Here's the last part, sobs. Anyway thank you all very much for all the reviews!

P.I.D.- I'm glad you liked this and found it funny! Oh and corny is good sometimes!

Right, please read and review and let me know what you think!


With Her

Chandler moaned as he slowly opened his eyes, he was startled to see Joey stood over him. He would have cried out but his throat was so soar that he couldn't. He was relieved when the rest of his friends appeared, glad it wasn't another dream or that the nightmare had came true.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Monica asked gently.

Chandler mumbled something that they couldn't understand.

"Do you want anything?" Rachel questioned. Chandler just shook his head.

"So, did it hurt?" Joey asked.

"JOEY!" Monica and Rachel both slapped him.

"Ow!" Joey rubbed his arm.

"Did that hurt?" Chandler finally managed to talk, causing Joey to glare at him.

"You can talk then?" Ross added. "Thought for a moment there, they might have removed your tongue."

"Feels like they have…" Chandler moaned.

"Aww…don't worry, you'll feel better soon." Rachel told him.

Chandler sighed and leaned back against the pillow, closing his eyes again.

"You want us to leave you to get some rest?" Phoebe asked.

"No, I'm glad you guys are here…" Chandler replied, a small smile playing on his lips.

They all exchanged looks as he fell back to sleep.

"Okay, what the hell did he dream about?" Ross asked.

"I dunno…." Monica shrugged. "But I think it really freaked him out."

"Chandler freaks about everything!" Joey exclaimed.

The other rolled their eyes and continued to watch Chandler sleep.


Later that day, everyone had gone home, leaving Chandler alone to eat his dinner. He poked at it in disgust. He hadn't eaten anything all day and was beginning to get a little hungry but didn't want to risk eating the meal. The nurse had promised him ice cream for desert but only if he ate all of his dinner, as if he as a little kid. He would have made some kind of sarcastic remark but ice cream did sound appealing.

"Hey!" Rachel grinned as she walked into his room.

"Hey, what you doing here?" Chandler asked, wondering why she had returned so soon and alone.

"Oh, I thought you might like some of this…" She pulled out a small pot of Jello. "That's all I ate when I had my tonsils out."

He looked at her and then down at his un-touched dinner. "Have I ever told you, how much I love you!"

Rachel laughed has he pushed his dinner away and reached for the jello eagerly.

"I'm glad I can be of some use." She replied as he took a spoonful of it, letting it slip easily down his throat.

"So, why you really here?" Chandler asked after a couple more mouthfuls.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, Rach….I know that's something more to this visit other then jello."

"Alright, yeah okay, there is…" Rachel sighed. "It's about something you mentioned earlier…well I think you did…you were pretty out of it…"

"Rach!" Chandler cut off her ramble.

"Oh yeah, sorry…Well, you said something about a pool game…"

"A pool game?" Chandler raised an eyebrow, he knew what she was talking about but didn't want to go into details about how he knew about it.

"Yeah…" Rachel nodded and Chandler just shrugged. "Okay, never mind."

Chandler gave her a small smile and returned to eating. He sighed after the couple of minutes of silence.

"Why did you leave Barry?" He suddenly asked.


"Why did you leave Barry?" He repeated.

"Well, I umm…I didn't love him."

"But you agreed to marry…why did you decide you leave when you did?"

"I don't know…" Rachel stuttered, looking at him curiously. She gasped and pointed at him accusingly. "You do know about the pool game!"

"So it's true?" Chandler questioned. "You thought Monica and I were a couple."

"How the hell did you find out?!" Rachel demanded. "I never told anyone about that!"

"But I'm right, yeah?"

"Yes, Chandler you're right!" Rachel rolled her eyes. "But I'm not the only one, everyone else thought you were a couple to!"

"I know.." Chandler nodded.


"I just saw everything from a different point of view."


"Never mind." He shook his head. "But I'm glad you never married Barry… at least now you don't have to go to boring parties and you can go roller skating whenever you like."

"Roller Skating?" Rachel repeated, looking at him strangely. "Okay, I'm getting a doctor."

"What? Why?" Chandler frowned.

"You've gone all weird…I think all those drugs they gave you, is doing something to your brain."

"Rachel, I'm not going mad!" Chandler insisted. "I just had a strange dream…"

"Yeah, we figure that out when he found you passed out on Monica's bed." Rachel replied. "What was it about."

"Okay but you promise you won't laugh?"

"Sorry, I don't guarantee anything…."


"Alright, alright…I promise." Rachel told him, she sighed when he continued to look at her doubtfully. "I swear! Girl Scouts' honour."

"You were in the Girl Scouts?" Chandler asked surprised.

"Well, yeah only for a few weeks…stupid Sarah James telling them I got my Dad to buy all my candy bars…I mean, god! I could have won…" Rachel rambled again, forgetting about what they were meant to be talking about.


"Oh, yeah sorry…" She smiled sheepishly.

"Anyway…I had this dream, that I died…"

"Who dies from having their tonsils out?!" Rachel interrupted causing Chandler to glare at her. "You were you saying?"

"Well, Joey came but he said he wasn't Joey, he was my guardian angel Tony…" Chandler started. "so, he used me all these clips of you guys and all."

"What sort of clips?"

"Well, there were some of what all your lives were like if you hadn't met me…"

"Wow, really?"

"Yeah, apparently if you hadn't seen me and Mon in the bar that night you would have married Barry."

"Well, yeah…that sounds about right." Rachel admitted.

"What?!" Chandler asked. "You can't be serious."

"I know it sounds dumb but I really did think that you and Monica were a couple…" Rachel explained. "And I realised that what I had with Barry was nothing like what you guys had and it made me see that we could have never worked."


"Yeah, I guess I should thank you…" She laughed slightly.

"But me and Monica are just friends…how come you thought we were together?"

"Chandler, you do realise the way you act around each makes you look like a couple?"

"So people keep telling me." Chandler sighed.

"Look, you guys are close." Rachel shrugged. "You always have been and always will be."

"But that doesn't mean we're a couple!"

"I know that." Rachel replied. "But you would be cute together."



"You said we would be cute together!"

"Well, you would!" Rachel admitted.

"But we're friends!"

"So can you honestly say that you don't want nothing more? That you've never even thought about it?" Rachel asked, she grinned widely when he fell silent. "Oh my god!! You do!! You like her!"

"Well..It…I..ummm…" Chandler stuttered.

"This is so great!!" Rachel said excitedly. "OH! You guys can be double date, with me and Ross….Oh and we'll be related if you marry Mon and I marry Ross…"

"Hey, excuse me…" Chandler waved his hand in front of her face to get her attention.

"Sorry, got a bit carried away there."

"I'll say…" Chandler took a deep breath.

"So, what are you going to do?"

"About what?" Chandler frowned, finishing off his jello.

"You and Monica! DUH!"

"I don't know….nothing probably."

"What!? You can't tell me you have feelings for her and then do nothing about it!"


"If you don't tell her, I will…" Rachel told him. "And y'know I will…I'm the queen of gossip."

"Don't you dare!" Chandler warned.

"What you going to do about it?"

"I'll tell Ross what happened when you came to visit us in college." Chandler threatened.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me!"

"Alright, fine! I won't tell her!" She sat down in defeat. "But just think about it, okay?"

"What's there to think about?" Chandler shrugged, looking down at his bed. "She's my best friend."

"Exactly, you guys would be so great together!"

"You don't know that."

"Yes, I do!" She told him. "You two are always consoling each other about bad dates and whatever, you make each laugh, you can talking about anything…I bet there's stuff that you know about her that I don't…"

"Yeah, so why should I risk what I have for something that might not work?"

"And what if it does?" She replied. "Look, Chandler you and Monica have such a strong friendship that even if for some reason it didn't work you'll be able to get over it and still be there for each other."

"Yeah, I guess…"

"Why don't you just think about it…." Rachel started but was cut off by a nurse coming into the room.

"You haven't even touched your dinner!" She shook her head. "Alright, but that means no ice scream."

Chandler frowned as she walked out and then shot Rachel a pleading look.

Rachel rolled her eyes and sighed loudly as she produced another pot of jello and handed it to him. "That's the last one…I gotta go and met Ross, I'll see you later."

"Okay thanks, Rach…" He grinned at her. "For everything."


Chandler was allowed to go home the next morning and spent most of the time eating jello and ice cream and watching cartoons. Rachel tried talking to him again but he kept changing the subject so in the end she just dropped it.

Soon the whole gang were sat around in the girls' apartment like normal. Joey starred at the ice cream tub that was on the coffee table, wondering how he could grab it without anyone noticing; last time he tried, Chandler hit him with his spoon and Monica shouted at him because Chandler was ill and he wasn't.

"Who wants to order a pizza?" Ross asked the others, looking suspiciously at Joey as he continued to eye up the ice cream.

"Sounds good…" The others agreed.

"Umm, Mon?" Chandler asked quietly, hoping the others wouldn't overhear them.


"You wanna come over to my place?" He looked around and was grateful that everyone seemed to interested in their conversations.


"I got sort of a surprise…"

"Really?" she couldn't help but smile when he nodded. "Chandler, you're blushing."

"You coming?" He asked, standing up, ignoring her comment.

"Yeah, sure…"

"Where you going?" Rachel questioned.

"Dunno, it's a surprise…" Monica shrugged causing everyone to look curiously at Chandler.

"Alright, then… we'll see you guys later!" Chandler stated, grabbing Monica's hand and pulling her out of the apartment before they could ask any more questions.

"What was all that about?" Ross asked the others once they had left.

"He's going to do it!" Rachel grinned. "Oh my god, he's actually going to do it!"

"Do what?"

"He's going to tell her!"

"Are you serious?!" Phoebe replied excitedly, immediately getting what she was talking about.

"Yeah, we were talking about it in the hospital!"

"This is so great!"

"What's great?" Joey asked, who had just started listening to the conversation and had a mouthful of ice cream.

Rachel shook her head at him. "Chandler going to tell Monica, he has feeling for her."

"What?! Really? How come I didn't know that?"

Ross laughed and they all looked at him. "Come on, Chandler and Monica. No way!"

"Way, dude!" Joey said.

"No way!"


"No way!"

"No way!" Joey said.

"Way!" Ross replied. "Damn it!"


Meanwhile, Chandler told Monica to wait outside in the hall as he rushed inside his apartment. A few minutes later he re-appeared and opened the door to her.

"Chandler, what's going on?" She asked as he let her in. She turned and looked at him when she saw a table for two set up, a candle flickering in the centre was the only light in the room.

"I thought we could have dinner…" He whispered, stepping closer to her.

She stared up at him, wondering what had gotten into him. She gave him a small smile when he lead over to the table and pulled out her chair. "Thank you."

He grinned at her and moved back to the counter. He picked up their meal and place on plate down in front of her.

She looked down and laughed. "Jello?"

"Well, yeah because, 1- I can't cook….2- I can't eat much else and 3- Rachel seems to have lot of the stuff for some reason." He frowned as he stated the last reason, wondering where Rachel got it all from and why.

"Well, okay I guess its better then nothing." She grinned again and picked up her spoon.

"I'm glad you approve."

They both fell silent, taking small mouthfuls before Monica spoke. "So, what's going on?"

"I just thought we could have dinner together…" Chandler stuttered.

"No seriously, you've been acting weird since the operation…" Monica told him. "Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong.." He sighed. "But the operation made me realise something."


"How much I care about you…" Chandler said quietly, he glanced up at her when she never spoke. "Look, Mon, you're my best friend…and I don't know when or how but I think I have some kind of feelings for you."

"More then friendship?" Her eyes widened.

Chandler looked down at again and nodded.

"Wow…" Monica mouthed. "I don't know what to say."

"I don't want this to change anything between us, though…" Chandler said quickly. "I just thought you should know…"

"Well, I'm glad you umm…told me…" Monica replied, still slightly shocked by his confusion.

"So, this is kinda like a date thingy?" Monica broke the silence that settled over them a few moments later.

"Well, no…I just wanted to…um…" Chandler struggled to find the rights words. He was beginning to regret ever telling her how he felt.

"I've always wondered what it would be like to go on a date with you…" She admitted interrupting him.

Chandler stopped talking, a smile slowly growing on his face. "Really?"

"Yeah." She smiled back at him before looking down again.

Chandler continued to look at her before getting an idea and jumping up. Monica watched him walk over to the stereo, pressing some buttons until music filled the room.

"You wanna dance?" He asked, holding his arms out to her.

She smiled and nodded as she stood up and walked towards him. They stayed in silence as they swayed gently to 'The Backstreet Boys.'

Remember when, we never needed each other
The best of friends like Sister and Brother

We understood, we'd never be,

Those days are gone, and I want so much
The night is long and I need your touch
Don't know what to say
I never meant to feel this way
Don't want to be
Alone tonight

What can I do, to make you mine
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?

I hear your voice
And I start to tremble
Brings back the child that, I resemble

I cannot pretend, that we can still be friends
Don't want to be,
Alone tonight

What can I do, to make you mine
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?

Oh I want to say this right

And it has to be tonight
Just need you to know, oh yeah

I don't want to live this life
I don't want to say goodbye
With you I wanna spend
The rest of my life

What can I do, to make you mine
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?

What can I do, to make you mine
Falling so hard so fast this time
Everything's changed, we never knew

How did I fall,
in love ,
with you?

The music stopped and so did their movements. Monica slowly lifted her head from his chest to stare into his eyes. They didn't seem to notice how silent the room had become; the only thing they were aware of was each other.

"Did you mean it?" Monica whispered. "Did you mean what you said?"

Chandler licked his dry lips and nodded slightly. She glanced down at his hands that were placed on her hips, holding her closely to him. When she looked back up, she noticed how close they were, their lips millimetres apart.

Chandler kept eyes contact with her as he slowly leaned in, giving her chance to back away if she wanted to. His lips brushed against hers for a seconded before he pulled back to see if it was okay with her. When he saw that her eyes were closed he took it as a sign and leaned in again.

Monica couldn't believe it, all these years she thought that he only cared about her like a friend, that nothing was going to happen between. She had slowly begun to accept that and was happy just to have him in her life. Now she was kissing. She had thought she blown it earlier when he had first confessed by freaking out but then he asked her to dance. She suddenly pulled back and stared at him;

"Tonsillitis is not contagious, is it?"

XxXxX The End XxXxX

There ya go! Its finished, complete, over! Okay, know I'm sad!! So what did ya think?? Please review and let me know! What did you think of the whole story?

For those of you who have asked, I don't know if I'm starting a new series yet. I've got quite a few ideas about what to do but I don't know if I'm going to finish off my other fics first.

Anyway! Thanks for all the great reviews!!