Author has written 8 stories for How to Train Your Dragon.
Hello Stranger. How are you?
Just an average young adult writing averages stories. Don't mind me one bit. The stories are alright I guess. It depends on who you ask.
It's August! Don't mind the fact that I'm updating this in the first third of August instead of updating on the first day of the month. I won't mention it if you won't mention it. Shhh.
Why are you waiting for this when there are much better stories about this theme in the community? Read those!
Berk receives a bloodied and bruised heir from the dragons. Unbeknown to them, Hiccup brings a lot more problems than solutions to the situation of Berk and its lack of an heir. As Hiccup tries to clean up his messes, Stoick has to see if Hiccup is chief worthy in less than a couple of months, making the whole situation a disaster waiting to happen.
The story is being written (15-18 Chapters long) (5 Chapter complete) (Will to Write 10%)
Trying to find out how I can make it flow better in the middle of the story. The basic idea is there though.
The place where everyone thrives, these people made it here and have only gotten worse over time in this horrible place. This is their stories of how a city and its occupants aren't all perfect and how each individual has witnessed the destruction of either themselves or of someone else.
The story is being written (12 Chapters long) (4 Chapters Complete) (Will to Write 15%)
Still writing.
As they eat at the mall, an elderly woman comments on how lovely a couple they look. As they take that compliment, they go through memory lane to laugh about the previous times they were called that even though they weren't even a couple (Takes place in Little Thing AU)
Currently Writing (One-Shot but will be added to Little Thing as Chapter 2) (50% done) (Will to Write 30%)
Who Is It?
In a world where two people can speak via their mind, Hiccup is trying to find out who the other person is while Astrid is trying to hide the fact that she can read Hiccup's mind, but Hiccup can't read hers. As Hiccup searches for his other voice, Astrid understands who Hiccup is and debates on whether helping him. (HTTYD 1 AU)
Writing Down Notes. (Can't tell you the length yet but striving for 15-20)(4-6 Chapters completed) (Will to Write 10%)
What the Dead Men Say
Viggo's no longer the calm collected person after losing so many posts to the horrendous Dragon Riders. As a businessman, sometimes he just has to go somewhere else to deal with his business. However, he's lost all calm and cool when he calls out war against Berk and the Dragon Riders, a bloody mindset is something that may harm many of Berk and what they treasure. (RttE AU)
Notes completed. The story now needs to be written. (Currently, a One-Shot which will be left as-is for the moment) (Will to write 10%)
You're My Chemical
Astrid is someone mysterious. Just after meeting her once in a bar, they have this kind of perfect connection. Not everything is a perfect story as they have to part ways for Astrid to follow her dream. When they meet each other years later, can they reconnect what they've had or will it always be the right person at the wrong time? (Modern AU)
Writing the Story (7-8 Chapters) (Finished 3 Chapters) (Will to write 90%)
Plot summaries that I would read. If you use any of these, please PM so that I can follow that story.
Unusual Choices
It's a love triangle you'd never expect; a beautiful blond girl whose only emotion she releases is anger, a raven-haired girl who only cares about her gain and the boy they're fighting for is a nerdy dork whose only follower is his shadow. Who knew that one English project can change someone's perspective? (Modern AU)(HTTYD)
You've Got to be Kidding Me
Oh well, this is perfect. He was in a relationship with the girl of his dreams when everything fell apart. His dragon became human. No, Toothless is not a boy, she's a girl, a gorgeous female, a drop-dead gorgeous female, and she likes him. Yay... (HTTYD AU)
He looked at her, with mock seriousness, and replied, "yes?" She glared at him and was going to say a remark when she did it again. (Post-HTTYD 1 fluff)
Hide Your Dragon.
These tricks he learned from Toothless he cannot show them in dragon training. He has to stay low, figure out how he can tell the village without being thrown out of Berk. (HTTYD 1 AU)
Is He Useful?
Astrid Hofferson, heir of Berk. She fought her way so that she can be accepted as heir. Hiccup Haddock, son of the Second-in-command Stoick the Vast, is just the useless blacksmith. The former knows nothing about the latter and the latter is smitten by the former. Dragon training should be fun for those two. (HTTYD 1 AU)
Mayor of Burgess
He left when he was 15. Five years later, everyone assumes he just died and that's it. But when the annual "Best mayor of The VA" is won by someone other than Stoick, everyone in Berk can't help but notice that the mayor who won looks familiar. (Modern AU)(Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons)(RotBTD)
Damn Love Triangles
He's always been in love triangles. The one with Jack and Elsa where Elsa chose Jack. The one with Rapunzel and Eugene where he backed out. The point was that Hiccup love life isn't the best, but when he gets into another love triangle does it become difficult. Who does he chose, Astrid or Merida? (Modern AU)(RotBTD)
Easy to Learn, Hard to Control
Jealousy is not in the Astrid dictionary. I mean she chose Hiccup Haddock out of all the people. But then Hiccup slowly gets hotter and now Astrid understands. Jealousy isn't pretty. (Could be Studying's Sequel?) (Modern AU)(HTTYD)
The Inventor
None of his inventions have failed him yet and his unofficial title is now Hiccup the ''Inventor." Sadly he still hasn't captured a dragon and the village sort of don't like him but that's alright, right? (HTTYD 1)
The Enemy of the Future
Going to the past is okay. Going to the past where the war between Dragon and Human is close to the critical point is less okay. Going to the past where the war between Dragon and Human is close to the critical point and you look like the enemy is not okay. Yup, Hiccup is in a lot of trouble. (HTTYD 1 AU)
Emotions Suck Don't They?
Both of them have superpowers. Astrid was born with them and Hiccup got them when he was in a fatal car accident where his mother died. It doesn't help that they're in high school or that high school is packed with drama, especially with senior prom around the corner and some of your powers work with emotions. (Modern AU)(HTTYD)
A Changing Moment
The Monstrous Nightmare Clan, The Gronkle Clan, The Zippleback Clan and The Deadly Nadder Clan's peace treaty is coming near an end, and not everyone wants another peace treaty. The Monstrous Nightmare would come back if they and the Deadly Nadder would make the ultimate alliance, marriage. The Gronkle only wants peace and absolutely no fighting against anyone or anywhere. The Zippleback would love to see some destruction of the enemy as they are the one who suffers the most against enemy attacks. Finally, all The Deadly Nadder wants is Independence. But when a much more advanced Clan comes into the mix and seems to be threatening, is that going to bring the four Clans together, or will the advanced Clan be their doom? (AU where each teen is a leader of a tribe)(HTTYD)
For You Mi'lady, Anything
After Astrid has been wrongfully convicted twice of killing her boss, she is now put into prison for twenty years, never to see her children grow up. Hiccup is furious at the justice system, and won't stop at anything to free Astrid from prison, even if it means doing something illegal, and neglecting his children. (Modern AU)(HTTYD)
Both Hiccup and Astrid died that night after the dragon accident, and both made it to Valhalla. There seems to be a slight complication, though, as Astrid is received and rewarded but Hiccup is shadowed and seldom seems to fit. Just what is going on in this Afterlife? (After HTTYD... Don't know when)
No Longer Alone
He's alone and he doesn't mind it one bit. But when he sees a homeless person on the streets, he takes her in. This sounds normal, but Hiccup didn't know he had just taken in a lost mayor's daughter. (Mericcup) (Modern AU)(Brave/HTTYD Crossover)
Actual Couple?
Hayden and Angel were both made famous by the How to Train Your Dragon series. From the movies to the TV shows, everyone thought that they were an actual couple. That's what both of them want, but are too scared and afraid to admit their feelings to each other. With other actors coming in and about, will they express their feelings, or will they go for someone else? (Modern AU)(HTTYD)
How to Train your Dragonfy: Ratatouille
Hiccup is too clumsy and useless to work at anything. His last chance is at Berk's Cuisine, where an animal is going to try to help him in the oddest way ever. Hopefully, they won't notice anything unusual. (HTT- You know what, it's pretty self-explanatory.)
They were struck by something. Now, as they try to see what struck them, people are noticing more and more change with them. It goes out of hand when Hiccup is stabbed right underneath the heart, and survives. (RTTE/HTTYD 2 AU)
Rumour has it that Hiccup and Astrid may have had sex while they were at Hiccup's house. To expand, both of them were drunk and apparently, Hiccup forced himself on Astrid. Not all of it is true if anything it could be quite the opposite but that's what other people say. Hiccup's life will never be the same, nor Astrid's life as they try to remember what happened that night while handling the rumour. (Modern AU)
Let Me Help You
She knew that he was going to be different no matter what. The fact that he designs instead of using brute force gave it away. She told herself she will have to follow him when he becomes chief, but he may need a follower now more than ever. (HTTYD 1 AU)
He can hear them, screaming, crying, roaring to save their kin and to raid the village. Some dragons love the death of certain villagers, others can't stand to see such pain in Viking's eyes. But Hiccup can understand what they're saying and he feels like he's in the middle of the feud between the Vikings and the dragons. (HTTYD 1 AU)
Snippets of Hiccup and Astrid being roommates. From meeting each other to significant others to just awkward encounters, this is just their story of going through university while dealing with themselves. (Modern AU)(HTTYD)
He always saw Heather as a good friend when he was growing up mostly because she treated him as an equal, an heir. Now because he vanquished the big dragon, Heather starts treating him differently. More hints, more touching and more confusion. Add that to Astrid becoming more and more of his friend and potentially becoming his best friend and now he's lost on what the living Thor is happening. (Post HTTYD)
A Hiccup in Her System
She has a knack for things. She knows where to aim her axe to that imaginary point and get a bullseye. She knows where to hit the twins to stop them from fighting. It's pretty basic how to get rid of Snotlout touching her. What she doesn't know is how to get herself to stop looking at the heir of Berk, and to stop the increasing crush that she has on him (HTTYD 1 AU)
Haddock vs. Hofferson
Both cunning, beautiful and a passion for what they love. Both on the different ends of a great war. Or the brutal war between the vigilante dragon rider and the leader of the dragon trappers as they try to outsmart each other while avoiding those feelings of wanting to know each other. (Around HTTYD 2 Era)
The Night Fury and its Robberies (Or another Version of Haddock vs. Hofferson)
She's a detective that needs to get a boyfriend, or more importantly, laid. He's a robber that can outwit almost everyone but has lost his path. She's been chasing after him for over two years yet has never seen his face. He's memorized every detail of the detective trying to get him. But on a blind date, neither of them know about each other other than Astrid and Hiccup. (Modern AU)
How to Train Your Dragon 2
Dean Deblois couldn't do it his way. The fact is, most families aren't okay with the mother being the villain. But what if it was okay? What if he could do it the way he wanted it? Valka misinterprets the way how Hiccup got Toothless and banishes him from the haven, calling Berk the enemy. With that in place, Hiccup's peacekeeping abilities are put to the test to see if he can get himself and Berk out of this situation with no major casualties, knowing that his mother has declared him the enemy. (HTTYD 2 AU)
(Don't Have a Title Yet)(Give Me a Title via PM)
Gothi discovers that dragons aren't dangerous when she was a teenager herself. The sad part is, she couldn't convince a single Viking that they were wonderful beings and instead she was deemed weird but a useful healer and elder. When she sees Hiccup start using methods that aren't harming the dragons, she hopes that he can convince Berk the truth about the beautiful creatures (HTTYD 1 AU)
Zephyr Haddock, memories of her flying with her father and her mother still fresh on her mind, decides to see if there was anything written about the experiences of having dragons after the war. What she didn't expect to find was her father's diary when he was a child. When she starts to read it, she sees a different perspective on everyone, even her own mother. (Post-HTTYD 3)
Not My Home
"Dad?" He questions, unsure if his eyes are deceiving him. He looks like his father, he acts like his father, he smells like his father but he knows that he died tragically five years ago. "Son, what are you doing here? Where's the rest of your gang? What are you wearing?" He looks around and sees just a younger Berk than what he recalls. "Where am I?" (Time Travel AU)
(Avatar AU)
The deed is almost done. With the fall of the Western Air Temple and the Southern Water Tribe no longer on the map and the Northern Water Tribe close to the collapsing point, the Fire Nation is extremely close to eliminating the western side of the map and are attempting to remove the existence of the Water Bending Avatar. A Fire Nation member no longer sure whether his side is the correct side, an Earthbending princess that wants to find out what's beyond Ba Sing Se, the Air Nomad that's barely scraping by with the survivors of the Western Air Temple and the Avatar that's been under a frozen lake must try to see the end of a war and try to bring balance to the world, or die trying.