Author has written 8 stories for Final Fantasy I-VI, Legend of Dragoon, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X, and Invader Zim. Updated: le 22 avrilIt's the year 2003! Wow! I have an account at Deviant Art now! My nickname is Fausta, as ya can guess if you know me. Check out my stuff if you have the time! MY MESSAGES: Why are you continuing to look through my profile?? What is your interest? What do you wanna know!? Aggghh!! ...Whatever, I guess. Lol. NOTA BENE: You see my e-mail adress there?? That, dearies, is my NAME. Yeah, yeah, my last name is weird, I know. And don't worry about the pronunciation! I've heard about six different ways people've said it. Oy. CURRENT QUOTE: MY CURRENT OBSESSION: Ooh, check out some fics of some of my fave authors, ya don'tcha? Them's some GOOD authors!! Ah, keep the language Latin alive, everyone! I must say this! I love Latin! It's eliminated in our lousy high school now though. But that will not stop me! Mwa hahaaha!!! I will take it in college, or something! Sigh, I CAN'T learn Latin from Gaius Stern after all... My parents will NOT take me to U.C. Berkeley to learn a language they deem unnecessary. *grumble* I registered as an author because I like fanfiction. Yeah! And I love to write, even though I'm rather bad at it. But, I can't get any better by griping. I need practice, right?? --Fausta |