Author has written 7 stories for Inuyasha. I am Satan's Pride.They booted me off because of 'Satan'. WHO GIVES A FUCKING SHIT ABOUT SATAN! If I don't care, that's my buisness, so leave it to my buisness. If I have to be booted off one more time because of my arrogance, I am going to chop FFN down with a scythe. grumbles And I'm going to find the person who reported my account for abuse. I'm just trying to be an artist. Originality is being an artist, and if or anyone else doesn't respect what I think as an artist, than fuck this. I am fourteen, I have another little-kid account here, but I bet you won't find it. I've decided that I wanted to write more mature stories, so here I am. And here I'll stay. No matter how many times I get booted, I'll make a new account and repost all of my fics. So there. Don't even try to compete with me FFN, I'm ready for you. (being booted more than four times has now driven me insane and more) I love all of my reviewers and hold them close. Just to give you a head start, I don't give out my email or AIM, so give up. Okey, so I can't get my 'Suggestions Please' up as a fic, so I'll just put it here. I'm going to do the first chapter to one of these plots, and I'm caught up on which one to do. I won't be here for two weeks. I will get them up here in no time... I'm just too lazy to go down stairs to get them. So far I've done Outlawed temptations which was one of my plots. _ I likey. I recommend you read it. And for all of you Hentais out there, it's loaded. Okay, so for the first Chapter of 'Just Kiss Me' I changed it to PG-13. Once my second part comes out, it'll be rated R for... ah... some cuddling...? So, no one look forward to a lemon until the third and final part is released. For 'Lord of the Shards', I am working my hardest to make this one successful, so just bear with me through the first couple of chapters. For all you Lord of the Rings freaks, The story does include some REAL elvish that I found in the book and translated. When Kagome slays the first Nazgul, she says 'Shadow Begone.' also, I use all of the correct names, searching through the novels. The main Nazgul's name is really Elbereth. (If that's what I said _ I can't remember.) Also, you will see places being called two different things. Like Weather Top is once called Amon Sul. This is what Weather Top is called in the book. I hope you like this fic, because I've worked very hard on it. IT IS RATED 'R' FOR VIOLENCE! Really, do you think I could sink that low? All right, maybe I could, but I won't , so all y'all hentais out there just gotta find another fic. 'Outlawed Temptations' Okey, so I ended it, no biggy. Leaving things like that is the best way to get people to respond. There's nothing that I can still write about between the two lovers, so just look forward to the alternate ending that is coming soon. 'Love Me' I know not many (no one) has read this, but it's quite funny, and I am working on the second chapter now. More food fights to come. AND A KISS! But with who...? Things are not always what they seem. 'Behind Your Eyes' was my first fic on this account, so it is naturally a bit more... amateur. But hey! It was fun writing, and I'm not done with it yet! I wanted to do one with the Anime Kagome for once, concidering I had done so many with the Manga. I like the Manga much better, how ever. BYES NOTICE! I am soon to move to a new penname, leaving my stories behind. My new account will be "NAXUMA" and I will be concentrating on ONE FIC ALONE. ALSO: I WILL BE AWAY FROM THE 9th OF AUGUST TO THE 15th OF THE SAME MONTH 2005. THANK YOU FOR YOUR REVIEWS! 3 |