A/N: Just a small drabble about Atobe and Ryoma over Christmas and Ryoma's Birthday, because Royal pair is my OTP and obviously normal people write Christmas fan fiction in August. This will be a 2 or 3-shot. Enjoy!~

Ryoma dreams often featured three different themes, switching between them every night: Tennis, Atobe Keigo, and Karupin. Sometimes his dreams featured all three.

"Hey, you're pretty good, Seishounen!" Echizen Nanjirou chased after the yellow ball and managed to reach it, though he hit a poor return, resulting in a lob.

Yes, chance ball! He jumped up and smashed it. He could have sworn Karupin, who was watching on the side of the court, had nodded proudly at her master.

40-Love, Echizen Ryoma to serve!

Just one more point and he would beat the old man. Ryoma tossed the ball high into the air, serving a sharp twist serve. Nanjirou easily returned it with a fast ball, which Ryoma used his split step to reach. But as they rallied, he could suddenly feel the fatigue settling in, weighing him down.

The ball was coming. He ran for it, but his legs seemed to be weighed down by blocks of lead, anchoring him and pulling him down, down, down, deeper into the ground.

And suddenly, Keigo is there. Pulling him, pushing him, bending down and unstrapping the heavy weights. He feels like he's flying, reaching for the ball-

"Oi! Seishounen! Time to wake up! Now get your butt down here for breakfast!"

Ryoma groaned and rolled over sleepily. "Just.. just… one more point…Keigo…"

"Hah? What're ya talkin' about? It's breakfast time!"

Dammit, it was just a dream. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, vaguely feeling something soft and furry prodding his side. As his room slid into focus and unblurred, he saw Karupin, paw outstretched, draped across his stomach.

"Karupin, couldn't you have waited a few seconds?" Ryoma scowled. "I saw Monkey King, and was about to beat my father."

With that, he changed into a t-shirt and some baggy shorts, feeling slightly dizzy from standing up too quickly. Yawning, he was about to exit his room when Karupin darted in front of him, weaving through his legs. "What do you need now?"

He watched as the Himalayan cat padded softly over to his desk, leaping gracefully onto the chair. Sighing, he followed, wondering what was up. The cat pointed a fluffy paw at his calendar. Ah yes. It was Christmas soon, and he still didn't have a good gift for his boyfriend. Oh, and the Seigaku regulars too of course. There was a gift exchange today, including all the Hyotei, Rikkaidai, and Seigaku regulars. Each person was supposed to purchase 7-8 presents, and some secret santa system would apparently be arranged. He couldn't care less, except for the fact that Keigo was supposed to arrive in time for it as well.

He felt a sudden adrenaline rush at the thought of Atobe returning from his business affairs in England. Better go shopping then. Not that he would ever admit he put any effort whatsoever into the gift. No, he would insist that it was just something he happened to come across and pick up.

Breakfast and chores passed by in a blur. An unfortunate blur. A blur partially because everything was reminding him of a certain Atobe Keigo, and partially because he caused so many accidents and everyone was so mad he would really rather not remember anything.

After accidentally over-watering his mother's rose flowers (Keigo had brought him a dozen red roses before leaving to England, which he kept, despite repeatedly claiming they were hideous and an eyesore), breaking three porcelain plates (Keigo preferred glass plates anyways), and cutting his ring finger four times while chopping raw mushrooms (they were Keigo's least favourite vegetable anyways), he was quickly kicked out of the house and told to do his Christmas shopping.

And to take his mind off of his boyfriend.

Ryoma scoffed, staring at the wooden door that had just closed right in his face. He definitely did not "have it bad", as brother proclaimed.

Strolling up and down the streets of Tokyo, shivering slightly in the cold, he sat down on a park bench to ponder over what he should purchase for Keigo. He began mentally brainstorming about Atobe.

Let's see… narcissistic, rich, arrogant, rich, flamboyant, rich… rich… rich…

He sighed. That was the bottom line of the issue. Keigo was, undoubtedly, rich. Which meant he had everything. And anything he didn't have, as soon as he desired it, he could call one of his many, many servants to go buy it.

Which meant that Ryoma would have to get him something priceless. As in, something that couldn't be bought no matter how much money one owned. Not something priceless because it was super expensive. He was broke anyways.

Easier said than done. The first thing that had popped into his mind was something handmade.

It must be said, however, that despite being a prodigy in many aspects, he had no talent whatsoever in arts or crafts. If he made something, would Keigo even like it?

He might possibly find it cheap, gaudy, distasteful, un-beautiful, disgusting, the list continued for miles in Ryoma's mind. Somewhere, in the back of his brain, small voices were reminding him of the impending gift exchange, and that he had to purchase presents for all the regulars as well. But he needed to find the perfect gift for the monkey king first.

Wait. Ha.

Ryoma smirked. He had an idea.

15 minutes later, he exited the children's department store, feeling triumphant and victorious at locating what he needed.

First stop, Hyotei.