It's like I totally have to squeeze the reviews out of you! Come on, it can't be that bad, just click on the little button and hit five simple keys: u suk It only takes that much, dearies. You see, I don't particularly care whether or not these things are friendly just as long as they are. Get my gist? Really? You don't? Well, think over the sentence again and may you be terrified my horrible sense of humor. (which includes a rather crude drawing of Kikyou with a chopstick through her head.) -:O looks something like that.

Now that I am done terrifying you, I cannot make anymore replies to reviews because I haven't got any. ;.; the public hates me. Thank you for listening to my borishly obnoxious blubbering, and I will now continue on with the show. JA NE.


Oh, hello. It's so nice to see another familiar face. Here again for our little love story? How charming, I knew I wouldn't be disappointed. The history of the Youkai in Modern day Japan is a dark one. After laws and bills were passed against their existence, they sought shelter underground. For years, they never saw the light of day and communicated only with the Kitsune. Kitsune are fox youkai and use illusion and magic to conceal their true identities. These Kitsune were the only ones capable of venturing outdoors for food and water. Here, in these stinking, dark corridors no more than two dozen Youkai lurked, hiding in fear because it's people had turned against them. Inuyasha's father was one of these survivors.

Here, in the reeking tunnels, youkai mated for one sole purpose: life. The first babe born in the catacombs was a kitsune. Small, frail, malnourished and quivering, the boy was cared for by an entire alliance of youkai. Only did they know that those slim numbers would grow and flourish. In the end, they were not an alliance, but an army. After Inuyasha's father had mated with every female, he chose one of the babes to bear his namesake and his mark. Hence the blue crescent moon that graces Sesshoumaru's face.

After he and his son became united by blood, the Great Inuyoukai took his son to the Kitsune. They were developing something that would be a breakthrough for all of the youkai there. A wearable enchantment. A magical seal that held the illusionary powers of the Kitsune. Only a year after he had been born, Sesshoumaru saw the sun for the first time in his life.


Sesshoumaru shuffled papers calmly, though anger was coursing through his veins. Where was that statement? The important one that Hikaru-san was supposed to collect this afternoon. Usually his desk wasn't this messy but something was nagging him at the back of his mind. It was something important something he'd missed. He continued to rummage through his drawers and folders, not liking the feeling that he had forgotten something. Not at all.

He rubbed the back of his neck and scowled down at the mess before him. What had he possibly forgotten? He shrugged off the sensation and continued to look for his important papers.

Meanwhile, in his office, Inuyasha sat idly, balancing a pen on his upper lip. Underneath his concealment, one of his furry ears twitched. He blinked and fought the instinct to hide. Something was coming. He tried to act normal, as he pushed away from his desk and strolled out of his office. He did not look both ways down the corridor, not wanting to draw attention to himself. Down the hallway, he pushed open his brother's office door.

Kanmaru. It is about lunch time is it not? He asked smoothly. He was sure Sesshoumaru could smell his anxiousness. Inuyasha could sense his brother's discomfort. Sesshoumaru checked his watch, and sighed, getting up from his desk and walking to where his brother stood.

What is it? He asked in an undertone that he was sure only his brother would hear.

They're here.


At lunch, Kagome sat with Sango as they muttered over their meal.

Yeah, so all of my ancestors decades ago were youkai exterminators! Sango said excitedly. The bite of food that Kagome had just put in her mouth blocked the surprised Oh!' that came up her throat. Sango looked at her.

You okay, Kags? Choke on something?

Kagome shook her head no', chewed and swallowed. I just didn't think... you know... It's such cold-blooded work! Kagome fought out, trying not to offend her new and only friend.

Sango blinked, then laughed. No, Kagome, we weren't anywhere near the ones today! We exterminated youkai that only harmed humans. Usually, we left the others alone.

Kagome felt stupid for blurting out how she felt about Onii-san. She said, poking her rice with her chopsticks.

Sango smiled and took another bite of sushi before speaking. I know what you mean, at this, she lowered her voice. I think it's wrong. And so does everyone in our group of friends. Two of them are- She cut herself off and pretended like she had to sneeze. Kagome got the gist right away.

You mean-Yup. Just don't tell anyone. I feel bad enough telling you. She said, wiping her mouth. Kagome was about to tell her about Yumi, when the same boy from that morning who had been ogling her chest walked up to their table.

How are you doing today, ever more lovely Sango? He said in a slightly sarcastic tone. Sango glared up from her pocky.

Oh, do be quiet, Miroku. You're making a fool of yourself. She said simply, munching on her chocolate-dipped biscuits. Kagome sniggered into her fried pork sandwich.


Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru made their way calmly out of the office. Sesshoumaru waved to the secretary, who blushed furiously and pretended she was busy, and the two entered the elevator. When the door had closed, they turned to face each other, almost identical looks of triumph on their faces. But halfway down to the lobby, they heard a loud scream and the deafening sound of gunshots. Stepping out of the small contraption, they muttered to each other, questioning the queer sounds coming from floor 9.

Quickly, but trying not to look suspicious, they made their way to the car and hopped inside. Sesshoumaru shoved the key in the ignition and revved the engine loudly, before speeding off towards home.
Back in the building, men hovered around a fallen youkai. Smiling to each other and laughing jokingly, they thanked the office employees for their time and assured that the mess would be cleaned up before 3 pm. With that, they left the body, still congratulating each other on the excellent kill.

The secretary was trembling so hard she thought she was going to fall right out of her chair and she was surprised that she didn't. The body on the floor belonged to her cubicle neighbor Yumiko. Before she could get herself together and tell herself that Onii-san knew what he was doing, fat hot tears rolled down her blush cheeks. They had been friends through high school and college.


Inuyasha was pacing his living room floor and Sesshoumaru was situated comfortably on the couch. How could they infiltrate our systems! It's nearly impossible to sense a youkai aura in a building like ours! He ran his fingers through his ebony hair. It was too risky to drop the disguise incase they were being watched. The only other youkai on our floor was... was Yumiko. He dropped the hand that had been combing through his hair and flopped onto the opposite chair of where Sesshoumaru was sitting.

I'm just as confused as you are, Yutaka... It seems that they have improved their homing devices. It will be harder for us to pass off as humans from now on... He sighed and put his face in his hands. Yumiko was one of the last female inuyoukai in our area.You were going to mate her, weren't you? Inuyasha said quietly, resting his elbows on his knees and placing his fingertips together.

Sesshoumaru was silent for a moment. Yes, I was.

Inuyasha couldn't help the blush that tinged his ears. He had never mated any one before. Kanmaru... What would father say if I took a human as a mate? His blush deepened. For most youkai, it was a horror to ever dream of mixing youkai and human blood. But then again, Inuyasha himself was a mix of youkai and human blood.

This was a sensitive subject for his brother and he could almost feel the tension in the air. He would smile. Sesshoumaru said. Not looking at his younger sibling, he got up and went to make another strong brew of coffee.

Inuyasha sat for a long moment, thinking about what his brother had said. Was it true? Would his father stay tightlipped, but smile? Inuyasha shook his head and tried to rid himself of the headache that was creeping up on him like a predator in the dark. He tried not to think about the mysterious girl Kagome. How her eyes shone with some dark secret. How her hair, tangled, still managed to look shiny and smooth. He closed his eyes and tried to picture her again, standing there. She had been wearing a large t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, but under all those clothes Inuyasha could tell she was curvy and sweet.

He opened his eyes again and got up and looked out the kitchen window next to where Sesshoumaru was making coffee with a vengeance. Leaning against the window frame, he peered stealthily into what looked like her living room. Sesshoumaru looked over at him with a slightly amused expression on his face.

Who is she? Inuyasha was snapped out of his thoughts by his brother who was staring at him with some kind of mischief glinting in his eyes.

I said, who is she?'. Sesshoumaru said, a smirk gracing his lips. Inuyasha glared at his haughty older brother and looked back out the window before replying

Kagome Higurashi. Niece of the witch who lives next door.

Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes and gave his brother a knowing look. She's a ningen? Is she pretty?

Inuyasha paused before answering. Yes, she was beautiful. But there was something else that drew him to her more than any girl he had ever met. And that was saying something, being a son of the great Takahashi. Yeah, I guess she's pretty... But that's not really why I like her.

Sesshoumaru raised one of his perfect eyebrows. Oh? Do enlighten me.

Inuyasha sighed and pulled away from the window. There's something in her eyes. Something painful. Something that gives her fire. He shook his head. I dunno. There's something different about her.

Sesshoumaru took the coffee out of the machine and poured two steaming mugs. Take this. You'll need it. He said, a slight smile playing on the corners of his mouth. Inuyasha gave a kind of confused grin in return and accepted the coffee gratefully.


Kagome waited patiently for the bell to ring so that she and Sango could walk home together. Surprisingly enough, Sango lived only a couple blocks away from where her aunt's house was. Thinking her situation over, Kagome agreed to let Sango come and meet her- Kagome shuddered at the thought- aunt. Kagome assured Sango that there was nothing special about living in a house the size of the one she was staying in, but Sango stayed vigilant and insisted she come and see the inside. Kagome soon learned to like the other members of Sango and Miroku's group, especially Rin. If she hadn't been busy, Kagome would have gladly invited her over as well.

Checking her watch, she was painfully reminded of how she used to walk home with Yumi every day. It was 3:45. She should be out by now. Leaning against the side of the school, she closed her eyes and let out a tired sigh that seemed to release a pound of tension with it.

Sango cried, grabbing her friend's attention. Hey! Over here!

They greeted each other with smiles and headed down toward Kagome's neighborhood. Sango talked of her family, her past and her friends. She told Kagome that she too despised the Big Brother and the thought of slaughtering hundreds of innocent children and mothers and families... it was just sick. Kagome hurriedly agreed.

I haven't really told anyone, but in fifth grade my best friend was killed in her home just because she was different... she was just like me. I've never met anyone else in my life that understood me like she did. Kagome absently took the tiny angel between her thumb and finger. It kind of comforted her. Almost how comforted she felt when Yumi talked to her.

Oh... Kagome-chan... That's so terrible! Sango said, looking at her poor friend's face. She really was a sweet girl.

I know. After that... After what I witnessed... I promised myself that my life would be dedicated to the downfall of the New Senate.Shh! Kagome-chan! Not so loud! Sango hissed, darting glances at the surrounding houses. You never know who's listening!

Kagome let her hand fall to her side, and she sighed. I just hate how big brother murders them. They claim they are evil and a threat to the people, but Yumi was the sweetest girl I ever met. Sango? She said, looking up at the blue sky scattered with puffy white cotton clouds.

Thanks. When you came to me today and asked me to join your group, it meant more to me than you can imagine. Kagome said happily, grinning at her new best friend.

No prob, Kag-chan! Did I ever tell you that you are the sweetest girl I've ever met? Sango said, pushing at her friend's shoulder. If only she knew that this was the start of an unbreakable friendship.


Inside his home, napping on the couch, Inuyasha's nose twitched. One of his violet eyes opened and he took a longer whiff. He recognized that scent. Bounding to the door, he peered through the peep hole. There she was. The sun glinted off her silky-looking hair (that was combed, he noticed) and the wind made her skirt whip around playfully. The girl she was walking with pointed to him, no, she pointed to his house and made a comment about it being the Takahashi's home. Kagome looked over as well and Inuyasha almost swooned.

The sun was dancing across her rosy cheeks, the light shining into her fiery grey eyes, he could almost see her soul. It took all of his self-control not to throw the door open and greet her. That's when Kagome turned back to the girl next to her and muttered something even Inuyasha couldn't hear. As they passed his house, he moved to the window and pushed aside the curtain to look at her.

One word growled past his parted lips.


Sango gave her friend a concerned look. Really? You think the Takahashi brothers work for the government? I doubt it.I don't know, Sango, it's just- Kagome broke off and turned to look at the window to the left of the door. The curtain fell back into place behind the glass and Kagome had nasty feeling that they were being watched, so she lowered her voice. -it's just I keep seeing him. He looks so... I dunno... cold.

Sango looked to where Kagome had been looking earlier and could swear she made out the silhouette of a man hovering in the window.


Well, that's the last until I get back. i hope you like it, and don't forget to review! I love you guys! To Bambi: I'll email you my sn in a minute, just let me write a bit more about this morning -

OKAY! this morning, i was so friggin cramped up (you know what I mean, ladies) that i got dizzy and almost fell over in the shower! can you beleive it? I NEVER get sick, and yet I found myself having an awful meeting with a porcelain bowl. :shudders: