Edit: This one-shot has gone through a couple of edits and is a bit different. The main storyline is there though.

You're My Chemical

Now I'm Dependent

He's a regular.

That doesn't fill him with confidence as it should have because he's a regular in a bar. This time though, he's in a good mood for no particular reason as he enters the bar, especially a bar that he's familiar with. He knows the staff pretty well and enjoys being here rather than being by himself on most evenings at his house. Unlike most people who enter bars, he doesn't leave with another person, he usually just likes to look around and inwardly judge people and how they approach their prey. It's pretty funny just seeing people either score immediately or just fail horrendously. It's all just a game for him to spectate but never experience.

He smiles as he sits down on the barstool, the bar is at the opposite wall of the entrance and is the main thing you can see the moment you enter the bar. That being said, small tables were cluttering the distance between the entrance and the bar so that groups could hang out and have a great time. Most of the groups were people in college because Berk's College was only a couple of streets away from here. So, his age group.

"Hic." The bartender says as he's wiping a glass with a cloth. His smile grows even more, "Eret," he replies to the bartender that he got along very well. Since he's a regular, he knows the bartender well enough to hold a conversation with him for a couple of good hours.

"Another exhausting day at the campus?"

"Nope," he says, his smile still evident, seeing how Eret is still cleaning everything up and he enjoys the atmosphere the bartender brings, "just decided to come, s'all."

"Huh." The bartender responds, stopping his motion of wiping the glass as he glances over the room and then resumes his cleaning. "Well, are we playing the regular 'who's flopping?'" He turns around, seeing the tables being mostly crowded and seeing some people standing around trying to smooth-talk their way through the night. He relaxes as he leans back, his elbows touching the bar itself.

"Oh yeah. Game on."

They're laughing at his cousin's expense of trying to get a woman to go out with him. His cousin had come around some time after him and simply acknowledge him with a simple "Hiccup." They're on friendly terms, in which neither of them bullies the other anymore. That being said, he still enjoys it when things don't go to his cousin's way.

Right now, they're currently seeing him trying to talk to a beautiful blond girl with a beautiful black dress that seemed to split at the ends of the dress. From his perspective and the perspective of the noisy barkeeper that had nothing to do at the moment, all he could see was the exasperated expression of his cousin and the back of the head of the blond hair that he was trying to smooth talk. Even if they were the opposite side of the room, you could still see his exasperated face and he smirks at the scene in front of him.

"You're having way too much fun doing this, aren't you?" The mixologist says with a grin behind the voice. That seemed like a more fitting name because he keeps mixing into his business even though he asked him to do so. He shrugs at the mixologist's question and asks one himself,

"What do you think he's saying right now?"

"' Uh, Hello. I'm Snotface and I must say you're smoking hot. Wanna fuck?'" The bartender says while having an odd Scottish accent. He chuckles while snorting and turns around from his barstool to see the barman leaning against the racks of alcohol with his arms crossed. He thinks about the comeback or just what the girl would say.

"Uh no. Who calls themselves Snotface? And why do you smell like crap?" He tries to enact what the woman would say as he says his sentence in a high-pitched noise and now it was the bartender's turn to chuckle.

"Uh ma'am, I mean, hot lady." Eret resumes his Scottish accent before blinking and looking at him in the eyes, "he does have some decency right?" He shrugs again at his question and Eret cough while straightening his shoulders to resume his act of Snotlout. "Hot lady. I must say that I'm currently rocking this smell." He snorts again at his friend's antics as Eret starts to flex his arms while looking somewhere in the ceiling. "I must say we should fuck right this instance." And they both start to laugh at just how blunt Eret seems to make Snotlout sound. That being said, he wouldn't be surprised if that was the actual conversation.

"I do believe that I'm going to leave you to join that hot cutie in the bar all alone with the bartender. Goodbye Snotface." He responds to Eret as he finally takes a look at his face to see him gulping his throat. He cocks his head to the side and was about to question it until…

"Snotface does sound like a better name than Snotlout."

He jumps, looking to his left to find the woman Snotlout was hitting on right beside him. If he thought she looked beautiful without seeing her face, she looks downright stunning with how her blue eyes seem to be the most defining thing about her face. Even so, she has a small nose with perfectly sized lips while giving off a small smirk. He doesn't know how to proceed with this. Most of the time, he would make fun of other people's flops but he rarely had any himself. She turns her head for a quick eye-contact before he breaks it, coughing rather awkwardly.

"Shocking how the person who seems to judge everyone can't seem to form a word when confronted with the actual thing."

That stung.

"H-hello." He replies weakly. He usually needs some quick internal motivation to try to talk to a girl. He needs probably double the motivation to talk to someone of this beauty and probably would've never tried it in the first place. Most of the time, he'd usually wussed out. He sees Eret in the corner of his eyes giving out a drink to the lady, "he usually needs some time to charge his battery of social communication. It usually drains out after five minutes." He then blatantly winks at him and he wanted to punch that smirk off of Eret's face.

"Thank you, sir." The lady responds and he glares at his friend. "Yeah. Thanks, Eret." He stresses out, hoping that the threat would pass to his friend.

"Anything to soothe you Hiccup and the fair lady." He responds cheerily and goes away, probably to see from a distance what was about to transpire between him and this beautiful lady beside him that seemed to have some much time on her hands. He sighs as he realizes he has no drink and realized that maybe Eret might've done that on purpose. He likes to have his hands do something instead of awkwardly clasping each other.

What a dick.

"So, Hiccup?" The lady questions as she kept sipping her drink. He's assuming why that name of all of the gazillion names that are present. He shrugs as he turns his head towards her drink, not having enough willpower to see her face. "My parents are very proud of it though. Third Hiccup of the family." She sees her slightly widen her eyes at the proclamation when he glances at her face from time to time.

"Wow." She says, and he thinks that was sarcasm coming from her, "wonder where it originated." That wasn't sarcasm. He shrugs his head for the second time and raises his right hand to make a circle around his ear with his finger. "Crazy people, my family."

"Well, you seem normal."

"What about my cousin?" Now it was her turn to cock her head with her eyes trying to decipher the question. She glances towards Eret and he snorts, "I wish I had that kind of beauty in my genes." Then she thought again and she gasps. "No."


"He's your cousin?"

"Shocking right?"

That was all that was said before she blinks and tries to figure out how they were related as she goes back to sipping her drink. It seems like she had quite a bit of time by just how she's lazily sipping and he coughs into his right hand as his left-hand goes into his pocket awkwardly. He realizes that he knows almost nothing about her.

"So…" He starts awkwardly and she stops sipping her drink to see him with her bright eyes as if she was calculating something. "What is your name? Or should I just call you m' lady?"

"Don't." She dangerously responds to the second question. It was a tense silence as he keeps staring at the blond beauty, still wondering what her actual name is. After a while, she sighs out her name, "Astrid." It seems like she didn't like her name.

"Astrid," he tastes the name on his lips, and recalls some information about said name, "like 'Divine Beauty' Astrid?"

She nods and then puts her hand on her face, "please don't you dare think of using that as a pickup line or so help me I'll do something—"

"Hey, hey." He says raising his hands in surrender, making her lower her hand slightly to see him. "I didn't say anything. Just mentioning the fact."

She huffs as she continues sipping her drink until she finishes it, noisily sucking air at the end and blinking before looking at the bartender, and realizing that Eret is not so subtly looking at them. "Does he usually mend with your personal space?" He chuckles a bit, his awkwardness disappearing slightly when talking about Eret.

"He's shocked that you're still here." He answers her as bluntly as he could. "He'd probably expected you to leave in a quick jiffy."

"Why though? Thought that I'd be bored with your company?" He shrugs at her question, staring at the massive amount of drinks behind the stand, not wanting to say that she's beautiful and way out of his league. Make her figure it out.

She seems mysterious in her way. How she seems surprised by the fact that Eret was simply waiting for the fact for her to find someone much more impressive or the fact that she doesn't seem bored with him. He can't quite put his finger on it. Nevertheless, it seemed to add a form of attraction with her, because she remains so mysterious towards him. All he knows about her is her name. That being said, the same could be said for her just knowing his name.

She reaches out to touch his arm, and he flinches in response to the touch. It's the first time she had ever touched him in this awkward conversation he's having with her. Even now, he's debating what she sees in him. That thought was thrown out of the window as she begins to kiss him out of nowhere.

He tenses up, not expecting that. He's thinking about the fact of why she's suddenly taking a liking towards him and he was about to dive deeper into his thoughts until…

Why is he still thinking and not kissing back?

He closes his eyes as he began to kiss her back. Her lips taste like raspberry, something intoxicating him from the get-go. His arms stay stiffly at his side as he feels Astrid's other hand begin to caress his cheek, his confusion going too far and too numb to think. It wasn't a passionate kiss, just a very chaste and small kiss as if trying to prove something. They broke apart and his mind finally tries to reboot itself. He blinks, his mind trying to find the logic behind everything. He's always been known to always wanting to figure out the answer to every question. Also, the fact that she's still gently caressing his cheek isn't helping his case of solving this mystery.

"Ok." He whispers, and the fact that she raises her eyebrows indicated him that she heard him. "Um, what was that?" She gives off a Cheshire smile, something that made his hairs stand on end. He's not too sure on if he doesn't enjoy it or if he secretly does.

"Just wanted to show your mixologist that you can keep a girl occupied, even if you say absolutely nothing."

"T-th-thank you?" He mumbles back towards her, his eyes widening just slightly at whatever she said and the meaning behind it. Then she smiles as she took his hand and together they both started to leave. Thankfully, Snotlout was nowhere to be found and he was grateful for that because he didn't want to have an awkward encounter with his cousin.

He almost had some time to say some unintelligent gibberish, "um, uh. Hmm." Where is she taking him? Then he looks behind him to find Eret mouthing some words that mirrored his very thoughts.

'What the fuck?'

The first time they did it was out of instincts.

He remembered vividly, how he was blushing and telling her that maybe it wasn't a good idea to do this and how one kiss ended all of his insecurities. How it became one kiss to two kisses to…

He remembered how the temperature rose, how he saw her black dress in disarray and he hoped that he doesn't screw this opportunity up. Nevertheless, he relished this moment. How even a strong lady like her seemed to have come undone by him. How it was her touch, her voice that was coursing through his veins, fueling him to keep going. How there were groans and moans of each other's names and how her tunnel clamped on him hard.

He remembered looking at her in the eyes, already clothed the next day leaning against the doorframe, only knowing her first name as he smiled at her, "thank you… for this."

He remembered her looking through her eyelashes, her radiant smirk having this kind of feeling that she has this power over him.

"We're not done yet." She cryptically said and he paid not a lot of attention towards it, feeling exhausted. He chalked it up to her always being mysterious.

"Bye, Astrid," he said and left the room.

He doesn't even know if she said goodbye to him at all.

The second time he met her was at the end of Norse mythology class.

He honestly wanted to laugh at the fact that the cook at the bar that he regularly attends is the teacher for this class, Gobber, but he'd rather not mention that to anyone lest he wants people to think that he's an alcoholic for him knowing the fact.

He'd usually stay after class to talk casually with Gobber. This time though, he never made it to him.

"Hiccup?" A familiar voice calls out and he flinches before turning to his left and finding Astrid herself putting things in her bag. He didn't even know that Astrid herself was in this class, to begin with.

"Astrid?" He replies off awkwardly and she straightens up afterwards. "What… Were you always in this class?" He splutters towards her as his mind finally wraps around the fact that just two days ago was the last time he saw her in her bed. She smiles at him with a soft smile.

"Yeah. Small world, isn't it?" She seems very at ease with him and his mind went into overdrive with thinking just how many times has she encountered this very situation? She seems extremely at ease with him even after they fucked and he doesn't even know how to keep himself still.


"Yeah…" He trails off silently, "great." He claps his hands to have his body do something to distract him from this, "I should get going." He points towards the entrance of the hall, "you know, class and all, don't want to be late." He gives off a promising grin but that seems to be too far from the truth. He turns around and just before he can take one step did she stop him.

"Want to walk with me?" He blushes and ducks his head, thankful for the fact that she didn't see his face one bit. He wants to cough and did so as his right hand went behind his head to intertwine itself with his hair as he releases a soft smile. Of course, he should decline because he knows nothing about Astrid, but that's what is attractive to him. With that, they both left the classroom and he glanced back towards his good friend and teacher and saw him mouthing out the words that mirrored his very thoughts.

'What the fuck?'

"So…" He says, cutting through the silence of them walking side by side, realizing that he never really knew why she was in Norse mythology. "Why are you taking this?" He says, using his head to indicate the place they just left. She gives off a small smile.

"I just wanted to see what's out there. I want to know more about the world." As she's saying this, she starts to gesticulate and he gives off an easy smile around her, something about how she talks to him makes him focus on just her. "Or, well, what other people thought and think about the world. I've just wanted to know a bit about the past and present so that I sound interesting when I go to Hollywood."

That piques his interest, "Hollywood?" He raises his eyebrows at her as she puts a strand of hair behind her ear as it got slightly dishevelled from her previous actions. "You want to become an actress?" With her nod, he pushes on, "so what's up with Norse?"

"So I sound interesting." She answers the same and he wants to facepalm at his question. What he did instead was a small chuckle, his mouth reacting far quicker than he'd anticipated, "you already have my interest."

He blushes and stares wide-eyed at her, his mind just processing what he'd just said while she just smiles at the unexpected compliment, "thanks." Man, if only he understood what that tone meant. Was she into him? Was she disgusted by his horrendous attempt at flirting? He looks straight ahead, not wanting her to see him in this state. He's just trying to take deep breaths so that his face doesn't feel that hot anymore.

"Uhh, I should go. I'm, uh, done with class." He mutters softly as he stops and turns towards her as he points towards the parking lot. He just destroyed and shafted himself with that comment of his and just wish he could just leave and scream into a pillow. Instead of a nod or a confirmation, she just pulls him into her and kisses him, making his red face just that much redder.

Instead of being completely frozen the first time she kisses him in the bar, his body seems to electrocute itself as he embraces her, melting into the kiss. Much too soon in his eyes, they break apart, his eyes opening slowly to find her just arm's distance away. She smiles and waves as if that was something they do every day, "bye Hiccup!"

He waves until he had one final question in his throat. "Wait, Astrid!" He says to the retreating figure and she stops and just turns her head. She cocks her head as if asking what's up?

"What's your last name?"

She gives off a flirty smile, "you have to earn that," and then she turns and starts towards her upcoming class, he suspects.

And he stares at her retreating figure.

The mysterious woman becomes even more of an enigma.

Gods, the second time, the second time he was ready.

He'd met her again in the bar, and this time instead of any awkwardness, Hiccup gave off a friendly smile. Having already drunk a couple of beers, his mental awkwardness slowly gave off, making him more relaxed with her. Surprisingly enough, she had the same black dress. Unsurprisingly enough, he thought that she looked enchanting.

Nevertheless, they went to his house this time and he was ready. He was ready.

As they close his bedroom door – thanking every god there was for the fact that he lives by himself – they start to make out, feeling each other out as if they were the last thing left to hold on. One thing led to another and again,

Her black dress in disarray.

His lips found her neck as they both fell onto his bed, him being on top of her as they were both almost naked, their underwear the only thing from touching each other. He keeps giving small kisses and sucking on her sensitive skin as she tilts her head giving him more access to her neck. She seems to let out a very quiet moan as if she didn't want him to hear that. He continues, kissing downwards.

He makes it down to her beautiful breasts and his right hand instinctively goes on his own and grabs her left breast, making her breath hitch as she pushes her chest into his hand, to keep touching her. He blinks and lowers his head to kiss and suckle the nipple. She's slightly squirming but whether it was from the touch or just the fact that their nether regions were constantly touching seems something that he didn't know nor care, to be honest.

He keeps giving more attention to her right breast as his other hand tends to the untouched boob, her squirming and giving out hitches encouraging him more and more and making his underwear too uncomfortable to wear. He's about to switch positions until one of her hands grabs a fistful of his hair, forcing him up to kiss him fiercely. He has no objections as he closes his eyes and continues, her tongue touching his lips and he opens them without hesitation as their tongues intertwine with each other. His right hand continues his attention to the left breast as his left hand held his weight on top of her. He has no idea where her hands are until he feels the cold air get somewhere… downstairs.

He blinks, ending the kiss with her fluttering her eyes with a smirk. "Didn't see that coming did you?" He blinks and realizes that her hands swiftly went back to his hair to pull him down for another kiss.

He pulls apart for the second time and just lifts himself and stares at her. She cracks open an eye and sees him just looking, staring, and she just gives him a winning smile. He smiles back as he kisses her cheek and gasp as she holds onto him.

"I want him."

From there, it was like a switch came off both of them. He's trying his hardest to pull down her panties (who knew that he sucked at that?) and he's already trying to almost claw himself out of his underwear. He aligns himself alongside her entrance, looking back at her with his eyes asking – no, pleading – for permission to continue. With her nod, he begins to thrust into her, wanting to feel her.

And, by all of the gods in Norse mythology, she feels tight.

He thrusts, slowly as if they could both cherish this union and he just feels her coursing through his veins as he keeps going. The way she moans softly and how her hand seems to have moved to play with herself just made him shiver and that much harder. If she didn't look divine before, her other hand grabbing fistfuls of the bed made a much better case. He begins thrusting faster as he leans down, one of his hands slapping on the bed to hold his weight as all his mind went on to make her cum first, something that has been achieved a couple of times but not consistently. And by the gods, he will make that statement consistent.

Gods, he was ready.

He lays in bed, their legs in tangles as they both are enjoying the afterglow of their activity. His breathing was slowly evening out as he tightens his hold on the blond beauty and she snuggles into the crook of his neck, He inhales softly and he's surprised that addiction to this scene could happen quickly. He smiles into her hair, "You're like a drug to me."

He feels some light vibrations on his chest, a sign that she chuckled on his statement, "aren't drugs supposed to be bad for you?"

"I didn't mean that cynically. I…" He pauses, trying to find the right words. "I like being around you." She raises her head, and their eyes met. His mind went to extreme sappy in less time than he thought.

"You're my chemical."

It seems like she's searching his eyes, trying to find out if he was lying in any sense. After finding nothing he presumes, she gives a small punch to his arm that was embracing her and goes back into the crook of his neck as if that was her home. He wouldn't mind if that was the case.

"That hurts, you know?" He mumbles with a soft smile and she kisses his neck. "There." She says, her tone making it seem like that was the solution to the entire problem. "All better."

"Aren't you supposed to kiss the place where it was punched?"

"Does that bother you?"

Another peaceful silence started.

It's been over a month since he last saw her.

He's been drinking for just a while as he leans back against the bar, his mind drifting towards her every so often. He hasn't seen her at all during Norse mythology and since he has no way to contact her, it seems like she's disappeared off the face of the Earth.

He knows now that he misses her. The blond beauty that seems to have more mysterious than anything that he's ever encountered in his lifetime.

He sighs as he continues to look around the bar, "still thinking about her?" He blinks as he looks towards the mixologist to see him still in his position of him cleaning the mugs with a cloth. His silence in the following seconds gave him the answer. He continues as if he responded. "Man, well you didn't tell me that much about her." Eret stops cleaning for a quick second as he turns his head to see him. He seems to be thinking about something as his eyes seem to have that faraway look. "Yeah, I guess you didn't tell me anything about her or that night."

He shrugs, "I guess it's cause I didn't know much or anything about her. Heck, she wouldn't even give me her last name. All we had between each other was a first name basis, something that I was comfortable with apparently." He's grumbling on the inside about how he just doesn't get her. She's a mystery.

"Oof." Eret unintelligently says, "you got it hard then."

"Well, fuck if I didn't know then, I know now Eret." He bites back at the useless help of the bartender.

"Hey, now I know who to ask to get beautiful girls to go out with me." The bartender doesn't miss a step as he continues to joke with him. "Honestly though, you have got to give me some of your tips on how to get with a girl."

"Eret," he laughs silently, the bar being empty making him more comfortable talking about Astrid. "Even I don't know how the fuck I did it. Frankly, I didn't even do much of talking. She's the one who just initiated it."

"Ahh," Eret says, "just a pawn then. Damn, thought you could've given me some hints."

"I cannot tell if you're lying or telling me the truth here." He says as he sees Eret finishing cleaning up the bottle. All he gets from the mixologist is just a shrug and the conversation ends there.

He hears someone call out for Eret and he's just there, looking towards the entrance. As much as they really wouldn't talk before or even during the whole thing, afterwards was the best time for him. They would just fool around and just make bad jokes now and then (honestly it was mostly him making said bad jokes and her just snorting at them). It was something that he didn't even know he needed it. There was just a click with both of them.

They had something, something, like a chemical reaction for example. As a man that always wanted to get the right answer, the logical answer, putting these feelings into something meaningful and more black and white makes his heart soars a bit.

They had perfect chemistry. Well, he hopes that they have perfect chemistry.

He chuckles at that, thinking in the back of his mind that she probably would've just smiled that kind of smile that just said: "I can't believe you said that and I can't believe I find that funny." It just seems like something that would make her laugh. He guesses honestly.

The night goes on, his alcoholic drink no longer alcoholic as he just drinks some soft drink to pass the time. He feels a presence to his left and turns his head, slightly stunned from the revelation.

"Snotlout," he says to him as he glances at his watch, the bar being extremely lively than what it was a couple of hours ago. He just nods towards him.

"How did you do it Hiccup?" He goes right for it, making him just blink at the question as he's running through all the numbers.

"Well, if f of x is—"

"Shut the fuck up. You know what I'm talking about." His cousin doesn't seem to be in a joking mood. Honestly, most of the time he never is in a joking mood.

"I'm not too sure what you want me to say. How did I do what?"

"Get the blond beauty." He specifies and he widens his eyes, understanding it. After that, he quiets himself down slightly as he shrugs, not wanting to say that it was all her doing.

"I don't know, I got lucky I guess." He mumbles, not too sure on how to end this conversation that's making him uncomfortable. He knows that his cousin isn't going to stop persisting on it. "Wait, why are you asking anyway?" Last time he remembers, his cousin wasn't there when he left with the blond beauty.

"Just wanted to know. S'all." His cousin says as he orders a drink. "Need to up my game for tonight if you know what I mean."

"I hope I didn't," he responds to him as he continues to lazily drink. "Go, we'll judge from here. I need to improve my pickup lines." He says to his cousin and the way he glares at him makes him slightly smile.

"Fuck off Hiccup," and he leaves, making himself the lonely person at the bar again.

"My favourite participant of 'who's flopping' is back on the game. Well, shall we?" Eret says from behind him as he smiles towards him.


"Night Hiccup," his cousin dejectedly says, him just nodding as he sees him yawn and stretch. He glances at the clock again, knowing that at anytime now that he also should be leaving.

"Take care Snotlout," he says towards him and all he gets from his cousin's retreating form is just his middle finger, making him smile as he turns back towards Eret.

"I will always wonder how he's so clueless on how he can't pick up chicks." The bartender says as he wipes the bar down and he just laughs at his statement.

"He does get some from time to time. I guess with his confidence, everything's attainable." He pauses as he realizes during the entire time of him judging Snotlout on his mediocre performance did he not once think about Astrid. Now after this thought bubble, all he can think about is just where is Astrid.

"No fucking way." Eret mumbles, making him raise his head. The mixologist just shakes his head at the entrance, making him turn and his breath hitches.

There she was like she didn't disappear at all.

"Astrid." He says to her in a stupor fashion, unsure of what else to say as she sits down beside him. An amazing red dress adorns her now, the black dress nowhere to be found this time around as he gulps nervously. "Hi."

She just smiles at him, seemingly taking in his awkwardness. "Hey, Hiccup. How are you?"

"How am I? How are you?" He says, redirecting the question. He doesn't want to tell her that he's been doing absolutely nothing this past couple of weeks and that he's been just thinking about her. He has this feeling that those kinds of sentences will not make him shed himself in a good light.

She smiles softly, "I'll tell you right now if you'd like." She says softly as she grabs and slightly tugs his hand, making him widen his eyes. He turns towards Eret and he just shakes his head.

"Don't have game my ass. Doesn't know what he's doing." He can hear him mumbling and considering that she's slightly giggling at those statements, she can hear him too.

"O-o-okay," He stutters out, "Let's, uh, go?" He says as a question and they're both off towards someone's house. The first time it was her house. The second time it was his house.

"I like your house better." She whispers to him as they begin to leave, heading towards his car. For all the times that they've left the bar, he seems to be the one driving towards either house.

"Alright." He says, finally getting his bearings together that Astrid is here. "Let me, uh, just open the door for you."

He opens the passenger door, letting her in as he closes the door, with that, he takes a deep breath as he enters the driver's seat, patting slightly at the black wheel of his car.

"You good?" He asks her before he starts the car, wondering if she has anything she has to do before they can leave towards his house. His heart starts to beat slightly faster at the anticipation of that.

"Mmhmm," she says and that's his cue to start the car. He proceeds to leave and he's okay with either being a silent drive or a conversational drive. That being said, he wants to know what she's been doing this past month or so.

"So," he says, going for the latter, "how are you?" He repeats her the question and she just smiles as he glances towards her from time to time. He knows that the streets aren't packed considering it's almost the dead of night so he steals glances from time to time towards her direction. Plus, since it's been almost a month since he last saw her, he feels like he can steal a couple of glances.

She gives off a sigh, a happy sigh it seems. "I'm great. I auditioned for a part in London." She says, stretching slightly. He widens his eyes at the news.

"In London? That's great." He says to her earnestly. "I guess that's why you weren't around the class for a whole month or so."

"Ah, you kept track?" She says to him in a joking tone, making him stammer slightly.

"I mean, yeah. We're friends. Good friends. You know?" He's not too sure if he's backpedalled enough.

"Yeah?" She says, seemingly trying to egg him on to make him squirm. "How good friends?"

"No, no, no-no." He says to her, sternly shaking his head, hoping that she can hear his joking tone. "I'm not going to let you wrap myself around your finger." He says. "You already know how I feel considering just how we're perfect chemistry." He shuts his mouth as he realizes that he never actually did say those words to her. He glances towards her and she gives off a big smile like she's relishing the fact that he's still awkward from time to time with him. He almost wants to hit his head on the wheel but decides not to because he likes being alive.

"Yeah?" She smiles slightly, the type of smile that indicates "I can't believe you said that and I can't believe I find that funny" and he lets his natural smile go, lighting drumming the wheel with his fingers. It seems like whatever tension was created was uplifted.

"How well can you keep your concentration?" She asks him, making him raise his eyebrows towards her but not looking towards her. He's almost at his house, only just five minutes more and he's there.

"Decently, I guess." He hesitates, unsure of what the correct answer might be. Is there a correct answer?

"We're about to find out then," she says and he looks towards her, unknowing what she's doing until she puts her hand on his inner thigh, making him slightly tense up. She feels the tension as she rubs her hand around the area, making him slightly relax. He doesn't know what to do and just continues to drive towards his house, lightly squirming at the hot hand of Astrid.

She decides to up the dial a bit by moving her hand towards the prized collection, making him hitch his breath and himself feeling the edges of his concentration slip. He's hoping at the fact that he's not extremely hard by just her touching him but wouldn't be surprised. Astrid has this kind of effect on him.

He hears the zipper go down slightly as he slows down slightly, wanting to feel her but also wanting to know just how far she'll go. She continues on her journey and he doesn't want her to stop but he's getting close to his destination. She's palming at the bulge that seems to be growing as he's nearing the end of his destination.

"We're here." He gasps out as she frees his cock, stroking it as he stops his car in front of his house. He's thankful at the fact that its night out and there are no witnesses outside. He's also extremely thankful at the few lamp-posts being a good distance away from his car. She doesn't seem to stop as she takes off her seatbelt and seemingly attacks downwards, making him immediately hiss at the contact of her tongue on him.

"Fuck." He mutters, all his concentration converging towards Astrid's magnificent tongue as she's giving him a blowjob. He's not too sure if he can convince her to get off so that they can move this towards the bedroom and he's not too sure if he even cares to be honest.

The way that she's going at it on him, suckling on him like her life depended on it makes it that much more… more. He's not too sure he can concentrate as he grabs a fistful of her blond hair, doing some soft moans of encouragement to her, not trusting his voice to tell her anything. He feels her tongue just pressing down on his tip and then proceeds to switch her tactics and goes on to take him in and then slowly goes back up, making him never have a type of repetition where he can breathe because of holy fuck, she's giving it to him.

He also doesn't want to cum just yet and emphasizes that by slightly pulling on the strands of hair he's gotten on. He wants to savour it with her tonight, to get her off first before he can get himself off. But her mouth going all the way into his crotch makes him forget about everything as he hisses out loud, whispering a simple "fuck" into the roof of his car.

"I'm gonna…" He mutters slightly and with that, a switch went off as she gets off his cock, a trail of saliva connecting her mouth towards his cock as she wipes it off, giving a sultry smile towards him. He groans at the fact that he's literally at the edge and he's trying to get himself straightened out in all sense of that word.

"Wow." He mutters as he fixes himself up, "well if that isn't a race to the edge then I don't know what is. Hopefully, that was the appetizer."

"Well, you should probably hurry up if we're going to make it to the main attraction."

He doesn't need much more encouragement as he takes off his seatbelt in record time and gets out of the car, speedwalking towards her door and opening it to let her out. She smiles in appreciation as she gets out and he closes the door, locking the car in the process. He goes slightly ahead of her as he fumbles out his keys and opens the door to his house, letting her in first. She grabs his shirt as she enters through, making him almost forget to lock his door. It's almost like she's preying on him and he's okay with that. Fortunately, though, he's shifting his posture to tell her that he needs to close the door. She slowly releases her latch onto him as she slowly pats and smoothes the area that she was holding.

"I'll be waiting." She says as she turns around, making herself extremely comfortable as she disappears behind his bedroom's door. He stays there stunned for a quick second until his mind reminds him that there is a beautiful woman behind that door and makes some slight haste to close the front door and lock it. He then goes towards his bedroom and creaks open the door,

There she is in all her nakedness beauty as she's lying on her side facing him. He just slightly gapes at her, looking around her whole form. He seems to be in slow motion, just admiring her curves and she beckons him over with her finger and he just goes towards her, taking off his clothes in the short process of getting to his bed.

He's already at the edge of his bed as he takes off his shirt and is about to take off his pants when her hands grab his, making him pause slightly and stare as she puts his hands away and takes over.

"Let me," she says as she's on her stomach, pulling down his pants alongside his underwear, freeing his semihard dick out in the public eye. He shudders slightly at the incoming cold air on him as she grabs him again, stroking it slowly to make him just feel it. He groans at her actions, seemingly undoing him all over again as if they're back in the car no less than ten minutes ago.

"I'm close," he says. Her eyes seem to have lit up at that revelation as she once again deep throats him, almost taking his whole dick inside her mouth as he groans again. No more than a couple of seconds of her being in that position did he finally spill out his long-awaited cum. She seems determined to stay in that position, staying on top of him as he continues giving it to her. She then pops out, making the last strands of cum get on her mouth and down her chin. Her grin makes it seem like she doesn't care.

"Gods, I've missed that." She says and he wants to chuckle at the fact that it seems like it was she who just came and not him. Instead, though, he bends down and captures her lips with his own, making her release a slight hum at that as she raises herself, making the position of him kissing her that much easier. He opens his mouth and she does the same and his tongue goes exploring, tasting something weird and realizing that it's him. He continues though, not wanting to go deeper into that fact as he breaks the kiss, making her flutter her eyes.

"You're so beautiful," he whispers to her, straight into her eyes. It's shocking just how she blushes at that, considering just how well she takes compliments from him. Her red face makes her that much more beautiful though and he slightly pushes her onto the bed again, this time on her back as he gets rid of his pants. She's done him a favour and he wants to return it to her. Her smirk makes him want her even more.

He gets comfortable with his position before leaning down towards her nether regions. He begins by rubbing her inner thighs, trying to do the same thing she did to him to undo him. As he feels her relax before he does he get closer but just breaths heavily on her, making her squirm. He puts a bit more pressure onto her inner thighs to try to keep her still as she tries her move her body near his face and he gives in immediately, kissing her clit as he begins to work on her.

A drug to him she is. He knows that and considers it as fact as he licks her thoroughly, not wanting to miss anything and feeling how she seems to move her hips alongside his tongue means something good. He licks a couple of more times before he nibbles on her clit, making her gasp and feeling tugs on his hair, meaning that he's doing something right.

He continues, not wanting to slow down any bit. She's his chemical and he needs her like he needs air to breathe. He stops toying with her clit and proceeds to lick around her, littering little kisses everywhere he goes as marks of territory and her small gasps make him smile in triumph. He doesn't stop as he refocuses back on her, lapping her up like an ice cream cone during a hot day, glancing upwards to find her arching her back and he wants to always see her like this.

"Fuck, Hic, Hiccup right there," she urges him on. He doesn't need that much motivation from her to keep going and that's what he does. He keeps lapping her up, moving one of his hands to enter her as he keeps licking to get more of a feeling and it seems to do the trick as she's getting louder and louder at every passing second.

Her words of encouragement shifts to just moans, those moans fueling him to keep going and putting more effort into it. He's addicted to those moans and sounds from her and just wants to forever have her in that state of bliss that he puts her in.

"Hiccup!" She screams into the air, his left hand that's on her thigh slightly trembling at the shaking body beneath him as he continues to lap her up, lazing his speed to make her enjoy all of the bliss of her orgasm. He always enjoys the taste of her, knowing that it's kind of a reward for his good doing as he feels the shaking stop. He kisses the area around her, pecking everywhere around her as she hums in satisfaction. He finishes – well her hair pulling techniques makes him finish – as he kisses her softly, making her squeak at the sudden and quick attack. Her surprise lasts all less of a second as she goes on him too, the shifting of lips and the fact that he always has this habit of tangling his hands on her hair.

"Now," she says after a deep breath, her blue eyes the most prominent feature about her face, the first thing he saw when he first saw her face. "For the main event."

He sits up straight right at the entrance of her, seemingly debating if he should hold either of her legs but decides against it. He lines his already solid dick against her folds, looking back up towards her to find her nodding and almost begging by the look of her eyes. Her frazzled hair seems to only make her more beautiful. With her nod, he pushes forward and as always.

She's tight. And he loves it.

"Fuck," he mutters softly to himself as he fully unsheathes himself, letting himself there so that Astrid can adjust as he heard her gasp slightly at the entrance. Within a couple of seconds, he pulls himself out and reenters, setting a pace instinctively and not caring about the speed for the first couple of seconds as he remembers the feeling of Astrid and just how much he enjoys this. With that, he pushes himself forward, leaning and slapping a hand on his mattress as he gets closer towards her as he pumps into her, wanting to hear her.

Her moans and sighs don't disappoint her as she reaches out to grab him, holding onto his back as he forges on, wanting to make her cum before him. It's been always a competition between the two of them, wanting the other person to feel the pleasure course through them first.

He keeps going, feeling nails on his back as he's thrusting forward, closing his eyes and feeling her clenching around him from time to time, making him groan. His groans are mixed with the soft moans from the goddess below him as he opens his eyes, finding the face of Astrid's mouth open and her eyes closed making him harder than a diamond.

She pushes him down, kissing him as he keeps his pace, the slapping of their sweaty skins the only thing being heard as their teeth clashes between them. His tongue mixes with hers, the rhythmic slap between them speeding up ever so slightly.

"Fuck," he says, hearing her almost say the same thing. He goes back to his original position, slightly lifting her legs to have more leverage and all his focus is on their connection. He looks down and almost sees just how her cunt just squeezes him back in as if inviting him back in and he intends to do the most of that. He pushes through, increasing his pace and the louder moans from in front of him tell him that he's doing a good job.

"Faster," she cries out and who is he to deny her? He slightly pulls her towards him as he continues to go faster, feeling already at the edge for him. He keeps going, not wanting to slow down for any reason as he's nearing the edge himself.

"I'm close," he groans out and she plays with herself as his hand goes directly towards her clit, rubbing it quickly as he's just reaching his end and trying to get her to reach it as quickly as possible.

"Hiccup, right there," she says as he's continuing to go as fast as he can, almost rubbing her clit right off her body as she's arching her back more and more. "Oh my, Hic- Hiccup!"

He feels her clench around him as he closes his eyes at the pleasure that he's gotten her off first as he's almost right there with her. He doesn't last even a dozen more thrusts as he enters and exits as he cums on her stomach, some streams making it just barely on her boobs as he breaths deeply, quite an exercise.

"Sorry," he says towards her as she just looks like she's in extreme bliss. She scoops up one line of cum that's closest to her as she licks the cum off her finger. All he can do is just stop and stare, as she looks towards him while doing that. He shakes his head slightly before reminding himself that he should probably get a cloth to clean his mess.

"I'll be back," he says.

"Don't take too long," she replies as he's almost leaving the room.

Oh, gods, with her in his bed, he's never going to take long.

He's thankful for the fact that he has no classes the next morning. He assumes that she also doesn't have any classes as they both wake up in bed, him stretching making her wake up. He gives out a soft sigh as he looks down towards the blonde beauty that's on his chest.

"Sorry," he says to her as she blinks her eyes, the tiredness in them super evident but he can see that she doesn't mind that much. He changes that thought as she burrows herself inside his neck, making a soft moan. He kisses her hair as he runs his hands through them.

His hand stills as a ringtone scream through the room, making her get off his chest in slow motion as she checks her phone. She gasps as he untangles his limbs from her as she gets off the bed.

"Hello?" She says, sounding like she's been awake since the dawn of time. She puts some strands of hair behind her ear as she starts to get up. "Yes, this is Astrid speaking."

She disappears from the room, making him wonder what kind of phone call that might be. For the moment though, he just stretches out and continues through his morning routine. The moment he opens his curtains though, he hears footsteps fast approaching and sees her completely naked as he opens his mouth to say something and she jumps on him, making him take a step backwards as she attacks his mouth with hers. He grabs onto her butt to help her stabilize as he continues kissing her.

When they break apart, he drops her and she smiles an extremely happy smile. He raises an eyebrow by her reaction and her entire posture is glowing.

"I got the part!" She exclaims and he smiles her contagious smile. He nods at her, wanting her to continue and she seems to get the hint. "The part I auditioned in London! I got it!" She seems to be in tears and he hugs her as it's an amazing achievement that she got a part.

"That's amazing Astrid!" He says to her, meaning it as they remain in that position. All he hears is some type of sniffles and he begins to sway with her, making it more calming. They begin to dance in rhythm with no music, them being naked is just something that's something natural.

"There's a catch though," she says as he pulls apart from her, keeping her in his hold. "I'm moving to London." He widens his eyes at that.

"What?" She nods at that, seemingly trying to gauge his reaction as he releases his hold onto her. "What about everything here?"

"Um, well, uh," she stammers out and for the first time, he notices her not having the same aura of confidence she usually has. It seems like she wasn't expecting that kind of question. "Well, I'd assume that's being sorted out as we speak."

"So you're just going to go all the way to London then," he says. With her nod, he tangles his hand with his hair as he starts to pace around, unsure of how to feel. He knows that he should feel extremely happy for her but it seems like she's leaving everything.

"So you're just going to leave everything behind then. Go somewhere else and leave and not come back." He says in a soft voice, not wanting her to see how much it's affecting him.

"Why don't you come with me?"

"It's not that easy Astrid." He looks towards her and maintains eye-contact so that she can know how serious he's being. "I can't just fly off and leave my studies behind. I have a life here."

"Well, I'm not going to pass up this opportunity." She exclaims as she crosses her arms and he starts putting his clothes on, wanting, needing his hands to do something other than try to destroy his hair.

"Well, don't then. You have a future in acting. You're already funny, charming and interesting. I'm no good reason for you to not pursue your dreams."

Except deep down he wishes that she didn't take that job. That she could stay here. He wants to get to know who this Astrid is and her leaving without any type of anything would just make his heart not take it well. He wants to be as close to her as possible but he knows that reality just won't do that to him. He's not thinking this straight though as all he wants is to try to continue this relationship without her hopping all over the world.

"It's not all completely official," she says and he looks up towards the naked beauty. "It's just that it's an amazing first stepping stone towards the career." He nods numbly at the words and it's being processed. It's just not sinking in. He doesn't know if it ever will.

All he knows is that if London ever calls her for confirmation that she'll never answer that call.

"I'm going to make breakfast," he says to her, her face falling probably indicates that he can sense that nothing's going through him. "You want anything?" She just shakes her head as he doesn't even look towards her body but just sees the pain in her eyes. He's done that. He doesn't give her pleasure, he just gives her pain.

Some say a picture is worth a thousand words.

Her pained expression that day rings that statement true.

He hasn't seen her for a couple of days ago when she got her part. He hopes that she's taken the part and not back down because of him. He wouldn't even know what to do if that ever happened.

He's currently at his house making some spaghetti, stirring occasionally at the food that he's making as he leans against the counter that's opposite of the stove, keeping an eye towards the food. A door knock makes him look towards the door in confusion. He doesn't remember ever inviting someone over tonight. He glances at the food, seeing that it isn't going to catch on fire – he hopes – and proceeds to go open the door.

"Astrid?" He says in shock at the blond beauty just on the other side of the door. She just smiles at him in greeting with the amazing black dress and a jacket covering her from the Berkian cold as he looks down at himself with just casual clothing of sweat pants and a casual green tunic.

"Ah, sorry. Wasn't expecting company." He mutters and she smiles at his proclamation. "Ah, would you like to come in?" He says, gesturing towards the house that she was a couple of days ago. She nods slightly as he moves to the side and she goes in, taking off her jacket as he grabs hold of her jacket to put it on the coat hanger. She starts to sniff the air around her

"Is that food you're cooking?" She asks and he chuckles. "Yeah, I'm cooking at the moment." He says, waiting for her to make the first couple of steps as she crosses the living room and finds the main kitchen counter alongside the steam from one of the pots. She just looks at the cooking food as if it's something from another universe.

"Do you want anything to drink?" He asks her and she shakes her head, making his spirits slightly damper. Nonetheless, he shrugs that off as he looks and stirs the pasta. There's a silence that rarely happens between the two of them as he keeps mixing. He decides that he can't handle it much longer.

"So," he starts, "how are you?" He asks her as he turns around fully to see her sitting down on one of those high counter chairs.

"I'm… good," she says and he can't stop his eyebrows from doing anything he demands as they're probably way high up in question.

"I just wanted to tell you that I accepted the part." She says and he nods, putting all of his weight on his arms as they put themselves on top of the counter.

"Good for you," he says, and he means it. "You're going to be big. I know it. You don't need those classes of Norse Mythology for you to be interesting." Her putting her hair behind her ears with his statement says something, he just wishes he knew what it was.

"Thanks," she says as she sits up straight. "I just wanted to tell you and just to see you again." She says and he smiles at just how blunt she can be sometimes. He doesn't mind though as he turns back towards the food and sees it almost cooked.

"I'm sorry," he says as he lowers the heat, wanting to just talk to her now that she's here and not focus too much on the food at hand. "I shouldn't have gotten angry at you for you to have that opportunity." He wants to add that he doesn't even know that they're together or not because they haven't spoken about that kind of situation.

"It's an amazing opportunity and I don't want to be the person that stops you from pursuing your dreams. I don't want that over my head." He says and she looks towards him and just stares at him. He's not too sure how to feel about that.

"Okay," she says and he nods too. He feels like there's something that needs to be said between the two of them but he just looks at her and she looks at him. A silence ensues once again.

"I'm going to miss you," he says honestly and she smiles right up at him. Her eyes are gleaming with that statement and she stands up and goes around the counter, kissing him.

If a picture's worth a thousand words then her touch is worth them all.

She's grasping at his arms with her hands, caressing it and almost trying to memorize what he is and he's embracing her for what seems to be the last time, although if what she's saying it might be the last time for a while until they'll see each other again.

She shifts her hands upwards, touching his face and he continues to just kiss her. Although most of their kisses were hot and passionate and needy during their times, these kinds of calm, slow kisses are something that he can get extremely used to. Although because it's coming from Astrid, he's probably already addicted. They pull apart and just stare at each other. He gently touches her cheek with the back of his hand and she just leans towards it, looking towards him. She just rubs her hands on his shoulders, slightly giving him a massage as he lowers himself down, her meeting him halfway.

"Me too," she responds to his last statement and they stay there for a bit until he widens his eyes at the fact that his spaghetti is still being cooked. Well, probably overcooked at this point.

"Shit," he says to himself as he remembers his spaghetti. He turns and she giggles at the situation as he laughs a bit from it.

"I would invite you to dinner but it'll be overcooked spaghetti, I don't think you'll want that."

"I'd love to eat some." She says and he just sighs in a good mannerly.

"Alright give me a couple of minutes to salvage this."

Within minutes, he salvaged the questionable spaghetti and serves it up for both himself and her. They both begin stabbing at the food that he makes and they start in peaceful silence. Within minutes though, he wants to know more about the mysterious woman that's sitting across from him. As much as he knows quite a bit of her body, he doesn't know much of her personality.

"Astrid, then." He says, making her hum as she seems to handle eating spaghetti in the same way that she handles everything, with class and with some sort of higher authority as if she owns this house.

"I kind of have this feeling that I know nothing about you and yet, you know everything about me," he says and her blue eyes pierce his. Usually, those kinds of actions would get him to lose his cool but he's been getting more accustomed to those actions. "I mean, I don't even know why the name Astrid."

"My mom loved flowers," she explains and she wrinkles her nose at the food, although he's sensing that it isn't because of the food. "I've grown to dislike the name though." He cocks his head to the right as she glances upwards to make some eye contact.

"Why though? Astrid sounds like a beautiful name." He says and she just picks at her food, the atmosphere turning somewhat serious, something that's been a rare factor between the two of them.

"It sounds too girly." She says and he can't help but make his face fall, making her try to reargue her statement. "In the career, a name can mean a lot. Everything is always based on first looks, names especially. I guess I never truly enjoyed Astrid as a name."

"Well, I hope you can change your mind about it." He says, stopping his sentence to keep eating his food as they return to a slight silence. He glances upwards to find her just looking at him and he's unsure of the reason behind it.

"You don't sometimes dislike your name? Especially a name like yours?" She asks him and he shakes his head.

"I've been made fun of it but I've grown to accept it. I remember despising it because it was like I was a mistake, a failure. I remember hating on it until my father talked to me about the meaning of the name in our family. All the previous Hiccups have done something spectacular for the Haddock name. He believed the moment he saw me that I could achieve such great things as the other previous Hiccups did. From then on, I embrace my name, wanting to hold that level of greatness that the previous Hiccups and go beyond that."

He finishes his monologue by continuing to eat his spaghetti. The moment he starts to chew, she starts to look at him again. He decides to further try to persuade her to keep the name.

"Astrid is 'divine beauty' in Norse mythology, something that incredibly suites you. You're the one that gives life to Astrid though. You make Astrid… Astrid." He says and she says nothing as they both return to picking their food.

The sounds are only the clinks and clacks of their silverware crashing against the plates and the slight noises the spaghetti makes when it's being moved. He says nothing as he's concentrating on his food that is still extremely overcooked. He doesn't mind it as much as he did although he presumes it's because of a presence across the table from him.

"So you guys as a family are pretty tight-knit?" She asks and he stops to think about her question. He'd like to think that he knows something about the history of his family but just how well he knows the Haddocks of the present.

"Not really. We just cherish and honour the past Haddocks. The family I've kept in touch are just my parents and my cousin and his parents. Other than that, that's all I know about my family." He nods with that answer, satisfied with that as he looks towards her, wanting to see if she'll open up about her family.

"All I have are just my parents. My uncle was a huge influence on me. I remember him vividly, trying to tell me that all dreams are attainable if you just set yourself goals that you have to push for. Goals that are too easy? You'll just put no effort into achieving the goal. Unreachable goals? You'll lose the will to attain it. I guess it was him that planted the seed for me to become an actress. The rest is history."

"I'm assuming you've been living here in Berk ever since you were born?" With her head shaking, he presses on. "Man, you must come to despise the rain of Berk." He jokes and she chuckles.

"It's something that you have to get used to, don't get me wrong. But it's amazing here. The scenery, nature. Sometimes Berk can be a big city, other times it's just a small town. I love it. I'm extremely grateful that I've been raised here for most of my memories."

He nods, her describing Berk in those couple of sentences bringing it home. When she raises her napkin from her lap and deposits on the plate did he realize that they're both done their food and he gets up, taking both of the plates as she gets up alongside him.

"I'll dry and you wash the dishes?" She asks him and he smiles towards her.

"Even the dishes from yesterday?"

"Especially the dishes from yesterday."

They wash up all of the dishes and comes through the last part of the night. He looks towards the clock on the wall and notices that she probably had to go ten decades ago.

"Ah jeez, you should probably be anywhere but here by now." He says and she looks towards the clock, nodding slowly at that.

"Yeah. Sorry, I should get going." He raises his hand towards the door and waits patiently as she gets herself ready to face the outside of his house. She puts on her shoes and he's right there with her coat on hand. She smiles at the small gesture and he responds at that as he opens the door to let her out.

"Thank you for coming by, even though the food was questionable." He's standing at the edge of the door while she's outside with her jacket on, looking always enchanting. She smiles at that as she looks towards him.

"It seems like I should stop distracting you." He vehemently shakes his head at that.

"You never distract me. I just… overthink things." She laughs at that weak attempt and he smiles at her laughter.

With that, the silence ensues and suddenly, he remembers the original reason why she came here the whole time. He closes the distance between them and kisses her one last time. She melts into it. Instead of it being a desperate kiss, it's a soft and slow kiss. It seems like those are the most commons now in recent events.

"Hofferson." She whispers out and he raises his eyebrows towards her. She blushes as her blue eyes seem to be the only thing illuminating the whole night.

"My name is Astrid Hofferson." He mouths out the last name for the first time in his life.

"Goodnight Astrid Hofferson. Hopefully, we'll see each other extremely soon." She gives out a sad smile, knowing that this will be the last time they'll see each other soon. Maybe when she's done that role can she come back to Berk.

"We will Hiccup Haddock. You know that we're perfect chemistry anyways." She says and she turns around, not looking back. "You're my chemical. I think I'm clinical because of you."

"You're my drug Astrid, I will never mean that to be cynical."

And that was the last time he saw her soon, him promising to her that he'll wait for her when she comes back. He somehow knows that she'll do the same thing and that brings a smile to his face every single time he thinks about it.

He sometimes wonders what would've happened if he did take that offer to drop everything here in Berk and go with her. Some other days, he wonders if the beautiful blond-haired woman was ever real to begin. When he has those thoughts, he just looks towards the TV, knowing that she's real because of an upcoming movie including a familiar name with an unfamiliar twist.

He knows this though, she wanted his love. He gave her the rest of him though.

At least, as he watches a movie at his house by himself featuring the up and coming star Valkyrie, he's happy with the fact that she did keep her name.

Astrid Valkyrie.

He's happy to know that he knows her actual last name, something that he'll treasure for the rest of his life as he continues to wait for her.


Don't need no drugs,
You're my chemical
Now I'm dependant,
Swear I'm clinical

Don't need no drugs,
You're my chemical
Now I'm dependant,
No, not cynical

Anberlin. "Dance, Dance Christa Päffgen." Never Take Friendship Personal, 2005

Do you think Hiccup loves Astrid or just her touches? Just how long will he wait for Astrid Valkyrie as they both live their separate lives from the moment she walked out of his front door?

Sometimes when you go back and read through an uncompleted story, your hands kind of take over the keyboard and continue it on, finally pushing through that writer's block. A two fucking year writer's block. This is what it was. Sure, it took like 2 full days to finally finish writing but within those two days, 6000 words were written. I sometimes think that these long one-shots should be two-shots but I never know when to break it off.

I love writing songfics, this is probably the fifth or sixth one I've written but the first one I've completed. Go figure. City is a songfic but it's an album fiction, which is why it's dead set on 12 chapters.

EDIT May/12/2020: This was originally supposed to be just a simple one-shot although, with a couple of encouraging reviews, I thought to myself that maybe there could be a story. Of course, this being a songfic I decided to go to the album Never Take Friendship Personal and see if there was anything inspirational and lo and behold, there is. That being said, it's just going to be a short story ranging from 4-6 chapters with some more smut (if I can write it and it not be bad.)

Created: March 3rd, 2018

First Draft: May 3rd, 2020

First Revision: May 3rd, 2020

Second Revision: May 3rd, 2020

Third Revision: May 4th, 2020

Published: May 4th, 2020

Re-Edit: May 12th, 2020

Next Chapter:
I Thought...