HM: Greetings and salutations my pointy-eared people!
Rancess: Hello.
Gin: 'sup?
Melchior: Bonsoir tout le monde.
HM: So, as you can see, this isn't one of my three stories. It's a new one! And better yet, it's a Percy Jackson/Harry Potter crossover! Now I know what you're thinking: "Gods Hylian! We've been waiting forever for a new chapter! And when you finally update, it's this? " Well, my loyal followers, never fear! You shall have your new chapters by mid-November. I'm in the process of writing each of them and already got a good chunk out of the way. Belive me, I'm not even done with half of the stories flying around in my brain. But anyways, without further ado, I present to you this diamond in the rough. I would like to thank JAYDN78 for beta-reading this, I recommend you check out his stories if you like Inheritance Cycle and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Also, let me get this out of the way because I don't wanna say it again: I don't own any of this except for original content. Harry Potter and Percy Jackson belong to J. K. Rowling and Rick Riordan respectively. Thus, without further ado, on with the chapter!
Prologue: Solemn Meetings
[Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Headmaster's Office]
Two people stood before an oaken desk with grave features. One was a woman wearing emerald robes, square-shaped spectacles, and had a stern demeanor. The other was a man wearing black robes, had greasy black hair, and a face devoid of emotion. Seated at the desk was an old man wearing violet robes, a pointed hat, half-moon spectacles, and white hair and beard that disappeared under the desk.
"And you're sure about this Albus?" The stern woman asked. The old man, now known as Albus, nodded solemnly.
"I'm afraid so Minerva," he said, "while he was on his crusade, Voldemort married a witch, who later died after giving birth to her only daughter. The child's whereabouts were unknown, until today." That statement caught the room's other occupants'.
"What do you mean 'until today', professor?" The black-haired man asked. Albus' blue eyes twinkled behind his spectacles.
"It means, Severus, that when his daughter was born, Voldemort cast a Fidelius Charm on her and sent her away from the Wizarding world. However, she has a son, who is of age. Thus, the charm was rendered obsolete and dispelled, so, we were finally able to locate her, and her son." Albus said.
"So you want to enroll him here," Severus guessed. "Where exactly is he?" Severus asked. A small smile made its way to Albus' face.
The reaction was instantaneous. "WHAT?!" Minerva and Severus yelled, startling the red and yellow bird perched next to the desk. Albus seemed unfazed at their outburst.
"Yes, America. New York to be exact." Albus said.
"Albus, how exactly are we going to bring a student from America here?" Severus asked.
A twinkle entered the old man's eyes. "It's simple, Severus. The Floo Network. Minerva, please write his acceptance letter." He said.
Minerva and Severus glanced at each other.
Finally, Minerva signed in resignation. "Albus, one question." She said wearily. "How do you think the students will react when they find out he's... You-Know-Who's grandson?" She asked. Albus' face became solemn and his blue eyes dimmed a bit.
"They must not know. Not yet anyways. The truth will come out, yes, but I would rather it be when the students and staff alike know his character before passing judgment. That is why we shall say that he is an American student who shows more promise studying here than in America. Severus, I need you to go to Gringotts and see if that vault is still untouched. Minerva, once you're done with the letter, bring it to me." He said, his eyes regaining that twinkle.
Minerva gave another sigh of resignation and turned to go. Before she left, though, she asked Albus one more question. "What's his name again?"
Albus smiled at her. "Perseus. Perseus Triton Jackson."
Gin: Well that was...
Melchior: Anticlimactic?
Rancess: Short?
HM: The prologue!
Gin, Rancess, and Melchior: ...
HM: Anyways... yes, that was the prologue. The next chapter will be much longer, promise. So, if you wouldn't mind, please review and tell me what you guys thought about it. Those reviews help me write better and faster. Alright, so, next chapter we arrive in the Jackson household where things go down. See you all next time! Ja ne!