Author has written 1 story for Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Name: None of your Goddamn business Age: same answer as the first Where do I live: Camp Half-Blood Favourite bands: Potato. Least Favourite: NOTHING. MUSIC IS GUD Overly competitive Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege and Skyforce Annicersary (Long story) player Hi, I'm one of the many individuals hopping to this wonderful website with crazy ideas because of the deprivation of not having a series continued or having a really strong feeling for a pairing and I'm probably rambling because of the distinct lack of any commas or full-stops so I think I should put one here. I'm a male human being and have taken several classes in how to fucking write before coming back to my profile. I took one look at BoT and just... flopped. I need to work harder. My hobbies are gaming, writing, watching cat videos and making rice omelettes. I can speak some languages but can only speak Chinese, Japanese and English fluently just in case any other language-based stories pop up that y'all can't read. I'm also a sucker for the proper punctuation but I'm bound to make a mistake because I'm listening to Somnus from FF15 and am shuddering from the feels. The feels. If anyone wants any ideas, story help, help with life in general I'm here to talk to. I prioritize connecting with readers to make aure that they are personally content with my writing. So I'm taking a look at BoT and. And. And. Fooking flops mate I think BoT is discontinued. I'll just leave this up as a testament as to see how bad I was and always am. Feel free tonread and cringe at my expense UPDATE. I took it down, it's gone forever. I consider this a fresh start New Stories (CLASSIFIED) ;) Extra Stuff Thine soul hath been charged, let thy creed be born: For every PerZoë I write, thou shalt receive three Percianca For every Perlia, thou shalt receiveth two Pertemis I decree this moment to pass, and hath begun thy storytelling I have this theory, it may be weird, it may not. But you know when you lie? And people believe that lie? Isn't that basically, Manipulating the Mist? Like in the books in PJO, they're like, oh, I wasn't passing notes, I was wanting my friend to put a piece of paper in the bin. And they believe that shit? Hell, any good liar (mist manipulator) can do that anyway. so go one, spread the word Also check out IzzyBella12. Honestly, her writing far surpasses my own and her newest story, Apprentice is starting to look real damn awesome. Check it out, you won't be disappointed. I'VE GOT SOMETHING PLANNED AND I'M REALLY HYPED BUT I ALSO NEED TO WRITE BUT I'M A POTATO HELP ME PLS I finally got a ps4 and joined the console peasants Raise arms to victory! |
Izzybella12 (16) | Pluto's Daughter 11 (11) |