Author has written 2 stories for Neverwinter Nights, City of Heroes, and Champions Online. Mostly, I'm a working stiff. I write some stuff for fun, I draw some stuff for fun (Check the website!). I'll leave describing my particular writing style to others, but I will mention that I enjoy writing stories in which the only borrowed materials are the locations in which they take place, and everything else is original. That's how I wrote my first story Dawn of a New Journey, which used the Baldur's Gate setting, and generally ignored most of the rules that the D&D world works by. That's about it! So, uh, go read somethin', I guess. Or go take a shower. Soap is your friend, stinky. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS ALWAYS WELCOME! GENERAL DISCLAIMER: The intellectual properties referenced in the following works belong to their respective copyright holders. If you like what you read, please check out the originals. Don't steal them. That's kind of a jerk move. STORY STATUS Dawn of a New Journey: On hiatus (pending rewrite) This was one of the first stories I had written straight out of high school back in 2002. After going back and re-reading it, I'm really disappointed in the writing. So, I'm gonna re-do the whole shebang. When I have time, that is. CPU-Girl: Origins: Chapter 1 complete, writing chapter 2. Chapter 1 is more or less a prologue and chapter 2 marks the beginning of the main part of the story. Candin-Sor: Origins: Pre-writing. Oracle (Working Title): Pre-writing. |