I've had this idea planned out for a while and I was curious to see it would turn out. So for starters, please note the following;
1) This is my first time ever writing a Jelsa fanfic so please go easy on me!
2) The beloved characters in this fic rightfully belong to the owners of Disney and Dreamworks!
3) Warning: Sexual Content in this chapter! If you are underage, then please graciously exit!
Read on my loves!
When Jackson Overland's – he preferred Jack because Jackson sounded much too formal - eyelids snap open to the melodic vocals of Lewis Capaldi's Before You Go blaring on full volume through the tiny speaker of his phone, he became aware of two things.
One being that when his eyes settled on the view of his window, he noted the intricate patterns of silvery flakes that were floating downward from the sky. Some had landed on his window and then melted away instantly, while the rest sprinkled aimlessly down and were smart enough to have settled on the ground.
"Oy! Snow?! Already?!"
"Snow? Seriously?" Then an impatient huff. "Dude…you've got to be kidding me…"
His lips curl into a tiny grin. Judging by the frustration sounding from those voices that were muffled by the wall in his room, his two roommates, Aster Bunnymund and Eugene Fitzherbert, it was clear that winter's sudden arrival had caught them unexpectedly.
Jack on the other hand, didn't mind.
As a matter of fact, part of him was tempted to jump out of his bed and throw strings of white confetti down the hall, shouting in glee at the top of his lungs and praising the beautiful season of winter's arrival. It would've made his morning to have seen the looks of anger and disgust painted on his roommates' faces.
Especially on Aster.
A light, but sensual moan vibrating against his chest is the next thing he hears. He peers down, the grin on his lips curling higher, which brings him to the second thing he noticed.
It was the extra set of thighs pressing against his, the thin arm that was snaked tightly around his middle, the platinum blonde hair that tickled his chin with the sweet scent of vanilla lingering under his nose, and the steady beat of her heart thudding against his ribcage that reminded him of the presence of his girlfriend who was curled snuggly against his side.
A soft chuckle escapes from his lips as she buries her face in the crook of his neck, who judging by that tiny action, didn't seem to be in much of a hurry to part from him so soon.
He leans down to place a soft kiss on the crown of her head.
"Morning, Snowflake." He murmurs.
"You seem quite awake."
Her only response was another murmur of incoherent words that didn't quite seem to fit with the vocabulary of the English language.
He chuckles again, deeply this time. Because if there was one thing Jack Overland was certain of it was that, no matter how much evidence he had to back up his facts, Elsa Andersen would always deny she talked in her sleep.
But hey? A guy could always try.
And truth be told, she was adorable whenever she talked in her sleep.
"Hey, beautiful?" He whispers again. "You gonna wake up for me?"
"And you say you don't talk in your sleep…"
Another chuckle, rolling his eyes as a yawn escapes before he could catch it. He brings his other hand upward and uses the heel of his palm to rub the remaining glimpses of sleep from his eyes.
As much as he was tempted not to move from his spot, he reluctantly forces himself to lean over to his other side and grab his phone from the side table next to his narrow bed. He uses his thumb to press the little 'home' button on his IPhone. It's only when the screen comes to life and his eyes scan not only over the numbers of the time, but also the words Reminder; History Exam (the doom of death) 9:00am in the little bubble of the reminder he set.
He groans, remembering why he had set his alarm in the first place. It was now 7:00am and they had exactly two hours to change, scarf down a waffle, and cram in maybe thirty minutes – if they were lucky enough – of a last-minute study session.
Or… maybe coffee instead of the waffle…
Yea…scratch the waffle.
Food can wait.
"Babe, hey, we gotta wake up now." He says to her softly. "We have our exam that we have to fail in two hours."
"Mmph…no…" Jack noted how her face was now scrunched. "…shweep…."
He chuckles again and tenderly kisses her forehead. "We'll come back and sleep after this test kicks both of our asses, okay?"
Because really and truly, there was absolutely no way that they were going to pass Professor Black's test. It was even a miracle that they were both even going into the final exam with a D.
Well… a D for him.
She had at least a C plus.
"Elsa, come on babe." He says in between another yawn, gently removing her arm from his chest. "Aster and Eugene are probably downstairs already-"
"Mmhp no."
"No." She latches her arm around his waist yet again. Her grip around him tightened.
He sighs. "Come on, babe. Are we gonna do this again? We can't afford to miss any more of our morning classes."
"Mmm…" She snuggles closer towards him, wrapping her leg around his own as she clings onto him for dear life. "…no…sleep… Jack…"
He breathes a heavy sigh, rolling his eyes again. Part of him was tempted to just pick her up in bridal style and carry her out of the bed. He probably would've been able to do so had it not been for her iron grip around him. Sometimes he forgot how strong she actually was. Especially considering her thin, but curvy stature.
He stares at the ceiling, using this as an opportunity to allow his fingers to draw up and down her spine, every dip a new trail to follow. Her body shudders in delight, and a quiet murmur of appreciation soon follows. He sighs again, and peers down. The tiny frown on her face soon unfolds itself and instantly morphs into a little smile. A loose smirk hangs off his lips, though there was a hint of annoyance flashing in his brilliant blue eyes.
He huffs. "You're spoiled, you know that?"
Because she was.
The tiny grin on her face slowly lifts higher, and Jack only rolls his eyes for the third time. His brings his other hand downward and places it on the exposed creamy skin of her thigh. His fingers trace tiny circles on her soft skin, more shivers erupt from her. He noted how his chest was bare to the cool air, tiny bits of goose flesh rising. That's when he realizes that she's wearing his shirt – his favorite grey shirt with the catch phrase of Go Big or Go Home written in navy blue calligraphy – with nothing but blue laced panties peaking out from underneath.
He chuckles as he remembered just how persistent she was in innocently demanding that she borrow his shirt.
"You know…" He whispers huskily, digging his fingers slightly deeper into the curve of her waist. "If we stay in bed like this… I'm definitely gonna get morning wood…"
That would've been enough to have her snap her eyes open and instantly bolt from the bed.
Except… she doesn't move.
And judging by how the smile on her face grew even wider than before, what was meant to drive her away, had somehow seemed more like a 'turn on'.
He sighs again. "Babe, come on, you're killing me here."
Another huff. "You're despicable…"
"Mmph… comfy…"
"You know I can't understand you when you talk like that."
"Mm… Jack…" She snuggles closer towards him. "…myou're… comfortable…"
He looks down at her, brows lifting in amusement. "I'm comfortable?"
"…Myes… stay…"
He merely stares down at her. Noting how she was wrapped completely around him. Clearly unable to let him go any time soon. Because sure, it was normal for couples to say things like "babe you're comfy" or "babe… I wanna cuddle".
He just never expected how frequently the phrase 'you're comfortable' would slip past her lips. He often wondered why the phrase was presented to him on a regular basis. But he never considered asking her. And truth be told, he wasn't planning to any time soon.
So instead, he sighs again. Then he cranes his neck to look at the clock on his bedside.
'The things I do for love…'
Another sigh. He looks down at her. "Alright. Ten more minutes, okay?"
He shakes his head, followed by another eye roll. Then a soft chuckle as he leans down to press his lips softly to her forehead. Resting his chin on the crown of her head, running his fingers up and down her spine, he murmurs,
"My spoiled little snowflake."
She smiles.
"The name's Jack." He confidently stuck out his hand as he flashes his most irresistible – though slightly mischievous smile. "And… you are?"
She stares at him with narrowed eyes. An expression that Jack isn't quite able to read. Then she stares down at his outstretched hand, her gaze had this questioning look as to whether or not it was safe to touch him.
But when she meets his eyes again, she merely turns away, grabs her pen and opens up her notebook.
"Ah… I see…" He laughs, a nervous laugh. One that he tries to conceal with the fact that his pride was just crushed. "Pretty name."
Then he takes his hand back and instead decides to scratch the back of his neck, cautiously peering over his shoulder as he hoped to the Gods that no one had witnessed that.
He turns back to her, noting how her shoulders were hunched, her body language saying don't even think of coming any closer. "So… I guess we're partners then, huh."
She says nothing.
He shoves his hands into his pockets. "So… mind if I grab that seat next to you there?"
She doesn't look in his direction. She refuses to. Because maybe if she didn't look at him, the less anxious it would be.
She gives a curt nod, and mutters, "sure."
Jack winces, but he doesn't show it. Instead, his jaw goes rigid and he has to resist the urge to roll his eyes. He noted how her expression was still sour and detached. 'It's just a project' he tells himself, 'the sooner we get started on this, the sooner this will be over with'.
He pulls the chair out, not giving a damn that the sound of wooden legs scraping against concrete floor caused her to jump slightly. Instead, he carelessly plops himself down onto the cushioned seat. He drops his backpack to the floor with an audible thud, causing her to jump again. A loose smirk appears on his face.
'Ha! Two can play at this game little miss Snow Queen!'
He's not sure how they managed to make it on time for their exam.
But they did anyway.
So, after three agonizing hours of circling the answers on their scantron, it was a miracle that both Jack and Elsa had been the first two of the three hundred people to finish. Though if Jack was being honest, the exam had been a brutal one. But it was great feeling to know that he had a chance of passing with at least a fifty percent.
They meet up with their friends for lunch at 12:45pm.
The student centre is unfortunately crowded as usual. But they were lucky enough to snag an empty table that has enough to seat eight people.
"Holy shit!" Eugene grumbles, though his tone is slightly grateful. "That exam was hell!"
"Aye. I ag'ree with ya on that one, mate." Aster complements. "That Pitch Black is a jackass."
"Tell me about it." Toothiana – Tia because like Jack, Toothiana was way too formal – agrees, sighing in relief. "I don't understand why he likes to make things more difficult than they already are!"
"That's just how he is, love." Aster puts an arm around his girlfriend's shoulders. "Sadly."
"Ugh!" Tia throws her hands up. "He's horrible!"
"Ah, don't take it personally, Lass." Merida shrugs, though she rolls her eyes as she's piling more condiments on her burger. "He's just tha type that thrives off of other people's misery."
"I'm inclined to agree with Merida on this one." Hiccup chimes in, taking a sip of his soda. "That man sounds like he needs a hobby."
"Hm, I'll say." Astrid shrugs, stabbing her salad a little more aggressively. "Sounds like he needs to get laid."
"What?" Astrid looks innocently at her boyfriend. "I'm not the only one who's thinking it."
"Nope. She's not." Eugene agrees a little too eagerly. "I've been thinking about that the minute I first walked into the very first lecture."
"Seriously?" Tia rolls her eyes. "Not everything has to do with getting laid."
"Oh really? You try telling that to every guy on campus. Then we'll see what they say."
Both Jack and Elsa only shake their heads as they listened to their friends' banter. It was humorous to see that even after they all managed to survive that brutal attack on their brains from Black's exam, they were still finding things about him to complain about.
Though, the topic of Pitch Black needing to get laid was something amusing to listen to.
… And slightly disturbing.
It isn't long until his thoughts are cut short when a warm hand grasps onto his. He turns to look at Elsa, who had nothing but an innocent, though slightly mischievous smile on her face as she slips her fingers into his own.
Their shoulders were touching, as well as their thighs. And it was only then that Jack realizes just how close Elsa was sitting next to him. She may as well have just been sitting on his lap if she was going to sit that close. Though, judging by the twinkle in those blue eyes of hers, he wasn't sure if she was insinuating something.
"I see you two were late this morning."
They both turn, noting that the both of them were now the center of attention. All eyes from their friends were aiming straightat them.
From the loose smirks on both Aster's and Eugene's faces, to Tia's raised eyebrows, all the way down to the narrowed gazes of Hiccup, Astrid and Merida, it was as if they were merely two teenagers sitting under the glare of heatwaves coming from the principal back in high school for having gotten caught for swapping spit with one another in the crowded hallways.
Instead, Jack just shrugs his shoulders. "Yea, so?"
"So… what were you two up to?" Tia asks in a curious voice.
"What do you mean? We slept in, that's all."
Aster lets out a chuckle. "Yea right."
"Is that wha really happened?" Merida grins as she chomps her burger that's too smug for its own good. "Ye slept in?"
"Well, someone here," he turns and gives Elsa a pointed look, who in turn greets him with an innocent bashful smile, "was having a little bit of a problem waking up this morning."
She could feel the heat growing in her cheeks and she chews on her lower lip. She sinks her weight a bit lower into her seat, her fingers find themselves going to grasp his bicep, until she loops her own arm around his and snuggles closer towards him.
"See this?" He turns to their friends, pointing at her actions. "That's why we were late."
Eugene smirks, laughing into his can of coke. "I'll bet."
"What's that supposed to be mean?
"I think I have an idea as to why." Eugene chuckles.
"Oh, please! We all know why..." Astrid chimes in with mischief twinkling in her eyes. "They were obviously fucking."
Everyone at the table turns to give her deadpanned expressions, while Merida and Eugene literally almost choke laughs into their soda and burger. Jack scowls at her. "Really Astrid?"
"What? It's not a crime to fuck your girlfriend in the mornings." She rolls her eyes and smirks. "I mean, Hiccup and I were at it this morning too."
Hiccup pauses in mid bite of his sandwich, then sighs. "Stormfly, they didn't need to know that."
"No." Tia agrees, shaking her head with her nose wrinkled. "We really didn't."
"I disagree." Eugene quirks an amused brow in the couple's direction. "It's pretty amusing to hear how Hiccup here got some action this morning."
Hiccup takes a bite into his sandwich. "Not my fault."
"Ugh!" Tia throws up her hands. "What is it with you guys and sex?"
Eugene holds up his hands in surrender. "Hey, don't look at me! Astrid here is the one who started it!"
"Hey well it's not my fault!" She defends herself immediately. "Besides, Hiccup needed some luck before our exam so… I helped him out with that."
"You sly dog." Eugene pats Hiccup on the back.
"Astrid…" Aster closes his eyes and shakes his head. "TMI luv, TMI…"
Hiccup drops his head and sighs. "Thanks for announcing that, babe."
Astrid moves closer to him, poking his rib as she giggles and places a kiss on his cheek. "You love it."
"So… what?" Jack and Elsa focus their attention on Merida who's smirking. "Did ye two fuck ur not?"
"No! We weren't doing any of that!" Jack shakes his head, though Elsa is giggling. "The point is," He turns to look at Elsa again, "Snowflake here was the reason we were late."
"I'm sorry, Jack." She slides her fingers up and down his arm with a smile. "You were just too comfy. I couldn't help myself."
He brings a hand to her thigh. Squeezes it tenderly. "You're still sticking with that excuse, huh."
She chuckles. "What can I say, Jack? You're just too damn comfortable."
'There it is again…' He quirks a brow, staring deeply into those icy blue eyes of hers. "Oh really?"
When she leans in closer, his body shivers and he stifle back a low hiss at the feel of those full lips planting an open mouth kiss to his neck.
"Very…" A kiss to his nose. "Mm…comfortable…"
"Hey, hey! Whoa there, lovebirds!"
"Hel-oo! We're still here you two!"
"Get a room!"
A French fry was tossed in their direction and it hit Jack in the face. They turned and gave their friends – who were now cackling and proceeded to make kissy noises – equally narrowed eyes and pinched expressions.
Though it doesn't take Jack and Elsa rocket science to know who the French fry launched from.
"Really Merida?" Jack scowls.
"What?" Merida shrugs her shoulders with her lip quivering up. "Ah had to do something. Ye both looked like ye were about to have sex!"
"For Gods sakes! Grow up all of you, will ya?"
Of course, that didn't seem to put an end to their teasing. Pretty soon, their whole table erupts in laughter. And they all laughed until their ribs hurt. Even Elsa herself had joined in, though her laughter was more under control than their friends'.
But at the same time, Jack couldn't complain. Neither could Elsa.
After all, their friends wouldn't be their friends if there wasn't a bit of harmless teasing going around every now and then.
However, Jack's thoughts are cut short when Elsa's nose presses into the side of his cheek. She plants another kiss to his skin, and Jack in turn, gives her thigh another light squeeze. Though it takes him by surprise when her voice lowers to a whisper and she murmurs,
"Shall we head back to your dorm and get…" A pause, "…more comfortable soon?"
He turns to look at her. Judging by the look in those brilliant blue eyes of hers, Jack knew full well what she was insinuating. Another afternoon spent with the exchange of tongues and lips, tangled limbs beneath the covers in his narrow bed while a horrible movie on Netflix blared in the background.
But then again, who the hell was he to pass up on an offer like that?
"Sounds good to me." He whispers back in husky voice.
"So… are you two gonna start fucking or not?"
"Shut up Eugene."
"So… what's your story?"
Her head snaps up from the fine print of her textbook. A pinched expression on her features. "Excuse me?"
His eyes widen and he inches back slightly, suddenly feeling as though he somehow woke up the devil from its slumber. "Oh um… y'know… forgive me but, what's your story?"
She lifts a brow. "I don't understand."
Jack says nothing else, swallowing down a large lump. There's tension rising in his stomach and his jaw hardens as his own blue eyes hold gazes with hers. Those blue eyes of hers filled with an icy hostility, the look on her face saying 'how dare you ask me such a thing!'
But because he's Jack Overland, it doesn't stop him from trying.
"What I meant was…" He starts carefully, making sure to keep his gaze directly on hers, "where are you from?"
She stares at him.
"Y'know, are you from the city? Or the suburbs?" He asks with a quirk of his own eyebrow.
She squints at him with indignant pique.
"Where'd you go to high school? What's your family like?" His gaze searches hers for any sign of movement, and he tries for a small smile. "Y'know, that kind of stuff?"
She's quiet, but her eyes carefully roam over his person bit by bit. Her gaze is now narrowed and Jack isn't sure if for some reason he's stricken a nerve somewhere in that cold heart of hers – if she even had one. Her lips are pressed in a thin line, and instead, she slowly breaks the 'staring' contest and opts to focus her attention back on the content in the textbook.
"I don't talk about that stuff." She says, cold and biting.
"Oh… I see…" He scratches the back of his neck, suddenly feeling like the 'World's Biggest Idiot'. "Do you mind me asking why-"
"Can we just focus on our work please?"
And just like that, a mental slap to the face. He stares at her, throat bobbing as he swallows another lump.
'This is going to be a long project'.
Indeed, they head back to Jack's dorm for some downtime. But instead of heading straight to his bedroom like they originally planned, they opted for the space in the living room. He can't remember how he'd been able to finagle his Netflix account on the television to some cheap, low-budget, probably-made-for-TV movie instead of clicking on reruns of Law & Order: SVU.
But then again, watching a movie or a tv show hadn't been their initial plan.
They've occupied the futon, and Elsa is on top of him as the title credits are rolling. Her hips are straddling his, and he cradles her derriere in his hands. Her arms are wrapped around his neck, her fingers tangle themselves through the strands of his alabaster white hair. Tongues are dancing with one another, and they're devouring each other as if they were having their last meal. They aren't even taking any clothes off, but neither of them seemed to mind as the last thing they wanted was to have Aster and Eugene walk in on them in naked bliss on the futon.
But then again, if that were to have happened, it wouldn't be the first time.
It had happened a few times. The recent one was about two weeks ago. Eugene had had the brilliant idea of slumping down the stairs sometime around 12:45 in the morning to get a glass of water. Jack and Elsa had been in the living room, both of them seeming to be more interested in ripping their clothes off of each other than what was on the screen. And it happened when Jack was entering Elsa from behind, when Eugene decided to follow the saying of 'curiosity got the cat' instead of heading back upstairs to his room. But it was a good thing that Eugene was probably half asleep when he witnessed the two of them, remembering vaguely of how he just shook his head, rubbed at his eyes, muttered incoherent words under his breath and then slumped his way back up the stairs without so much as another word.
That was that.
And truth be told, though Jack could feel shivers coursing through his body as Elsa's lips were trailing open mouth kisses along the line of his jaw, a repeat of his roommates catching them in the act was not something he wants to endure again.
Her mouth finds his, and he uses this as an opportunity to sink his teeth in her lower lip and gently bite down. The moan spilling from her lips was enough to make his manhood slowly wake from its slumber. He was just thankful that he decided to wear jeans instead of his cha-chai mamas. His hands snake their up to her waist, and his fingers deviously slip under the hem of her long-sleeved minty blue shirt – his favorite shirt that he often enjoyed seeing her wear because it was snug enough to cling to every curve of her upper body and it often lifted her bosom in the right place.
It was random, but his stomach suddenly snarls and growls. Elsa lips on his collarbone come to a slow pause, and his own eyes widen. She slowly pulls away from him, and it isn't long until they both laugh at the intrusion of Jack's hungry stomach.
"Someone a little hungry?" She teases with a mischievous smile.
He chuckles. "But we just ate not too long ago."
"Hm, true." She leans in and lightly kisses his lips. "Maybe… you just want more…"
"I guess so…" His voice is husky, and his breath hitches as she places another kiss to his neck. "Hm… maybe I should go make some dinner."
She pulls away. Her eyebrow lifts. "Now?"
His stomach howls again. "Well, according to this little guy," He points to his stomach, "I would say now is the best option."
"Babe, does it have to be now though?" Her words come out sounding more like a whine than she had intended. "We just started watching our movie."
"Snowflake, are we really watching the movie though?"
"Yes, we are."
He quirks an amused brow. "Oh really? Then what's the name of it?"
Elsa's eyes flickered a little, but she still kept her determined expression. There were voices sounding in the background, and neither of them could decipher if they had Italian sounding accents, or if they were attempting to imitate another language but it ended up sounding gibberish instead.
And judging by the way her brows drop to a frown and the way how her mouth sets itself in a semi-pout, Jack has to keep himself from grinning. A feeling of satisfaction settles, because he knows that neither of them had a darn clue as to what the hell they were even watching.
But because she's Elsa fucking Andersen, that didn't mean that she was going to back down.
"We can always rewind it back to the beginning." She says, tracing her fingers around his jawline.
He chuckles. "Nice try." He brings her closer towards him and kisses her cheek. "But I think I'm gonna go get started on dinner."
She groans. "Now?"
"Yes, now."
She merely frowns, shakes her head and wraps her arms tighter around his neck. He chuckles again.
"Come on babe. Aren't you hungry?"
"…I'm only hungry for you…"
He snorts. "Well… can't say I blame you. I mean, I guess I am that tasty, huh."
A grin sneaks up on her lips. A devious smile and she kisses his lips a little longer. "I can show you how tasty you really are…"
"As tempting as that sounds, my stomach wants food right now, babe. Actual food."
"Hm… you sure it wants food?" Her eyes twinkle. "Or does it want… something else?"
He chuckles again. "Elsa, babe, I'm serious. Let me make some dinner for us and then we can relax later."
She smirks. "Is your idea of dinner eating out of two containers of Mr. Noodle Soup again?"
A deadpan look. "No…"
'Damn it! Well that option is out…'
She wrinkles her nose. "Not Kraft Dinner again…"
He scowls at her. "…I guess not."
'Damn her…'
"You know," She says in a sultry voice, "we can always order Chinese again…"
"Weren't you the one that said ordering take-out all the time was bad for us?"
"I did…" she rubs her nose against his, "but… another night of take-out wouldn't hurt…"
He grins. "You really don't want me to abandon our movie time, do you."
A cheeky smile. "Is that such a bad thing?"
"Nice try, slick. Come on, let me go make us something to eat."
She frowns.
She stares at him, hoping for any sign that he may have changed his mind. But when merely only lifts his brow, she huffs.
She reluctantly unwraps her hold from around him and eases off his lap. He watches as she settles her weight onto the futon, and he holds back a laugh at the way how her lips are pursed and there's another semi-pout on her features. She crosses her arms over her chest, and he rises slowly from the futon. He grins down at her.
"Don't be mad, babe."
She squints at him, though there's a grin tugging at her lips.
"Aww, is my wittle snowflake pouting?" His voice is caricature of a Big Bird from Sesame Street. His lower lip is jutted out in mock pout.
She snorts. "Don't tempt me, Jack."
"Aww, she is pouting." He crouches down so he's eye level with her. That same stupid mock pout is still on his face. "Big Jack doesn't wike it when his wittle snowflake pouts…"
She gives him a deadpan expression. "First off, please don't ever call yourself Big Jack again. And second, if you don't get into that kitchen, I will throw a pillow at you."
He puts a hand to his chest and open his mouth is mock gasp. "Elsa Andersen…such violence."
"Jack… I'm warningyou."
He laughs as he rises from his crouching position and holds his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. I'll go."
"Good. You just saved yourself from contracting 'pillow-in-the-face syndrome'."
He leans down to give her a kiss to her pouting lips, which he was surprised that she let him do after her series of threats.
"I'll be back in a bit, okay?"
She sighs, then a smile. "You better."
A grin. "How about I make you your favorite?"
She lifts a brow. "Hm, Jack Overland's famous spaghetti and meatballs?"
"The one and only."
She beams. "Alright. It better taste delicious this time."
He gives her another kiss. "Trust me baby girl, you won't be disappointed." He winks at her.
"Hmm… I'll be waiting…"
Rising from his squatted position, he turns and heads in the direction towards the kitchen. When he rounds the corner and finds his way inside, he's not surprised to see a small stack of dirty plates and utensils piling up in the sink from the night before. Empty cups of what looks like the last drops of orange juice and coke sitting on the counter. There's an empty box of honey nut cheerios that's littered on another surface, and an empty carton of Neilson's 2% milk was still standing on the stove instead of sitting in the garbage can like it should be.
He rolls his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. 'I'm gonna murder those two…'
He made a mental reminder to himself to leave sticky notes with the writing 'Aster, you ass! It's your turn to clean up the damn kitchen!'plastered all over the cupboards, pantries and countertops. Or in this case, with how messy the kitchen was, it seemed like he would need to make a huge sign with green arrows pointing in the direction of the kitchen with a glittery pink and blue banner hanging over it that said WELCOME HOME ASSHOLE – oops, sorry, ASTER! YOUR DIRTY KITCHEN AWAITS!
But at this point, the sticky notes seemed more realistic.
…And way more affordable.
When the low guttural howl from his stomach fills the confined space yet again, suddenly the messy kitchen appears to be the least of his concerns. He would deal with that later.
Apparently right now, he has two stomachs he needs to fill.
Walking over the fridge, he pulls open the door and is greeted by the cool air. He doesn't bother to take note of the fact that they barely had enough food (he would remind himself to make a grocery list tonight… with Elsa's help of course). He's grateful when he finds the medium sized tray of organic ground beef and meatballs wrapped in plastic sitting right in his line of vision.
There are some clinks and clatters as he reaches over the bottles of Heineken and Corona to get to them. When he finally manages to grab the both of them, he finds a piece of paper towel and settles both packages of meat onto it. He bends down to the drawer, pulling it open and retrieving his cooking pot. His favorite cookingpot that is German blue colored and has little blue snowflakes painted all around in a simplistic pattern.
He chuckles and shakes his head.
Because he remembers the beaming smile on Elsa's face when she had presented the pot to him as his Christmas present last year.
And because she knew how much he had desperately needed a new cooking pot. Especially considering that his old cooking pots were laden with burn stains. She was one-of-kind, Jack will admit. And there was never a day where he wouldn't thank his lucky stars for putting this young woman in his life.
He manages to find a bottle of marinara sauce in the cupboard that he intentionally saved for a day like today. And before he knows it, it isn't long until he's chopping up onions, green peppers and broccoli, adds a dab of olive oil to the pot and tosses them into the pot along with the ground beef and meatballs, that wafting aroma fills the open space in a delicious tasting fog. He's stirring up the contents, carefully leaning into the rising steam that's eluding from the pot. He brings the wooden spoon up towards him, takes a little sniff and grins, the required smell is indeed present.
He finds another cooking pot and fills from the drawer and makes sure to fill it three quarters of the way. Placing it on the next empty burner, he twists the dial, makes sure that it's settled on 'dual' and adds a pinch of salt and a dab of oil. As he's stirring the contents of the meaty tomato sauce, patiently waiting for the water in the other pot to boil, it isn't long until his ears suddenly perceive the soft footfalls of another presence entering the kitchen.
"Mmm… that smells amazing."
He chuckles. He doesn't have to turn around to know that it's the sultry voice of his beautiful girlfriend standing behind him. Nor does he have to turn around to know that there's a smile already present on her features.
"Well, that's a good sign." He continues stirring the contents. "Especially considering what almost happened last time…"
She raises a brow. "You mean that time where you almostset the kitchen on fire?"
"Hey now," He raises a surrendering hand, "that was one time. And besides…" A cheeky grin over his shoulder, "Now, I'm a natural."
She chuckles. "Hm… glad to see I've taught you well."
He turns to glance at her. "That you did."
She smirks, biting her lip with what looks like a lustful gaze in her eyes. Her arms are crossed over her chest, and she leans her hip against the counter. Her eyes are roaming slowly over his person from head to toe, and there's a sudden tingling beginning from Jack's toes and rises itself up all the way to his stomach.
'Gods she's gorgeous…'
"You know," she begins, her voice low and thick, "I like seeing you like this…"
He quirks an amused brow. "Oh?"
"Mhm… you just look…so much more appealing."
"Do I now?"
"I must admit Jack, it's… sexy watching you cook…"
He bites his lips, a hungry look in his eyes. And it didn't involve the meat he was stirring.
"…Is that so?"
"Hm, good to know." He slowly takes his gaze off hers. The pot of water starts bubbling. "Guess I'll just have to cook for my little Snowflake more often."
She chuckles. "I'd love that."
"Then your wish is my command, baby girl."
Though the grin is on his face, he has to grit his teeth to supress a groan that's desperate to escape. Because the next thing he knows, his manhood is mere seconds from causing a tent to form on his front. But he's unable to re-adjust it because his fingers are fumbling with opening the package of spaghetti noodles. He sucks in a deep breath.
A chuckle from her. "Want some help?"
"No!" He curses himself for the crack in his voice. "No, no. I'm good, I just-"
He doesn't have a chance to get the rest of the words out. Because the next thing he knows, there are two pairs of arms stretching around his middle. Pale, but freshly manicured fingers grab hold of the package and gracefully pull it open. He can feel the soft mounds of her breasts pressing against his back, and he's just grateful that there are two layers of shirts shielding them. He lets out the groan that he was holding back, and she guides his hands to pour the noodles into the rising steam of the bubbling water.
"You will be the death of me…" He mutters.
She giggles. "You're welcome."
A frown. "Thank you."
He tosses the empty plastic aside, grabs the spoon and goes back to stirring the meat sauce as he lets the noodles to boil in the water.
He notes that her arms are still wrapped around his waist from the back. Her warm body is still cuddled up against his, her breath is cool against his suddenly hot skin, and the scent of vanilla rains down his shoulder. He turns to see her chin propped against his shoulder and she has an angelic smile painted on her features, bright blue orbs gleaming at him. He grins.
"I take it you're enjoying the view?"
She hums. "Most definitely."
A chuckle. "Well, dinner's almost ready. Wanna set up the table for us?"
"… I don't mind eating like this."
"Hm…" He looks at her. Then he looks down at her hands around him. "Not sure if that will work, babe."
"… Doesn't hurt to try…"
"Snowflake…" He chuckles. "Can you please set the table while I finish dinner?"
She quirks a brow. "You trying to get rid of me?"
"Hey now, if I wanted to get rid of you, I would've tossed you out the window by now."
"…Well that's very reassuring."
"Babe, I'm serious." Though there's a grin on his face, his tone is slightly troubled. "Come on, let's set the table so we can eat."
Elsa only hums, leaning in to place a kiss a slow, tender kiss to the base of his neck. Jack has no choice but to lean against her, and absent-mindedly laces his own fingers with hers. Then he lets out another sigh.
"Elsa… come on babe. The sooner we eat, the faster we can… "He pauses, sends a flirtatious grin, "you know…"
"Hm… that does sound tempting."
She presses her nose against his shoulder blade. "I'm sorry Jack." Another kiss to his neck. "But… I can't help it that you're so… comfortable."
He furrows his brows. His lips press tightly together. "I am, huh."
A smile. "You are."
His eyes are narrowed. "… You say that a lot."
"Because it's true."
He still doesn't know her reasoning. He only understood that this was the third time today. And it possibly would graduate to four times the next day. Five days two days from now. And the list goes on.
He merely swallows. Unable to find the words he wants to say. There's a nagging feeling in his gut, and he's not sure whether he should tug on it any further. Or if he should just leave whether enough alone.
Instead, he just leans down to kiss her forehead, and says, "I promise, we'll cuddle after we eat. Okay?"
She kisses his lips. "Okay."
Something's not right.
"Hey so… I'm gonna get a soda from the vending machine." He says as he rises from the table. He stares at her. "… Do you want me to get you anything?"
She says nothing. Her gaze is focused on the material of the content she's reading off the screen of her laptop. And as always, he rolls his eyes, suddenly feeling slightly frustrated.
'The least you could do is just give me a damn answer…'
Because as always, her only intention is completing their assignment, submitting it to Professor Porter, calling it a day and going their separate ways. Mingling and making friends is clearly the very last option on her list.
But because he has an unhealthy dose of pride, he decides to chalk it up to the fact that maybe she was so focused that she probably just intentionally tuned him out.
"Hey, Elsa?" He gently reaches a hand out towards her, the distance between his fingers and cardigan fabric slowly diminishing, "Do you want anything-"
It happened so fast. His fingers brushing the smoothness of her soft skin-
And he pulls his hand back suddenly as she nearly jumps out of her skin and jerks her arm away from his touch. She turns sharply and he himself jerks back and winces at the way those blue eyes that were once so beautiful were now the epitome of 'touch me again, and die'; narrowed, cold, rigid and hard.
He holds up his hands. "I-I'm sorry."
His blood starts draining and his heart hammers erratically. The ice in her eyes instantly reminds him of a pit viper's slit-like pupils, and he has to swallow down a large lump. Because the way she was inches from falling off her chair and possibly making a bolt for the exit, he knew that he had somehow crossed a line that was never meant to be crossed, as if he had just violated the most intimate parts of her being.
"I'm… I'm sorry." He says softly, like a hymn. "I shouldn't have done that."
Her eyes were still narrowed, a sharp knife in his ribs. Her lips are pressed in a tight line and makes note of how she's slid a few inches to her left. Attempting to get away from him. There's a tightness in his chest and he suddenly feels like the biggest fool on the planet.
"I'm sorry, Elsa." He slowly lowers his hands to his sides. "I won't do that to you again, okay?"
Judging by the frosty look that's still sits in her eyes, she doesn't trust him. And it's clear that from here on, he needs to remind himself to take extra precaution.
This project is already hard enough. But moving forward, it was only going to get worse. And unfortunately, he will need to make sure that he's prepared to face whatever consequences might come his way.
"Um…" He lifts a hand to scratch the back of his neck, and he notes how she flinches yet again, "… I'll be right back."
He doesn't think twice and he instantly moves his feet to head in the direction of where the vending machine is situated in the far corner of the library. He mentally curses himself, and he refuses to look back.
Because he knows those icy blue eyes are boring a burning hole in his back.
'Way to go you stupid, stupid idiot!'
He still wasn't sure exactly how the rest of their day would turn out, but he manages to just 'go with the flow' of the things for the remainder of it.
Besides, it was now mid-term season and they were pretty much finished all their exams. So to say, they had more time on their hands.
And… they had also had time for… other things as well.
With some reluctance on Elsa's end to have parted from Jack in the kitchen, instead of eating their dinner in the kitchen at the table like they had initially planned, they opted for the futon in the living room. It didn't take long for Jack to switch from whatever terrible movie that had been abandoned on account of 'two lovers unable to keep their hands and lips off each other', and settles on an episode of Law & Order: SVU.
They had devoured their spaghetti and meatballs and had taken their plates to place in the sink that was now a mountain of dirty plates and utensils that were stacked and piled on top of each other. The site of the messy kitchen had made Elsa wrinkle her nose and had caused her skin to crawl, and Jack was grateful that he had managed to drag her back to the futon. Had he not done so, she would've spent the remainder of her day making sure that their kitchen was sparkling.
They had let their food digest and decided on another episode. And as always, Elsa had made sure to find her rightful place cuddled against Jack's side, but he had no objections, instead having opted to trace the faintest of notes up and down her spine with her head having rested on his chest and her arm wrapped around his middle and their legs entwined with one another's.
It had happened so fast. Because one minute, they had been mindlessly watching where Elliot Stabler had pummelled the living daylights out of a pedophile for having deliberately leaked a photo of his daughter on his pornographic website.
And the next, they're now holed up in Jack's room.
Deep moans, whimpering, grunting and gasping could be heard loud and clear, had Aster and Eugene walked through the front door. But thankfully, they hadn't, and Jack couldn't care less of their whereabouts.
Clothes were thrown across the floor, with some hanging off the edge of his bed. Their naked bodies are moving hungrily, albeit softly together like the finest of silk. Their tongues are entwined together in a wet kiss and her hips are straddling his. It doesn't take long for him to slip his manhood through her wet folds and she gasps at the contact, throwing her head back to let out the most beautiful sounding moan in the world that only resonated in his ears like a soothing melody, and he grunts as his hands are gripping her hips and he thrusts up into her with no mercy.
"Jack…ah…" She whimpers.
He says nothing, but only responds with another guttural groan as he quickens his speed. A dark, hungry look full of lust in those pool of blue orbs as he watches her bounce up and down on his member, admiring the view of how those full pale breasts bounced with her body, rolling her hips with his in perfect unison. Though, there was a part of him that wished she would let her hair fall in an ivory curtain, he didn't mind that she kept her hair in the usual French braid if it meant that he got to see more of those full breasts. Her moaning grows louder and louder with each aggressive thrust as she chants his name breathlessly. He uses his palm to land a smack on her round derriere, which only urges her to roll her hips faster.
"E-Elsa…" He grinds through gritted teeth.
Fed up with being on his back, he lets out a groan and surges forward. A gasp escapes from Elsa's mouth as he's now sitting upright. She's still straddling him, but now, their bodies are close, sweaty skin pressed against one another. He wraps his arms her middle, holding her so close that their hearts beat in sync together, and instinctively, her own arms wrap desperately around his neck. He cups the back of her head with his hand, pressing a bruising kiss to her lips and he resumes his thrusting.
He can tell she's close, because she breaks away from his mouth with a sticky kiss and nestles her head in the crook of his neck; whimpering, gasping and moaning like a depraved woman. He responds by kissing her clavicle, trailing wet kisses with his tongue amongst her skin. Once more passion takes over, he lets out another grunt and begins thrusting faster and deeper. She throws her head back, crying out his name.
"J-aaacckk! Mm…nnn!"
At this rate, he wasn't sure if Aster or Eugene have made it home. And he was silently hoping they didn't. Because if they did, all they would hear is the loud crying and the moaning filling their tiny apartment like a disgustingly sweet fog and the thrashing of skin slapping against skin. However, at the same time, he was much too focused and enamoured with the cries and whimpers tumbling from those beautiful lips of his beloved girlfriend. A sense of pride fills him, as he knows he's succeeding in doing his job correctly.
With his member covered in her juices – he thanked his lucky stars that she remembered to take her birth control pills, hence their reasoning for not wearing a condom – she was at her peak, judging by how her nails were digging themselves into the skin of his shoulder blades and scratching their way down to his spine. Knowing it would drive her over the edge, he reaches his hand down to locate her sweet spot. Once he finds it, he lets out a mixture of a sigh and grunt and he uses his thumb to rub rapid circles on her swollen clitoris. And finally, she reaches her climax with her body shaking and jerking so hard that he worried she might've snapped her spine.
He growls against her skin, coming to his own sweet release as his movements came to an end. The tension melted from their muscles, oozing out of their systems and they basked in the peak of intimacy. He had released himself inside of her, Elsa moaning and gasping at the sensation of the sudden warm liquid, and her own warmth embraced his member.
He holds her close, running the tip of his nose up and down the base of her throat and continuing its way up and down her neck, panting harshly and she clings onto him. She doesn't let go of him. She refuses to as she clamps her legs around his back so he can't move. And he responds by peppering the sweetest of kisses to her neck and shoulder. Her own fingernails drag lightly up and down his sweaty back and shoulder blades, and she presses open mouth kisses to his temple, his ear, his jaw and down to his neck, though her body is still shaking after that intense orgasm it received. They stilled, and breathed deeply, and felt each other's muscles beginning to settle.
Without a second thought, he slowly leans backwards, bringing her down with him and collapses back onto the mattress with soft oomph. Her hot breath is blanketing his bare flesh, and she presses more desperate kisses to his chest, her tongue trailing its way over his collarbone and finding his neck. Each kiss follows by soft whimpers escaping from her, as though she doesn't want this moment to end. His hands are running up and down her spine, as he closes his eyes and allows himself to bask in the kisses he was receiving. His hands reach up to cup her cheeks and he leans up to place a searing kiss to her lips, and she welcomes it almost instantly.
"Mm…how's that…" He murmurs between kisses, "for a…" kiss, kiss, "comfortable afternoon?"
She snorts hoarsely. "Mm…" Kiss, "…amazing."
He almost laughs out loud when she drops her head to his chest and breathes heavily. At this rate, he should've received his reward for 'The Most AMAZING Lover in Bed', considering that every time they had sex, she was almost always unable to walk for the next few hours. And judging by the fact that she was still struggling to catch her breath, he would say that she probably wouldn't be walking for the rest of the day.
Once again, his job was done.
"We…" She manages to breathe out, "we should… do that more often…"
"Hmm… you think so?"
"Mhm…" She hums. "…I think I like afternoon sex… better than morning sex now."
His brows merge to a small frown. "But I like morning sex. It's slower… and more romantic that way."
She lets out a breathy chuckle. "…but not as rough… and wild as this was."
He scoffs. "Of course, you would like that."
"A woman likes variety, babe." She plays notes on his chest.
"I thought only men liked that."
"Well, you thought wrong, baby."
A pout on his features. "I guess so."
She cranes her neck to look at him. Those beautiful cerulean eyes staring lovingly into his cobalt blue hues. His fingers are running through the soft strands of her blonde hair, and she leans up to press a soft kiss to his lips.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
It's silent between them for some time. And judging by the lack of footsteps he expected to be pedalling about the apartment, Jack was just grateful that they still had the apartment to themselves. The last thing he wants is to hear banging on the walls, followed by "oy! Could you both be any louder?!". Especially considering that it's been a while since he and Elsa were alone together in the apartment.
Maybe afternoon sex wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Neither of them moves – more like, they couldn't move. But again, neither of them was complaining. Instead, he can feel her lips pressing the softest of kisses to his neck and trails her way down lingering on his collarbone, then down to his chest. He uses his fingers to trace soft notes up and down her bare spine, coaxing shivers to erupt from her body, and a low purr buzzes from her lips. She rests her head against his chest, entwining her legs tightly with his and she tightens her hold around his middle. Their hearts beating in sync and they do nothing but revel in the warmth that they always knew existed from each other.
Viva La Vida blares through the tiny speaker of his phone, nearly causing the two of them to jump out of their skin. He groans. She mutters some colorful words under her breath.
So much for a fun afternoon to themselves…
"Fucking hell…" He groans in annoyance.
"Tell whoever it is to go away." She mutters against his chest with a frown.
He groans again and rolls his eyes. 'Damn you Aster!' He gives himself a few moments, and then he finally gathers enough strength to reach over and grab his phone from the side table – though it was a miracle that it ended up safely on the surface as opposed to being thrown across the floor. A new message pops up on his screen, and he rolls his eyes again at the all too familiar name staring back at him. He taps the Open icon and the message appears.
Aster 'asswipe' Bunnymund: You idiots done fuckin' yet? All of us are going to Northualdrix for a drink. Both of you better get your asses down here.
He huffs a mix between a grunt and a laugh as he drops his phone in the space beside him. "That asshole."
"Aster." He chuckles. "Those guys are going for drinks. They want the both of us to go."
"Drinks? At this time of the day?"
He chuckles again. "You know our friends, babe. They'll wolf down liquor at any time of the day." Then he pauses. "Makes me wonder how the hell their livers are still intact."
"Hmm…" A soft chuckle from her. "Especially Aster."
"Gods, especially him." He runs notes up and down her spine. "I don't know how he does it."
"I guess that's the beauty of having a strong liver."
"Hm… if he still has one."
There's another bout of silence hovering over them, and it was moments like this that they always enjoyed. Blissful – and sometimes wild – sex, and then the comfortable silence that soon followed as they cuddled close to each other, stroking and caressing each other so softly that words alone couldn't describe the moment they're living in.
Although…. having a drink didn't seem like a bad idea…
"Maybe we should go." He murmurs, his eyelids suddenly feeling slightly heavier.
"Mm… go where?" She asks in tired voice.
"Northualdrix. Get a drink or two." He pauses. "…Maybe three."
She huffs and Jack isn't sure if she was considering his suggestion, or if she was simply disagreeing with him. And judging by the way her arms slightly tightened their embrace around his middle, and how she buries her face deeper into the nape of his neck, the answer to that inquiry was obvious.
"Y'know… a drink wouldn't hurt, babe." He leans down to place a tender kiss on her forehead, stroking her spine. "What do you say?"
"Mm… no…"
He chuckles. "Someone's a little tired, huh."
She says nothing, and her only response is peppering light kisses to his neck.
"Come on, babe. Let's go meet Aster and them for a bit."
"No." She murmurs. Her grip around him tightens even more. "We're staying here."
His brows dent to a small frown, noting how her naked body is completely wrapped around his own. He's not sure if maybe he's thinking too much into it, or if he should just trust his gut and admit that something seemed off.
Normally, grabbing a drink with their friends after exams was something that was of tradition. And frankly, it was something that Elsa herself always enjoyed. Heck, she'd always been the one to drag him out of bed while trying to dodge his eager advances. But today, today was different. Something was off, and Jack isn't quite sure what it is exactly.
"Mmm… Jack…"
"Yea, babe?"
"Mm… you're so… comfortable."
Again? "… That's the fourth time today…" He mutters.
He heaves a heavy sigh. "Nothing."
There's an unsettling feeling in his stomach as he swallows down a large lump. He stares at the ceiling, and he's suddenly unable to focus on the thought of joining their friends for a victory drink of successfully completing their mid-terms. As far as he was concerned, Northualdrix would most likely be out of the picture for the reminder of the evening. And he's not sure whether to feel excited at the possibility of spending the rest of his night having all kinds of sex for hours with his girlfriend, or if he should be feeling slightly disappointed at the thought of missing out on another victorious celebration.
Or in this case… if he should be feeling slightly worried.
"Elsa." He says the title hesitantly.
He's not sure what to say next. Or how to say it exactly. The words he desperately wanted to say, needed to say – 'why do you keep telling me I'm… comfortable? What does that even mean?' – had suddenly found themselves wedged in the depths of his throat. But he takes another deep breath.
"… Why do you-" He pauses, then exhales, closing his eyes, "why do you…"
His words are suddenly cut short as the soft rumbles of snoring vibrates against his neck. He looks down, noting that her eyes are closed and she's drifted off into a peaceful slumber. He blows out another sigh, mentally slapping himself for not getting the words out quicker than he was hoping for.
He still has a chance. He can wake her up and ask her so he can get to the bottom of things sooner and then they could go one with their lives as if nothing happened. But the sight of her looking so peaceful, so calm and so content forces him to rethink his decision. She always looked so beautiful when she slept, and he wasn't going to be the idiot that would ruin that in a matter of seconds.
He hefts another sigh, accepting the fact that getting drinks tonight is definitely out of the question. Instead, he leans down to place another kiss to her forehead, and continues running his fingers lightly up and down her spine.
"Mm… I love you…" She mumbles in her sleep. "… Forever…"
He says nothing and he considers her words.
Something wasn't right. And for once in his life, he knew that he needs to get the bottom of it.
So... is it worth continuing? Are you curious to find out the reason behind Elsa's clingyness towards Jack? All will be revealed next chapter! A big shout out and special thank you goes out to OniNoKo! Thank you so much for helping me edit this, I really appreciate you!
Reviews are welcome and much appreciated!
Stay tuned my loves!