Author has written 19 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, Twilight, Youjo Senki: Saga of Tanya the Evil, and Misc. Books. Hello there! I am Lord Kelvin, your local writer as critic. I've joined this site more than ten years and 6000 reviews ago. Back then Sonic the Hedgehog had just under 3500 fics, Twilight did not exist, script format was allowed and the site was constantly having power outages. We've come a long way... Why Lord Kelvin? Venture into zapatopi (dot) net /kelvin/. I find it funny. Don’t you? Updates 02/02 Posted chapter 7 of Paragon today. The fic's reception has been very encouraging so far and I see more Youjo Senki fans reading every day. The community seems to grow with every new episode and issue, which is why not seeing more fics in the category continues to surprise me. 21/01 The last few days have been interesting. I discovered a light novel series curiously named Saga of Tanya the Evil. It didn't have a presence on FFN, so I asked the admin to make the magic happen. The admin's approval included a "Please help us spread the word." and I'm happy to oblige. If you're writing a fic about the series, drop me a line, so I don't miss reviewing it. 21/05 Posted a new multi-chapter Sonic fic. It's a disaster story about Chaos Energy and the way it affects everyone at different degrees of intensity. Sonic can handle a great amount of Chaos, but is there a limit? And if so, can you get past the limit? What about taking all that Chaos, multiplying it by a hundred and stuffing it in a small rabbit? Read the fic to find out. Here's something amusing I've found on the site: more than 10 people wrote for a fandom called 'To Be Deleted 7227'. Here's a link: The fandom remained To Be Deleted since 2015. However, you can still find these people's stories on the site. This writer, for instance, posted a story for To Be Deleted called Artist One Shot. But you can't read that. Is it magic? No, it's To Be Deleted! To prevent certain misunderstandings: blocking me makes you unable to receive any kind of response to personal messages. Do not ask for a reply if I am on your block list. Doctor Eggman and Shadow the Hedgehog are copyright SEGA. Shadow is copyright AimyNeko. Eggman Cometh is copyright Courtland Brugger. Used with permission. Have a nice, abuse-free day. is a trademark of Lord Kelvin. Copyright Lord Kelvin 2004-2020. All rights reserved. |
Elfian Aqua (39) | Iris Sweetheart (15) |