Author has written 4 stories for Fairy Tail. Hi Everyone! Dancing with the Dragon is finished along with the bonus chapter! About this story I'm working on. Well, I'm closing in on being ready to publish it! YEYS! Only it's really dark. Seriously dark. I am worried it will be too dark for FanFiction. I know there aren't a lot of people looking at these profiles, but for those of you who do and actually read this, if you have any suggestions please let me know! So here is a bit about me I'm 24 I recently moved away from living an hour south of the arctic circle. It was way too cold and dark in the winter and my study-time there is over, which also means that I've finished my first bachelor! I'm a girl I recently finished studying sociology and will hopefully soon study linguistics. I very much enjoy to write by hand I sometimes I wish I had more patience to draw I want to learn Chinese, Arabic and Hindu mostly because I'm fascinated by different ways of writing. (Started with Chinese recently. SO MUCH FUN!) I miss my piano although I know that it's not playable anymore I absolutely love the way the King Killer Chronicles are written. Also the different societies are just brilliant. Can't wait for the next book! I used to say that writing is the secret love of my life. Then, a few years ago I decided that, since it wasn't all that secret, it should just be the love of my life. So that's me basically. =D See you soon! |