![]() Author has written 27 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, Saiyuki, Hobbit, and Lord of the Rings. (In response to a lovely review I received from a guest I have to admit that the lovely picture of King Thranduil holding baby Legolas (characters in The Hobbit) was unfortunately not done by me. My artistic talents are more on the musical/singing and literary side. The artwork was done by harmonia3784 and can be seen at Deviant Art.) Losing myself in a good story is something I have always enjoyed, regardless of whether that story is in the form of a book, movie or TV show. My taste in novels is extremely varied - I love JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Jane Austen, Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Georgette Heyer, Charles Dickens, Baroness Orczy's The Scarlet Pimpernel series, plus a host of many others. TV Shows that I enjoy are The Blacklist, The Mentalist, Boston Legal, Castle, Buffy, MASH, Batman, The Goodies, Doctor Who (the classic series!), Star Trek and quite a few others. I have so many favourite movies that I couldn't possibly list them all. Suffice it to say that I like my movies to have decent story-lines and wonderful characters. If they are movies based on a book I really prefer it if they stick as close to the book as possible. I also enjoy Japanese anime/manga, my favourite is definitely Saiyuki followed closely by Maid Sama, Kamisama Kiss, Pretear, Orphen, Full Metal Panic and Full Metal Alchemist. The sort of fanfiction I enjoy reading are: Harry Potter - Harry/Hermione romance, fatherly Severus (or at least being protective of Harry!) LOTR & The Hobbit - Legolas & Eowyn, caring & protective Thranduil (as he is in the books - not that travesty in the movies!! Although Lee Pace did do an awesome job in the role, it's a shame they didn't give him a script to match his performance!) Castle - Richard C & Kate Doctor Who - (these are not romantic pairings!) Sarah Jane Smith & any Doctor, Tegan/Five Buffy - Buffy/Spike (I can't stand the thought of Buffy and Angel together!) Pride & Prejudice - Elizabeth & Mr Darcy (of course!) Gone With the Wind - Rhett & Scarlett Saiyuki - Sanzo & Goku (as a parent/child relationship) I wrote my first fanfic after seeing an episode of Buffy (not realising that other people did the same thing!) and I then went on to write other works in the world of Harry Potter and Saiyuki, although none of these had ever been "published" online before until I put them up on this site. I then was inspired to write some stories in the world of Tolkien's Middle Earth (mainly to try and rectify some of the damage done to my favourite character Thranduil by Peter Jackson and his crowd in their movies). With my fanfiction work I am never too graphic with any violent scenes, nor do I put explicit sexual scenes in them. I do not write slash, nor do I read it. I also try not to put profanities into my stories (unless I am writing a character that uses it in canon, even then I am careful not to overuse it!). I have written my first novel (unpublished) which I am hoping will be the first of a trilogy. I plan on working a bit on my second novel before starting the process of finding a publisher. When I upload a story I certainly do not expect everyone to like it (or even read it). However should someone read one of my stories I would prefer that any criticism be constructive and not a personal diatribe about my intelligence or taste in pairing. If another writer writes a story that is excessively AU, has a slash pairing and/or makes a character act completely contrary to their canon self without putting the appropriate warning in the summary then I will criticise this in a comment as I believe that these sorts of things should be put at the start of a story so that any reader will know what to expect in the story and therefore not suffer any disappointment when they read something that either shocks or upsets them. I will therefore always put a warning at the start of my stories so any reader will know what to expect. If you do like my stories, please let me know and what it is in particular that you like about them as this will assist me in improving my skills and encourage me in my future writing. Although please note that although I have written several pieces of fanfiction I will be concentrating on original ideas in the future with maybe only the very rare new piece of fanfiction, and as I am pedantic about details and only ever want to upload a finished story these may take a while to appear. :) |