At last, I've started a brand new story!!! Completely original, I hope. The idea of forbidden love between a father and daughter is new. Don't worry, it's not as disturbing as it sounds. They aren't actually related. Problem is, I haven't finished my other story. Oh well, I'll get around to it.

Summary: Kagome's mother bore her when Ms. Higurashi was fourteen. Her boyfriend left her with the child. Even though Kagome was hard to care for, Suzaku Higurashi cared for her child with all her being. Twenty years later, Suzaku has the fortune of finding a perfect man. He is brilliant, he is sexy... and he is in love with Ms. Higurashi's twenty-year-old daughter. P.S. Inu is 25 in this fic. (Inu/Kag/Suz M/F major Citrus content.)

WEEEE! I likey. All right, I do not own Inu, but if I could.... Oh the endless possibilities.

Chapter I: Somewhere Near


When the sky is dark,

I close my eyes

and see you through the fog.


Kagome pulled her favorite silk dress over her head and adjusted it carefully. It was a midnight blue halter top. She examined herself in the full-length mirror. The smooth fabric fell several inches above her knee. Kagome Higurashi applied a light pink blush onto her high cheekbones. Almost never wearing eye makeup, Kagome curled her eyelashes gently. She gazed happily at her own reflection. Even she was captivated by her stormy blue-gray eyes. She stepped closer to the mirror and marveled at how they shone through ebony eyelashes.

She smiled and stepped into her matching blue high-heels. She stumbled slightly while putting on her second shoe.

'Damn, I hate high-heels!' she thought bitterly, stomping slightly to get her foot in.

Her mother, Suzaku Higurashi, was introducing Kagome to her new boyfriend. Kagome and her mother lived in a modest apartment building, and lived off of what Suzaku made and what Gramps left them. When Suzaku was fourteen, she was pregnant with Kagome. Her father, some stranger to Kagome, left Suzaku with Kagome.

'It was hard for mother...' Kagome smiled though when she remembered Ms. Higurashi's new boyfriend. He makes her so happy... Smiling, she brushed back a strand of her gleaming hair. From what she heard, Ms. Higurashi's boyfriend was young, caring, gentle, rich and perfect. Kagome figured that perfect meant sexy.

She picked up her matching purse and started digging through it. Mom only had one photograph, and it was one of Kagome as an infant.

"Kagome, dear, you'll make us late!!" Kagome looked up from her lip gloss.

"Coming, Mom!" She shouted, grabbing her jacket. She met her mother at the door. "So where are we going?" Kagome asked, picking up her mother's purse. Suzaku beamed.

"Inu-yasha's taking us out to a fancy dance restaurant." She was wearing a scarlet dress that reached her calves. She carried a small red purse. Kagome smiled. Suzaku was finally happy. After twenty years of being alone, she now had a companion. Maybe he'd be a good father as well.

The pair of them made their way to the car. They owned an old 1987 Toyota. An old, but good car. "Inu-yasha is taking us to a nice dance place. He said he's meet us in the lobby. Here's the address." Suzaku handed Kagome a slip of paper. Kagome's eyes bugged. "THE RITZ HOTEL?!"

A shabby white toyota pulled up to a large Suite, Kagome and her mother felt dwarfed by all of the rich people making snide remarks about their vehicle. Hand in hand, the mother and daughter walked into the lobby of the Ritz Hotel. Large crystal chandeliers hung from the high domed ceiling, fancy leather couches were lined up along each wall. Kagome saw only one man sitting in the chairs. He was reading a magazine. When she and Suzaku approached he suddenly looked up and smiled.

"Suzaku, you made it!" He threw aside his magazine and stood up to kiss mother gently. He turned to Kagome and she swooned. "So this is the Kagome I've heard so much about!" He took her hand and kissed it lightly.

Kagome was speechless. He was wearing dark shades, but his facial features were near perfect. He had a long mane of silvery hair that glimmered.

'Gray hair at his age?' Kagome thought skeptically.

"She is quite lovely, Suzaku, my congratulations." Kagome blushed deep magenta.

"Th-thank you sir." She squeaked, bowing low. He nodded, and snaked an arm around Mother's waist.

"Shall we go, then?" Kagome saw her mother smile wide before kissing him and saying.

"Yes, dear." She followed the couple out the automatic doors, listening to the sounds her shoes made on the marble floor. A chauffeur stood, holding a black limo door open for them. Kagome stopped before climbing in, and took a deep breath. She had never been in a limo in her life, Mom had never been able to afford one. She climbed hastily into the car, and sat in the leather seat closest to the door.

"Isn't this exciting, dear?" Suzaku asked enthusiastically. "You've never been in a limousine before!" Kagome nodded silently and looked at her feet.

Minutes later she heard quiet giggles, and near silent smacking noises. Kagome lifted her head slowly and saw him kiss her so lightly on her neck, her throat froze as his hand caressed her thigh gently. Kagome wanted to be held like that, to be loved like that. Looking back at her shoes, Kagome tried to block out their noises.

The car slowed to a stop some seconds later, and the driver helped Kagome out, letting a hand slip too low on her waist. Her head shot up and she glared at him while he gave her a lecherous grin.

"Just do your job." Came Inu-yasha's voice. He was standing beside her, a hand on the driver's shoulder. If he hadn't been wearing the shades, Kagome was sure he'd burn a hole through the guy's head.

"Y-yes, Inu-yasha-sama." The driver quickly ducked back into the car. Suzaku climbed out.

"What's wrong?" She said, looking from Kagome to Inu-yasha.

"That driver laid a hand on your daughter." 'Inu-yasha' said quietly. "I should call the company about this."

"N-No!" Kagome said hastily. Inu-yasha turned to look at her. Atleast-she thought he was looking at her. She couldn't tell through his shades. "I mean..." she cast her gaze downward. "I don't want to cause trouble."

"He touched you. I will have to speak to his manager." His voice had a certain finality to it.


"Let's go inside." He took Suzaku's hand and led her inside the club. Kagome followed glumly.

The three of them found a small round table near the bar. It was lit with a candle lamp, and the utensils were silver.

"Oh, Inu-yasha... This is probably so expensive!"

"Anything for you..." Inu-yasha said. Kagome got a chilling feeling that she was being watched... or looked at. She looked up at Inu-yasha and felt her intestines go cold. Was he looking at her? She swallowed, and sat down quietly.

"Suzaku, would you like a dance?" Inu-yasha asked her.

"I'd be delighted." She said in a fluttery voice. Kagome could tell that they were in love. She sighed slightly, before picking up the menu.

"How may I help you?" A handsome waiter said. "Would you like something to drink with your meal?"

Back on the dance floor, Inu-yasha watched the scene over Suzaku's shoulder.

"Y-yes, thank you, I'd like a Long-island Iced Tea, please." She said shakily. If he asked for an ID, she'd just show him her fake one.

"Anything else?"

"I think I will wait for my mother... and father to come back from the dance floor."

"You're so pretty, did you know that?" The waiter said quietly, leaning on the table. "If you were alone, I would-"

"I don't really want to know what you'd do, thank you." Kagome stood up. "Excuse me." She began to walk to the dance floor before she ran into a very solid someone.

She placed her hands on the stranger's chest and looked up. It was Inu-yasha. She blushed furiously and stepped away from him.

"I'm so sorry."

"I overheard that man. Don't worry, I'll come and sit with you."

"But what about mom?"

"She had to go and order us some food, she should be back in fifteen minutes."

"Thanks..." She sat down at the table where the waiter had hit on her, and played with her fork. She felt his eyes burning into her, and she played with her fork some more, dipping it in her water and bringing out chunks of ice.

"You want to dance while we are waiting? It may be fun." Kagome nodded, and let herself be led off to the dance floor. The song that was playing was slow, so he put his hands on her waist. She blushed and looked at his shiny shoes as she put her arms over his shoulders. She followed him, letting her hips sway with his. He brought her a little closer and she shivered as his breath tickled the back of her throat. They were now so close that her chin was on his shoulder and his hips were pressed against hers.

'Is he really attracted to me or something?! This is sick! I'm getting close to my mother's boyfriend, soon to be fiancé!'

She walked away toward the table and sat down with a huff.

"Aw, c'mon! It was starting to get fun!" Inu-yasha said playfully, sitting down as well.

"I'm tired. Mom will be back with the food soon." She said, playing with the fork some more. Several minutes past before the waiter came back with her Long-island Iced Tea.

"I saw you dancing with him," he said quietly so that Inu-yasha could not hear. "So you do your own father, but not me-" Inu-yasha and Kagome stood up at the same time.

"I think you should leave now. Get me an ale and do your job." Inu-yasha said before Kagome could yell. Kagome opened and shut her mouth like a fish out of water.

"Why are so many men hitting on me?" she asked her self quietly.

"Because you're pretty." Inu-yasha said simply. At that moment, mother showed up with the food. She had ravioli, Spaghetti, bread and an assortment of italian goodies.

"Mom, you're not feeding an army!" Kagome said jokingly, and her mother smiled.

"If you've ever seen Inu-yasha eat, you'd disagree." The three of them shared a laugh before diving into the meal.

Once they had all had their filling of food, the three of them stepped onto the dance floor. Inu-yasha swept Suzaku away, and left Kagome to wait for someone to ask her to dance. She looked at her high-heeled shoes, zoning in on the feeling of being watched. She could sense an aura... jealousy? Of who? Anger... Love... Desire. Desire? Who would desire her? She tapped her heel nervously on the wooden floor. Someone near her cleared his throat. She looked up.

"Oh, hi." Kagome said, startled, to the tall boy. He smiled sweetly.

"Hi. My name's Kouga, what's your name?"

"Kagome..." She replied. He was handsome, but not as pretty as Inu-yasha. He had long black hair that was swept up into a ponytail. Checking out his eyes, she noticed that they were shocking blue.

'Hmm, tall, dark and handsome. I can deal with this.' "Would you like to dance?" she asked him boldly.

"That would be lovely." He said pleasantly, taking her hand, and leading her away from the group of people. She sighed in relief, wanting to be away from the noise, and laid her head on his shoulder, putting almost all of her weight on him. He smelled of wet grass and forests.

Something wild and free chased her thoughts as she began to drift into relaxing bliss. She did not notice herself being pulled even farther away from the dancing crowd. When the sound of the music stopped completely with the shutting of a door, Kagome opened her eyes. She was in a dim room. She could barely make out a couch and a mirror. It was a private bathroom.

"Where am I?" She asked herself.

"You looked ill, so I thought I'd lay you down in here." Replied a voice. Kouga was standing over her. She saw him reach to his side and the lights turned on. "You look sort of green." He helped her up to look at herself in the mirror. Her face was pallid and had an odd green tinge to it.

"If she's sick, I'll take her home." Inu-yasha said. He was leaning against the frame of the door. He stared expressionless at Kouga and did not move a muscle.

"I guess I should get going then." Kouga said calmly, and brushed past Inu-yasha. When Kouga had left, Inu-yasha rushed to her side. His expressionless face now showing worry and anger.

"Did he touch you?! What did he do to you?!" Inu-yasha took her by her shoulders and shook her violently.

"He didn't do anything, Inu-yasha! Calm down!" Kagome said, pushing his hands off her. She glared at him, and he glared back. In one swift motion, he removed his shades and put them in his pocket. Her breath caught in her throat. His eyes were golden.

"Do you see me, Kagome? Do you see what I am? It's not easy for me to calm down!" He glared at her, and stormed out of the room, fuming. Kagome blinked after him. His eyes were the most beautiful color amber that she had ever seen. Was it her imagination, or were his ears slightly pointed as well? She shook her head and followed him out to the lobby of the restaurant.

The three had a long discussion about moving in. Suzaku wanted to move out of her apartment and into Inu-yasha's mansion. Due to the certain circumstances that Suzaku was going on a two-day business trip tonight, she decided that Kagome should move in separately, first. Kagome strongly disagreed with the idea. She was uncomfortable moving into his house. She lost the argument and was forced to ride to his place in his limo.

In the car on the way back, Kagome fell asleep in the back seat. She kicked off her shoes, and laid down, closing her eyes and tried to block out the feeling of him staring at her. Failing horribly, she snapped open her eyes and glared daggers at him.

"Would you quit it?!"

"Quit what?" He asked innocently, looking at her, his eyes wide. He was so much hotter without his shades.

"Nothing." She muttered, sitting up, and glaring out the tinted windows. This was going to be a long two days. When they both arrived at the large house, she was awestruck. He lived in a house that could put the capitol in Washington out of business. Not paying attention to anything but the ceiling and floors which were beautiful beyond imagination. Made of a glimmering glass... no crystal... Kagome wanted to get on her hands and knees and study the material.

"A glass with diamond powder. It's pretty, isn't it?" He said, standing over her.

"It's beautiful!" She breathed. "There's only one room with that floor, besides this one. You can sleep there if you want." he said.

"Oh, thank you!" she cried, flinging her arms around his neck. She noticed she was hugging him, and yelped. "I'm so sorry!" She blushed tomato, "Please just show me to my room."

He couldn't wipe the stupid grin from his face. She was so cute, so sexy. He shook his head and showed her the way to her room. How could he betray Suzaku? She had placed all of her hopes on Inu-yasha. He watched her close the door behind her, before letting him see those beautiful eyes.


The misty blur of my mind

can only find a way to you.

There's no other path.


Staring through the velvet sky,

I see the twinkle of your eye,

only a shining star.


HI! I like this so far.