Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, Mutant X, Stargate: Atlantis, and Charmed. Well, after more than three years I'm finally back! FINISHED FICS- "Stages of Love" - A McKay/Cadman fic that's complete fluffy goodness but it's fun and cute(I hope). "Just The Beginning" - Phoebe/Cole(I know!) one-shot set after 7x22. UPCOMING FICS/FIC IDEAS- "The Ties That Bind" - A sequel(kind of) to "Stages of Love," the story of the children of the original Expedition. "A Charmed Legacy" - AU future!fic. Six years after the Charmed Ones' deaths, Piper's children return to the Manor. "Fallen" - Jonas returns to the SGC after Langara goes Ori and finds an unlikely companion in a fellow alien. Jonas/Vala. "My Front Porch Looking In" - The ultimate in McKay/Cadman fluffy fluffiness. "Saying Goodbye" - McKay/Cadman angsty one-shot set during "The Return, Pt.1" LINKS- Welcome To L.A. - My fan community for the band Stranger Days and its lead singer Kristin Holt 11/1 - I've started a Stargate ficathon over on LiveJournal, find it here |
BiteMeTechie (236) | Flyaway1 (3) | Tara4 (26) |