Author has written 40 stories for Slam Dunk, Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, Bleach, Claymore, and Eyeshield 21. It might strike you as retarded, but this is my second account around here. The other one, as it happens, contains utter trash from way back when the world failed to teach me what was decent and what was not. As a direct result, the texts are a complete shame. In any case, there's what you always call indulgence, and in matters concerning that, what you're bound to find here fall nothing short of the same. And as hesitant as I am to have to say this, I'm not nearly as good a writer as I intend to be. I write way too much, and maybe that's all there's going to be to that. For my other links: Fanfiction (old Slam Dunk works which are CRAPPY) Apart from that, I obsess over quite a number of unconnected things. I adore grunge music and my ultimate dream is to rape Eddie Vedder and Chris Cornell alternately and never wake up the next morning. Both are in their mid 40s, which would make them old enough to be my dad; interestingly, that doesn't quite prevent them from appearing as sexy as fuck. Their music, of course, is never second best. This just in: Kurt Cobain was the commercial sellout, just a correction. I don't mean to say Nirvana is a wank, which they are, and I certainly love some of their songs. But please, for the love of motherfucking whatever, don't put him on a pedestal and say that he WAS grunge. He can never be half the icon that Layne Staley is. Ah, I love literature to colossal proportions and I'd like to believe that everything I've read has one way or another proved its value to me. The best authors I've so far encountered are John Irving, Iris Murdoch, Somerset Maugham, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Charles Dickens, Irvine Welsh, Nick Hornby, Tenessee Williams, Haruki Murakami, Thomas Hardy, and Nikoz Kazantzakis. And though it may seem that I'm just looking for excuse to bring it up, I'm going to say that the best books I've read in 2008 are I, Claudius by Robert Graves and Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh. Nothing came close.Take my word for it. I love Daniel Day-Lewis. I first saw him in A Room with a View and was immediately taken by his illustriousness and elegance. No actor ever tops him, ever. His talent still amazes me after all these years and yes, 2008 Academy Award winner for best actor is simply a well deserved, well earned title. At one point or another I wound up being obsessed with a variety of athletes, from X-gamers to NBA players, from hockey players to tennis stars. It would be too tedious to write all their names here but for whatever it's worth they can be found here. Presently I'm keeping tabs on Dirty Sexy Money, The Tudors, Carnivale, Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, House, Grey's Anatomy and American Idol. I'm easily whored into watching TV shows that don't remotely bring refinement in taste or fulfill my intellectual wishes. But anyway, that's my main source of wit so... My taste in movies is pretty much diverse. I can't vouch for Euro films because the country where I live is a motherfucking wasteland shit hole. At any rate, I'm mostly into Hollywood films. I was lucky enough to see Amelie and The City of God and both are superb. On a final note, I hate--no, resent 'writers' who can't be sensible enough to refrain from bashing characters. For chrissake just drop dead. |