Potions and Snitches New Fics
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Joined 09-14-04, id: 671326, Profile Updated: 03-06-16

We would just like to give a big thank you to the many wonderful authors who make Potions and Snitches possible!

Potions and Snitches (P&S)

A fandom community dedicated to Harry Potter and Severus Snape in Gen relationships: Father and Son, teacher and student, Master and Apprentice, Guardian, Mentor, Canon and Enemy situations. Features a Fanfiction Archive, communities and more. Ratings G-R (K-M), No SS/HP slash.


Now Features:

- Fanfiction Archive
- Challenges
- Website Forum
- Yahoo Group
- LJ Community
- P&S C2 Group
- P&S C2 Group: New Stories
- P&S C2 Group: Transfer Stories
- P&S C2 Group: Story Watch
- Fanfiction.net Forum
- Chat room
- Round Robins on the archive
- Abandoned stories to adopt on the archive
- Links (other fanfiction archives, Snape and Harry Gen C2 Groups, story rec sites, groups, resources, alternate reading)

- Promote Us! (Banners and Icons)

FYI: The "Severitus Challenge" was first started in the early 2000's by the author Severitus (yes, that's her fanfiction.net penname) in which:

Severus Snape must be revealed to be Harry's father, Remus Lupin must have returned to Hogwarts for some reason or another, Harry must undergo some progressive physical change starting on his birthday, the story must be based mostly around Harry and Snape, and more rules here: http:///thechallenge.htm

The term "Severitus" is often mistakenly used for any story where Snape is Harry's father. The correct name for a story like that would be "Snape is Harry's Father" or even "Sevitus" (a P&S term) if they are biologically father and son. Please don't use the term "Severitus" for anything other than a "Severitus Challenge" response.

Potions, Snitches, and Unlikely Relations: Jan's List of Harry Potter Fanfiction

A guide of sorts listing 800 fics, the large majority revolving around Severus Snape and Harry Potter in Gen relationships.



P&S was first started and is now run by Jan_AQ, also known on FFN as Padawan Jan AQ, with website space and help by animealam.

If you have a story that you feel belongs on one of the Potions and Snitches C2 groups and it isn't on it already then please e-mail Jan and let her know.

If you know of a story that is on the Story Watch C2 group, or the New Stories C2 group, that you think should be moved to the main C2 group, then please leave a message about it here.

If you would like to be staff on one of the C2 groups then please send an e-mail with a little bit about yourself. It is very likely that you will be added.

Authors on the Favorites list here are just some of the authors who write P&S type stories, I wanted to add everyone but I ran out of room at 101, hopefully I can more later.

AngelZash (24)
Ankha (16)
Awahili (100)
candledot (10)
CBeMe (4)
Cynara (3)
enahma (16)
enb2004 (2)
Gia (20)
goratea (0)
Gusha (4)
Howl (16)
Indarae (26)
JiM1 (9)
Jocelyn (35)
jona (14)
Kyros (2)
LAXgirl (32)
Lisa13 (1)
LizBee (65)
Mel J1701 (21)
Mikee (12)
Moxy (0)
P.L.S (81)
penpunk (6)
Questie (1)
rayvern (9)
Saimhe (9)
Seal1 (8)
Tantz (9)
Vain (36)
Manager of:
Community: Potions and Snitches: New Stories
Focus: Books Harry Potter

Staff of:
  1. Potions and Snitches
    Books Harry Potter
  2. Potions and Snitches: Story Watch
    Books Harry Potter
  3. Potions and Snitches: Transfer
    Books Harry Potter