Author has written 13 stories for Harry Potter, Titanic, Inuyasha, Men In Black, House, M.D., Duma Key, Sandman, Life of Pi, M*A*S*H, and Bones. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by! I'm an award-winning fanfiction writer who used to write under the alias BrownRecluse, but a name change was long overdue. I've also had a fair amount of original work published. Although I go through these phases where I swear I won't write any more fanfiction, something eventually always pulls me back. It's great fun, as well as a creative way to work through bouts of major writer's block/confidence loss on original projects. 2019: Vespertine won a 2019 Futhark Award on Wattpad for 'Best Technical Skill!' So thrilled! If you'd like to read my original work, check out my account: "ShadowMaven." |
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