![]() Author has written 4 stories for Dead or Alive, Twilight, and Final Fantasy VIII. Honest to a fault: You may call me "bitch" if it makes you feel better about yourself :3 Name: As far as you know, it's Mia. Age: 19 Gender: Female So here I go again... once in a while I come back to Fanfiction just for kicks, and I look at it and I think... 'Damn... we really could have been something.' It's like one of those rocky relationships, like that one you have with that one ex you just never really, fully got over, but you still try to maintain a cordial relationship with, even though you've already struck up new relationships with other people and it's just... bad. lol Or something like that. Regardless, I'm still around, still kicking around ideas for cool things, though severely lacking in time and inspiration. Maybe one of these days... One of these days... By the way, you can't tell by my fiction (I went through a phase, so sue me!) but... I HATE Twlight. Writing is just one of those things for me, you know? And that's why I'm here. So here I go again! Current Projects: Static Existence - Just a little one-shot I did for kicks and giggles. New Moon was my favorite out of all the Twilight books: there was so much emotional confrontation... I felt obligated to expound upon it! lol Staying up Sort of - At the very least I need to come up with a new name. I've already paper-edited some of the chapters, but I feel it needs more conflict, more complication to it. I'm mulling around ideas, but we'll see... this fic might have some life in it yet... Snow - Up, beautiful, and very complete! Basically just a little one shot tribute to Rinoa and Squall: My inspiration couple since I was about 8 years old. Nothing Like Love - Why there was no Jacob/Leah love, I never knew... So I figured I'd make some of my own up, even if it's not exactly that happy ending most people are looking for... There are a couple errors in it... But I'm a little too lazy to take it down and edit it again, and then repost it... again... So please :) Go read and review! Thanks for taking the time to take a look at my profile and reviews are always appreciated To all my loyal readers, arigatou gozaimasu for your time and patience. It means more than you'll ever know. |