Author has written 4 stories for Janet Evanovich. Hey - I'm a student living in the UK, but this being my last year before I'm going to university, I don't really have time to write much anymore - sorry! Exams and silly things like that keep getting in the way. :P So enjoy what's up, especially the shorts, but I can't make any promises as to if or when I'll update! Keep meaning to go back to it, but if I do, it'll possibly be another short, a new shortish story or possibly 'The Bathroom Wall'. With regards to books, I read a huge range of things (recently its been mainly philosophy stuff for my course next year!), including humour, crime, fantasy and general fiction, Iain Banks as possibly my favourite author. Most of the fanfiction I read is either Harry Potter (Lucius/Narcissa) or Janet Evanovich (Steph/Ranger, though a couple of stories have almost converted me to Lester... you know who you are!). I don't review as much as I should (especially with regards to the plee below, but that was written a couple of years ago lol), so if I do, take it as a compliment, because I don't tend to review stories that don't stand out for me! (also if you're on my author/story alert, obviously I like you lol. Just don't have enough time to review every time!) Cheers to all who write for such fab stories! BoS xx last updated: Jan 2007 Please review my stories! When I first joined this site, I rarely left reviews, but now having written and posted some of my own work, I realise how important feedback is. Make my day and review! Please! :) Links - websites I'd definately recommend |