC) Chapters left: 12 Words left: 60k (Lol this one is not going to be updated too soon so don't hold your breaths) 6. Vices and Virtues (Kageyama x Hinata) this one is kind of on a temporary hiatus while I wait for season 3 of the anime. In reality that's just my lame excuse for not writing anything on this work. It'll eventually get done. 7. Any others not mentioned. Note: anything that is ranked 7 on my priorities will probably not get done until all the other ones above are finished. I write around 10k words a week, so you guys can figure out how long that's going to take... although over breaks I write around 50k so I guess you can count that. Note: I will tell you guys up front that this list is subject to frequent change. Of course, This Small Town is definitely going to be finished before anything else on this list, but the other stories may fluctuate in their rankings. Just because it is ranked 5th also does not mean it will not be finished before something ranked 4th; the reason behind this is that some stories are naturally meant to be longer than others, so even if I write a story more often, it may not be finished as quickly since there is just more to write. If you have a request for an adjustment in this list (i.e. you really want something to be finished), PM me ASAP because I love to listen to people's opinions. Thanks ;) ºooººooººooººooººooººooº Fic List (skip to find specific story information) ==== Ordered by FANDOM! (Prince of Tennis, Kuroko no Basuke, Eyeshield 21, and then Haikyuu)==== -Prince of Tennis Fics- Christmas Spirit (3-shot, Royal pair) (Complete) The Act of Falling (Angel AU, Royal pair) (Complete) Countdown to Royalty (Atobe Keigo x Echizen Ryoma, Atoryo/Royal Pair) (PRIORITY) Ignored (Atobe Keigo x Echizen Ryoma, Atoryo/Royal pair) (Complete) Fading into the Sky (Atobe Keigo x Echizen Ryoma, Atoryo/Royal pair) (Complete) Of Princes and Kings (Royal Pair, Atobe Keigo x Echizen Ryoma) We Could. (Royal Pair, Atobe Keigo x Echizen Ryoma) (Complete) Paper Cranes (Yukimura x Nameless OC) (Complete) Of Devils and Demons (Kirihara Akaya x Fem!Ryoma, slight boarding school AU) Snowy Enigma (Shiraishi x OC) -Kuroko no Basuke Fics- This Small Town (Aomine Daiki x Kuroko Tetsuya) (PRIORITY) On The Court (Aomine x OC) I dunno, re-watched KnB and just had to write some fanfiction Blue: 27 different colours of AoKuro (Aomine Daiki x Kuroko Tetsuya) Well I'm pretty much a die-hard AoKuro shipper, so.. Drabbles: AoKuro (Aomine Daiki x Kuroko Tetsuya) Once again, die hard AoKuro shipper here xD Rain & That Hipster Vibe (Aomine Daiki x Kuroko Tetsuya) Ditto -Eyeshield 21 Fics- The City Comes Alive (Shin x Sena) Basically lots of song drabbles in one fic. (Complete) I trace your name in water (Sena x Shin, One-sided Kakei x Sena, eventual Kakei x Mizumachi) (Complete) Fears (Sena x Shin, Sakuraba x Takami) The world could burn around us, but I would never let you burn with it (Shin x Sena) (Complete) -Haikyuu Fics- Of Vices and Virtues (KageHina, 10 AU drabbles) Next Update: On temporary hiatus until the last week of November Project Stardom (Bokuto x Akaashi, Idol & Photographer AU) Adoration (Ushijima x Shirabu) Vague plans for future fanfiction (and future means far far far future, after all my projects right now are finished up): 1. More eyeshield 21 Shin x Sena, Akaba x Sena, Yamato x Sena, Sakuraba x Takami, etc. 2. Royal Pair (lol obviously) 3. AoKuro (lol obviously x2) 4. Tokyo Ghoul fanfiction (finally succumbed to peer pressure and picked up the manga and anime the other day...) Can I just say that Amon is a mighty fine character xD --Basically anything that falls into one of my OTPs- ºooººooººooººooººooººooº adoration Fandom: Haikyuu// Pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Shirabu Kenjirou Status: In progress // Word Count: 8.6k // Next Update: Soon? IDK Summary: ["I knew he didn't love me, but I adored him anyway] Historical!AU Ushijima x Shirabu with A/B/O dynamics and magical powers: in which Shirabu realizes how little he knew about the darkness behind Shiratorizawa's power. Ushijima can concur. Fears Fandom: Eyeshield 21 // Pairing: Kobayakawa Sena x Shin Seijuro Status: In progress // Word Count: 11,707 // Next Update: Soon :) (need 2k more words probably) Summary: Agoraphobia: extreme irrational fear of crowded or public spaces / AU where Sena takes the wrong entrance exam, enrolls in Ojo Boarding School, and is agoraphobic. Shin and Sakuraba both have different forms of the same inferiority complex, while Takami is actually dystychiphobic- afraid of accidents. Follow them as Ojo High helps them discover themselves and overcome their fears. The world could burn around us, but I would never let you burn with it (whew long title) Fandom: Eyeshield 21 // Pairing: Kobayakawa Sena x Shin Seijuro Status: Complete // Word Count: 6000 Summary: Shin-Sena / Firefighter AU / Featuring Sena's cat, who is clearly more important than all those around him. Except maybe Shin. In which the Oujou Firefighting Squad is as rowdy as ever, but definitely needed: especially with Mamori's cooking skills. I trace our names in water Fandom: Eyeshield 21// Pairing: One-sided Kakei x Sena, Sena x Shin, eventual Kakei x Mizumachi Status: Complete // Word Count: 3853 Summary: Where Sena has someone else. But even after moving past his stage of denial, Kakei can do nothing but dip his fingers in the water of his tears and trace four familiar letters in a messy scrawl. Angst (ish) with a happy ending. T for language / Edited. This Small Town Fandom: Kuroko no Basuke // Pairing: Aomine Daiki x Kuroko Tetsuya (AoKuro) Status: In Progress // Current Word Count: 39,097// Next Update: ...I don't know xD Summary: Tattoo artist Aomine Daiki meets photography student Kuroko Tetsuya, who slips into his life so easily he can't remember what life was like without him. 10 teenagers struggle to cope with personal dilemmas ranging from being disowned to illegally painting graffiti on shop walls. AoKuro centric, but other main pairings are MidoTako, MuraMuro, & KasaKise. Chapters Left: ~4 Of Princes and Kings Fandom: Prince of Tennis // Pairing: Royal (Atobe Keigo x Echizen Ryoma) Status: In Progress // Current Word Count: 5,960 // Next Update: Undetermined Summary: The district lines of Tokyo are redrawn, meaning that when Ryoma moves back to Japan, he is forced to attend Hyotei Academy. Apparently calling people monkeys and skipping assemblies is not acceptable. So maybe the Hyotei tennis team does have what it needs to get into Nationals, but that doesn't mean that he belongs. And where does a primate king fit in? Hyotei!Ryoma, Royal Pair. Chapters Left: To Be Determined (TBD) Of Devils and Demons Fandom: Prince of Tennis // Pairing: Ace (Kirihara Akaya x Fem!Ryoma) Status: In Progress // Current Word Count: 19,233 // Next Update: Distant Future Summary: Fem!Ryoma x Kirihara Akaya, featuring Rikkai!Ryoma / Echizen Riko: moved from America, drinks Ponta, lives through tennis/ normal school day: arriving late, sleeping in class, thinking about tennis /Kirihara Akaya: Lived in Japan his entire life, scored above a C once, lives through tennis/ personality: obnoxious, rude, bratty, sarcastic, funny, determined. Let the sparks fly. Paper Cranes Fandom: Prince of Tennis // Pairing: None (Slight non-romantic Yukimura x nameless OC) Status: Complete // Word Count: 5,276 Summary: Yukimura Seiichi is a realist. The girl in room 201B is a dreamer. They compliment each other in a way that is abstract and indescribable, stuck in an endless dance of circular lies and fragile formalities. But anchors don't weigh birds down forever- and somehow, at the end of it all, Yukimura wishes he at least knew her name. /Yukimura-centric, slightly angsty/ We Could. Fandom: Prince of Tennis // Pairing: Royal Pair (Atobe Keigo x Echizen Ryoma) Status: Complete // Word Count: 3853 Summary: "Could we?" / "We could." His fingers dip into the hollows, tracing and memorizing as they go. Post-Apocalypic AU, Royal Pair Of Vices and Virtues Fandom: Haikyuu // Pairing: KageHina (Kageyama Tobio x Hinata Shoyou) Status: Temporary Hiatus // Current Word Count: 2,844 // Next Update: Uh never... like seriously guys stop asking lol Summary: KageHina/10 AU drabbles featuring an idiot couple/ "It's a vice."/ "It's a virtue."/ Kageyama, Hinata, and 10 parallel stories set in 10 different universes. The City Comes Alive Fandom: Eyeshield 21 // Pairing: Shin Seijuro x Sena Kobayakawa Status: Complete // Word Count: 3057 Summary: Their life, told through a series of songs. It's the little moments where Shin might actually be a romantic, and Sena becomes a walking contradiction. /10 Shin x Sena drabbles, non-canon and slightly AU but still football related/ Done for the iPod Shuffle Challenge, cover art is mine Horoscopes & Soda Fandom: Prince of Tennis Tennis no Oujisama // Pairing: Tokugawa Kazuya x Echizen Ryoma Status: Complete // Word Count: 1946 Summary: Because Irie Kanata is a ridiculously annoying dramatizer who Tokugawa Kazuya occasionally wants to kill for his comments about Horoscopes and a certain younger tennis player with a love for purple soda. Set right before the first stringers return from their expedition abroad in the U-17 camp. Relatively short drabble. NOTE: This story has been translated into Chinese by Mizunashi (水無涼奈 on LOFTER), and can be accessed via these steps: 去LOFTER,然后搜“德越”。这tag里文章不多,所以下去一点点就可以找到了-- 就看哪一片是水無凉奈post的。 Countdown To Royalty Fandom: Prince of Tennis Tennis no Oujisama // Pairing: Atobe Keigo x Echizen Ryoma (Royal) Status: In progress // Word Count: 10,368 // Next Update: Who knows? Summary: AU / "Oh please sir, we both know that the dead can't walk." - Where one of them becomes prisoner to a dancing set of countdown digits and the other does nothing but defer in an Atoryo eventual tragedy. Because gaunt, lifeless eyes will forever haunt them both even if they are from different bodies. ºooººooººooººooººooººooº Still waiting for Haikyuu season 3 haha //lies down Random Facts About Me: 1. I like curry. A lot. 2. I like Tokugawa Kazuya almost as much as I like food :D Seriously guys write fanfiction about him and dedicate it to me! 3. I actually watched Sword Art Online for more than 9 episodes #proud 4. Animes I have watched and may potentially write fics for: Soul Eater, Tokyo Ghoul, Code Geass, AoHaru Ride, Danganropa, Darker than Black, Death Parade, Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler), Psycho Pass, Prince of Tennis, Haikyuu, Free!- Iwatobi Swim Club, Slam Dunk, Kuroko no Basuke, Eyeshield 21, Charlotte, The Irregular At Magic School (never finished), Sword Art Online, Log Horizon, Whistle!, One Punch Man, AnoHana, Angel Beats, Clannad, Hajime no Ippo, Major, Diamond no Ace, and a lot more that I currently cannot remember off of the top of my head :D 5. I play competitive Pokémon () sometimes 6. I love drawing :) You can follow my art account on instagram, as listed wayyy above.. at the top. 7. You can also find me on wattpad: @Virason 8. Really random but I really really really wanted the username virason on too but someone else took it, and they joined literally a week before I did... I had a mental breakdown for a few minutes when I saw that... 9. I actually started reading on FFN like 5 years ago, but I only recently decided it was time to 'woman up' and start writing on here as well :D Ok anyways, moving on to specific fandom info! Anime/Manga at the top, Scroll down for Book fandoms. Scroll past fandoms for all story information and update information! ºooººooººooººooººooººooº Fandom Info Begins Here! Prince of Tennis/New Prince of Tennis: Bias School: Rikkaidai, completely, totally, and utterly. Favourite Characters, in no particular order whatsoever: Kirihara Akaya Niou Masaharu Fuji Syuusuke/Shuusuke (honestly which one is correct has just been a life-long mystery to me) Sanada Genichirou Tokugawa Kazuya (He needs more love, if you're reading this right now write some fan fiction about him! :D ) Atobe Keigo Ryoma Echizen (yes, I'm lame like that) Ryoga Echizen Jirou Akutagawa Marui Bunta Sengoku Kiyosumi Ootori Choutarou Shiraishi Kuranosuke Zaizen Hikaru Oishitari Yuushi Oishitari Kenya Those are just a few but honestly I love almost everyone :) almost :D Ships: Royal pair, Thrill pair, Dirty pair, Platinum pair, Golden pair, Silver pair, Sweet pair, Trick pair, Trick-or-Treat/Toxic pair, Cap pair, Adorable pair, Sadistic pair, Rival pair, and a lot more that I currently can't think of off the top of my head :) *Note: Vieux will not write any fan fiction for the following pairs, unless the idea is superbly fabulously out of this world, which is not to say that if you request something and are denied, your idea is not fabulous, it's simply a matter of my personal preference: Imperial Pair, Acrobat pair, Perfect pair, Dream pair, Ah-Un pair (But feel free to leave requests for any other pairings that are not mentioned!) I'm a slight OT6/OT5 shipper, but I really can't realistically see that working out well :/ Random Drabbles/Information/Opinions Related to PoT: 1. Age-Unknown pair (Tezuka/Sanada) cracks me up so hard I get tears 2. I can write both heterosexual and homosexual pairings so feel free to request 3. I really really really like writing about Tokugawa Kazuya 4. I ship Ryoma with a ton of different characters 5. Some of the moves in PoT would hurt a lot if attempted realistically. Example: Ryoma's Drive B, like seriously, firstly you'd probably have to gain a lot of momentum somehow to be able to slide on your butt, and still, what if there was a rock on the ground or something and it stabbed you? 6. Akaya jumping on the wall in Another Story Episode 4 is just amazing because if I tried to jump that high I would either break at least half the bones in my body, faceplant into the Rikkaidai sign, or both. Hopefully not both. 7. I feel like Seigaku always wins everything in PoT, not that I particularly mind because they're the main characters and stuff, but it would be nice to see them lose a bit more often because I feel like that makes it more realistic, ya know what I mean? 8. I actually find it really annoying when, right in the middle of an intense rally (actually rallying in PoT isn't that fast, especially when they pan out so you can see the entire court), they cut to Sakuno and I'm there like "Hello I wanna see the match and stuff not a shy girl's reaction to a tennis ball flying back and forth" 9. Tomoka is kinda annoying, sorry, but I still at least half love her because she provides comic relief to the anime, and you have to have at least a few ditzy characters. Although most of the time while I'm actually watching the anime I just think she's irritating and not worth it. 10. Yukimura Seiichi = love Haikyuu: Bias School: Ahh I can't decide because in this anime I actually love all of them... I mean I'm rooting for Karasuno a lot of the time but Nekoma and Aoba Josai/Seijoh are just like skdjfhskdjfh... awesome Favourite Characters In No Particular Order: Kuroo Tetsuroo/Tetsurou (once again, romanized japanese confuses me so much...) (Gotta love that hair!) Nishinoya Yuu (Hands down best libero ever because let me tell you sliding on the gym floor hurts like hellllllll) Hinata Shoyou (Once again, gotta love that hair :D) Kageyama Tobio (Probably my favourite character in the entire series, he is loveee) Kozume Kenma (gamers unite) Oikawa Tooru (This guy is like my brother, I swear we were connected at some point in our life) Akaashi Keiji (He's so prettyyyy!) Ushijima Wakatoshi (yah self explanatory ok) Shirabu Kenjirou (He's pretty toooo) Ships: KageHina (OTP for life), Sugawara x Daichii, Kuroo x Kenma, Oikawa x Iwazumi, And all the other good ships :D Random Drabbles: 1. Nishinoya must be really skilled because from personal experience, sticking your hand under a ball before it hits the ground REALLY hurts 2. Hinata is like amazing, because when I jump I can barely reach my hands over the net, never mind my elbow or torso... maybe I'm just really short 3. Kuroo's amazing bed hair is life 4. The Haikyuu art is actually really well done, like their forms are pretty accurate and stuff 5. I have a really large Kageyama & Hinata poster hanging above my desk. And a Seijoh poster. 6. Season 4 for 2018? *pretends that college applications are not a thing* *conveniently forgets about how busy 2018 will be* Free!- Iwatobi Swim Club Bias School: Well... I mean, there really aren't that many options, so... I love them all... Favourite Characters: Haru-chan! (I'm lame, I know, sorry, but he's awesome) Rin Matsuoka (Those teeth and hair though) (I mean asides from his obsessiveness and stuff) Well actually I like everyone in Free!, so I can't really list anymore because that would include Sousuke, Makoto, Nagisa, Rei, Go/Ko, etc... Random Drabbles: 1. I despise swimming (sorry) so I don't know if this is true, but my friend who competitively swims tells me that the flip turns in free are incredibly well done 2. I feel like competitive swimming would be really stressful because if you screw up it's like obviously visible and stuff, I dunno how to explain it 3. I always admire Makoto because 1. he's like so nice, I could never be that nice to anyone... 2. He's never hit his hand/head on the wall (which I always did when my class had swimming unit for gym when swimming backstroke) 4. I have a magazine introducing Free- Early Years, and it's pretty cool Whistle!: Bias School: Don't have one Favourite Characters In No Particular Order: Kazamatsuri Mizuno Shige Fuwa Daichii (Such a Tsundere lol) Ships: Fuwa Daichii x Kazamatsuri Sho, Mizuno Tatsuya x Kazamatsuri Sho Random Drabbles: 1. This fandom totally needs more love, the manga and anime both are so amazing! 2. Given my extreme lack of interest in football (soccer), the anime is surprisingly interesting 3. Comical relief characters in Whistle! are pretty well done 4. I'm just rushing now because I'm starting to get lazy and stuff :) Eyeshield 21 Bias School: Gah once again, like Haikyuu, I like almost all of the main schools... but honestly it's probably either Deimon, Ojo, or Seibu. Favourite Characters: Sena Kobayakawa Shin Seijuro (TELL ME HE DOESN'T LOOK LIKE SANADA GENICHIROU (from Prince of Tennis)!!! If you haven't seen them, search them up and be mind blown) Hiruma Yoiichi (The devil himself. I'd like to see how he would get along with Fuji someday) Kakei (He's like... Percy Jackson as Poseidon himself. Those eyes though.) Monta (Curious George revived, anyone?) Yamato Takeru Honjou Taka (his long hair is amaaazing) Akaba Hayato And I essentially love everyone. I mean, Kurita is so adorable sometimes, and then Musashi is... well, Musashi. And Riku is super kawaii and Panther is hilarious and Homer is... once again, Homer. Wasn't a huge fan of the girls, but they weren't as annoying as most girls are in sports animes. Ships: Shin x Sena FOR THE WIN. Hands down OTP of this anime, nothing will ever change this. I could see Kakei x Sena, and maybe sorta kinda see a twisted Hiruma x Sena, but the OTP is Shin x Sena and that will just never change. No pairing in this anime will surpass my love for Shin x Sena. That's just that. I could totally see Hiruma x Mamori too, and then Sakuraba x Takami. But really, I'm just a huge fan of Sena pairings. The ones I will read are: Akaba x Sena, Yamato x Sena, Shin x Sena (obviously), Kakei x Sena, and Kid x Sena. Dedicate me Shin x Sena fanfiction, doujinshi, whatever, because I will worship you. Random Drabbles: I'll write these later, it is currently 1:11 AM and I am tired. Very tired. Adios, Amigos! Read the Anime of the Month down below to find out more about Eyeshield 21. I literally wrote a longgggg paragraph. ºooººooººooººooººooººooº "Shadowhunters, looking better in black since 1134" Book Fandoms Begin Here! I also write for books such as Mortal Instruments, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Lunar Chronicles, Etc. :) Hunger Games Bias District: District 2, no thoughts given. Favorite Tributes In No Particular Order: Cato (read my random drabbles/opinions below to find out what I think) Katniss (yes, I'm lame that way. I enjoy the main character. Sincere Apologies.) Marvel (needs more love if you ask me) Clove (Guys she throws knives. I throw knives. Just kidding. But still.) Finnick (ish, sorta, mainly because he can throw a trident and I've always wanted to do that ever since I watched Little Mermaid) Rue (T_T Not going to give any spoilers, but... T_T) Johanna (not only because she's totally awesome and amazing, but also because Jena Malone is so chill) Favourite Non-Tribute Characters In No Particular Order: Effie Trinket (Honestly, who doesn't love effie. "THAT IS MAHOGANY!") Haymitch (well he's Haymitch) Buttercup (I'm sorry but I'm totally more of a cat person... still depending on the breed of dog and the breed of cat of course) Prim (Willow Shields for the win!) Random Nonsense Drabbles/Opinions/Info: 1. Can we take a moment and appreciate how amazing the first Hunger Games cast is? Alexander Ludwig, Jack Quaid, Isabelle Furhman, and Jennifer Lawrence are love. 2. How Hunger Games should have progressed: Katniss actually falls in love with Cato and together they take down the capital. Boom. 3. Honestly Marvel is funny and amazing so people should really write more fan fiction about him (Marvel x Katniss for the win! :D) 4. How do they use the bathroom in the arena? Or like how do they get rid of their bodily waste? Because I would not want to do anything on camera. Maybe they get some weird injection that makes their body stop producing waste? I dunno guys. Someone message me if you know the answer because I'm actually legitimately curious. 5. Glimmer is officially the world's biggest ditz. Enough said. 6. I actually wanted to try throwing knives after I saw Isabelle Fuhrman (Clove) do it in the movie 7. Regarding 6, I failed. 8. My Hunger Games fan fiction is also on wattpad, under my other account @infinityfire 9. I've drawn the Hunger Games cast a billion times (check my instagram @infinity_colourz) 10. Hunger Games High School AU fan fiction is cliche, hilarious, and great to read :D Travel Drabbles So I just got back from Japan, and everyone around me is probably totally disappointed to hear this, but the main highlight of my trip was totally... ...the Shounen JUMP shop. It was amazing and now I have 3 anime posters in my room and like a crap load of merchandise so yeah. Here are a few random tidbits (yes, I used that word). 1. Ok so the frequent vending machines are awesome. Like I literally get thirsty, walk like 10 steps, and buy a drink. So not used to vending machines not being around now... 2. To those of you who plan to learn Japanese from anime and use it in Japan, especially those of you Shounen anime watchers like me, my advice would be... proceed with caution. Some phrases are useful, but if you're actually looking to become fluent, well, sports anime characters drop particles left and right and they use a lot of slang. So if you actually go around Japan using those phrases, you're either going to look really weird, really rude, or both. Well actually some might find it quite amusing. 3. I forgot how hot Osaka gets in the summer :( 4. I also forgot how amazing the food is. Trust me, it's good. And I have to say, if you ever go to Japan, Osaka's takoyaki is mmm so good. 5. The train lines are ridiculously sophisticated and efficient there, so if you have to travel to another place, definitely take the train. Only take the shinkansen if you really need to. JR trains are fine. 6. Ok so now I'm going to start discussing the JUMP SHOP. It was honestly... like totally amazing. They have more merchandise than you could ever imagine. There's literally like coasters with kageyama's face on them. I almost bought one. And I was so torn between which characters I wanted to buy merch of, because well budgets ya know. 7. I bought an Aoba Josai t-shirt from the store. I was going to buy a Karasuno shirt but then I realized that more than half of the merchandise I already bought was Karasuno themed so I decided to switch it up. Never made a better decision, the shirt is awesome and I wore it to school and a girl behind me was like 'omg I watch that too'. It was chill. 8. Now I think that half the school thinks I'm weird, because all of my folders are anime themed. Like I have 2 folders of Kageyama and 2 folders of Oikawa and everyone is like "Who the heck is that you're weird". But anyways. 9. Phone charms. Enough said. Mine has Yamaguchi, Kuroo, and a volleyball on it :) 10. Kuroko no basuke fan merchandise is so cool, but the actioin figure of Kagami was 7000 yen (roughly 70 US dollars) so I didn't buy it because like I said guys, budget... 11. I definitely do not have a poster of Niou using Illusion to become Tezuka 12. I also definitely do not have a poster of Kite and Marui right before they play their doubles match against the first string in the Genius 10 OVA. Definitely not. 13. I furthermore did not spend half an hour trying to perfectly hang my Kageyama and Hinata poster. No way would I do that. 14. Ok so moving on to food. Buy green tea kitkats, they are life. My dad stole 3 from me and I almost murdered him. 15. I got a good luck charm at the temple yayyy :) Ok so that's pretty much my entire trip. I totally left out a lot of stuff, but PM me if you have anything to say because I love talking to people :) Have a nice day! ºooººooººooººooººooººooº ЄIЭ Warnings Begin Here! ЄIЭ *Note: Vieux will not write stories involving any of the following: -Romantically mature themes -Incest -Extremely Yandere! Characters -Seriously Offensive Stereotyping -Suicide -Abuse Other than that, I'm pretty open, so feel free to message me with any of your ideas, muses, requests, suggestions, comments, etc.! You can find information about what stories I will betaread on my Beta Profile, which is found by clicking on the red B-like symbol (actually the Beta symbol) on one of the top corners (I believe it's left?). Anyways, scroll up and you'll see it :D |