Author has written 34 stories for Stargate: Atlantis, X-Files, Stargate: SG-1, Friends, and Harry Potter. Hello fellow readers, writers, and haters of weird ships. My name is Liz. Well, not exactly, but it's a long story I don't want to go into right now. But please call me Liz, because I do like that name, and saying 'DanielFactoid' is just weird. I am 13 years old! Woot! Birthday on December 13th! That's right, do your math, I was born on Friday the 13th. Whoo spooky, eh? I'm in eighth grade and there's an enormous amount of homework, so I cannot write as often as I used to. It's sadder for me than you, believe me. Things I love to write about -"Friends" (mainly Chandler, CM, CR, or RR stories) -"Gilmore Girls" (butI suck at it) -Not much else, though I would love to write a "Chicago" fic someday. Things I love to read about -"Friends" (usually light-hearted CM, Chandler, RR, JP, or CR fics. As much I love to write drama, I don't usually like to read it). -"Stargate SG-1" (only if it has nothing to do with anything) -"Gilmore Girls" (if it's funny, and it's LL. I do not read Rory fics) Authors that come to mind that I adore -Leondra, of course. Queen of the Universe. -lupinsmoon, ma Amy! -greenish orange (omg love all the stories) -spacemonkey! Ma Corina! -EclecticTrekker (just 'cause I'm frickin related to you) Traits to ignore about me -my tendency to leave really, really, REALLY long reviewsif I am obsessed with your story -I'm a ditz! Ha! -My tendency to talk about how great Matthew Perry is -I also tend to not read a lot of drama and angst, which sucks for me, because I know you've all got enormous talent. Please send me an email if there is any story that you absolutely love to death and give me a link to it! Or, if you wrote that story, send me an email saying: READ MY GODDAMN STORY. And I just might. -I'm like a gnat, meaning, I'm annoying. Just ignore me. -Do NOT get me started on Snape. He's NOT evil, and that's my last word. Stories that come to mind that I am obsessed with -TOW The Christmas Present -TOW The Auction -TOW All the Ping-Pong -Love Actually -TOW Chandler's Chance -TOW Monica's Lesson -... and all fun fics TV Shows I love -"Friends" -"Gilmore Girls" -"Good Eats" -"Will& Grace" -"Yes, Dear" Bands I love -Green Day -The Killers -The Beatles -Smashmouth -Maroon5 -Good Charlotte -Bowling for Soup -Simple Plan -Howie Day Favorite "Friends" season and eps Best Season: 6 or 8 Why: Well, it used to be 5, but I've seen them so many times... I don't like 2 and 3, for several reasons. 1- Richard. 2- Matthew Perry was struggling with addiction problems, and it hurts me to watch himself. 3- I love R/R, but I love it more when they're not together. I know, weird. Best episode in each season: TOW The Birth, TOW The Prom Video, TOA The Beach, TOW The Jellyfish, TOW Everyone Finds Out, TOW Phoebe Runs (or TOW Unagi or TOW That Could Have Been, pts 1 and 2), TOW All the Cheesecakes, TOW Chandler Takes a Bath, TOW Emma Cries, The Last One, pts 1 and 2. Misc. I'm not a big SG-1 fan anymore, because I hate the 9th season and I dunno... just losing the interest. I'm more in love with "Friends", though. It's a wonderful show, people, it really is. As funny as "Seinfeld", but it's just got more heart. Oh yes, and I'm madly in love with Chandler Bing. He's so sweet! "Friends" is also great for fic writing, because those episodes could be twisted into AUs, or you could go into some big dramatic thing (ha! "What If" is my example), or you could write a romantic little Mondler standalone. Great show. My favorite characters are, in order: Chandler, Rachel, Monica, Ross, Phoebe, Joey. I love them all, though... :sigh: OK, and "Friends" pairings that I love to read or write: Mon/Chan (friend or love), Rach/Chan (oh, gosh, anything with them is great, just bring it on), Ross/Rach (friend or love), Phoebe/Mike (love! so cute!), Phoebe/Joey (friend or love), Monica/Ross (friend ones, obviously, because love's just sick), Joey/Chan (friend; I HATE SLASH!), Rach/Mon (friend, because, yet again, I HATE SLASH!). Gilmore Girls is awesome too, I'm just waiting for the new season... :sigh: Oh, I love Luke. Harry Potter is my life. Honestly... I can't say enough about it. I love Lupin and Snape, though. Harry's much better in HBP than he was in OotP, and Ron and Hermione BELONG TOGETHER! I think that's all. Oh, yeah... one last thing. The choice between a meatball sub and Ross? Go with the sub... Just joking! The Story of why I'm not updating my stories (IMPORTANT) -SG-1 stories: I don't like the show anymore, folks. One day, I may continue. IF YOU WANT AN SG-1 STORY, PLEASE EMAIL ME. -GG stories: Writer's block. -Friends stories: Writer's block/ I don't have enough time. Harry Potter is the best frigging thing on this planet! I love Matthew Perry! I'm marrying Lupin! (randomness) "Oh, it was horrible. He called me young lady." "I hate it when my father calls me that." -Rachel and Chandler, first season, him proving that he's slightly immature (coughslightly?cough) Chandler progresses to... "I love my wife more than anything in this world, and it kills me that I can't give her a baby." -Chandler, tenth season, proving that he's the sweetest man in the world UPDATE! I have an LJ! It's: http:///users/lupin_with_love! Stop by sometime, please! And I have a lovely new partner in the graphic-making business: Ashlie! Whee! |