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Joined 02-04-03, id: 338058
I still live in the country with two dogs, two cats, three horses and a goldfish named Roxy, but I recently bought her a pal, Velma. (Velma and you get the connection? Don't worry if you don't, know one else does.)

I spend a great deal of time writing and reading. My favorite places in the world are book stores and libraries. I have an aversion to telemarketers and Reality TV shows.

I enjoy HP fanfiction writen by talented and creative writers. I by no means consider myself one of them. I write for fun and have punctuation issues. *grin*

Because I love to read children's literature and love it when other author's list their favorite books I have decided to do the same...

E.L. Konigsburg, A View from Saturday

Marguerite de Angeli, The Door In The Wall

Just about anything by Robin McKinley.

Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden (My all time favorite) and The Little Princess.

Conrelia Funke, The Thief Lord and Inkheart.

J.K. Rowling, All five books so far (Azkaban is my favorite.)

Very odd book called The Thief of Always by Clive Barker. (I like this because it's so out's like dreaming while you're wide awake.)

Susan Cooper, just about everything she's written.