Author has written 14 stories for Batman the Animated Series, Doctor Who, Robotech/Macross, DC Elseworlds, British Comedy, and High Chaparral. Quick bio: You might say I’m an old hand at fanfiction: I’ve been writing it for thirty-something years, long before I even knew what it was much less what it was called. It started out as the desire of a child who was a compulsive reader to READ about the TV characters that she loved. I am multi-fannish, but something of a serial monogamist when it comes to fandoms. Obsessions wax and wane, but the major ones invariably cycle back again. (For example, I have Doctor Who stories written in every decade since the 1980s. No doubt there will be more at some point.) I've spent the last two years sporadically writing an extremely long High Chaparral novel, set after the end of the series. So far I've finished almost ten chapters, and am almost finished with Blue's section. The whole thing will be uploaded slowly, as I don't have internet at home and only occasional access to the library's wi-fi. NOTE: If I don't reply to reviews, it's because I probably won't see them for months, not because I don't care or am being rude. Please don't let it put you off! :) As much as I love the story and the idea, it's unlikely that "Those People at the End of the Drive" will actually ever be finished. My one and only WIP, and it just had to get jossed by new canon TWENTY-FIVE freakin' years after the series ended. Here is a link to the full NC-17 rated version of chapter ten of A Regency Romance: http:///44133.html OR http:///viewstory.php?sid=14111&chapter=10 |