![]() Author has written 19 stories for Pokémon, Misc. Plays/Musicals, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Super Smash Brothers, Lion King, Warriors, and Hunger Games. Hi! I'm just your average teenage girl. I primarily write FanFiction about video games, specifically Nintendo games. I may also write FanFiction about books, movies, and anime from time to time as well! Here are the fandoms that you will see me writing for most of the time and what kinds of stories I will be writing for said fandoms SUPER SMASH BROTHERS This fandom is the fandom that you will see me writing for most of the time. The combination of most of Nintendo's greatest franchises offers several plot ideas and character combinations to use, which makes for easy story-writing! The types of stories that I will be posting for this fandom will mainly be AUs, or alternate universe, fics. This is because, as I said before, of the plot ideas that the versatility of the series offers. I may post stories that take place in my headcanon Smash universe, but those will be rare. POKEMON This fandom is another fandom that you'll see me post for a lot-it's my favorite Nintendo franchise, and one of the easiest to write for. I will mostly be writing about the games and the anime, because I know literally duck-crap about the manga, which is to say I know nothing about it. The generation of games that I will primarily be writing for are the Generation 7 games, Sun and Moon, because goddammit, I love every single character in those games. You may also see me writing about the Generation 3 and 4 games, because I'm particularly fond of those games as well. As for the anime, I'll primarily be writing AUs about it, because I feel as if you can take more creative liberties with those. FIRE EMBLEM I probably won't be posting for this fandom as much as Super Smash Brothers or Pokemon, but it's still a fandom I love! I'll probably be writing only about Awakening and Fates, as they're the two games in the series that I'm the most familiar with. This is also one of the the only fandoms that I'll write stories for based on my own experiences and headcanons. KID ICARUS Like Fire Emblem, I probably won't be writing for this fandom a lot. But goddammit, I still love this game and all of its characters, so I'll write something for it once in a while! This will be another fandom with stories primarily focused on experiences and headcanons. Here are some other fandoms I like. I probably won't write for these fandoms, but they're here in case I do! -Star Fox -Kirby -Yuri On Ice -One Punch Man -Zootopia -Warriors -Undertale -Percy Jackson and the Olympians STATUSES OF MY STORIES! CURRENT Eating Me Alive (Yep, it's finally here, and it's also the start of a new beginning for this account...one where I update more!...hopefully.) Revolutionaries of Smashtopia (A fun little idea I came up with recently, and, along with Eating Me Alive, is part of my resolution to upload more frequently.) Your Love Is Music to my Heart (IT'S NOT MY FAULT MY PLAYLIST GOT SCREWED UP! Anyways...I might even extend it to twenty chapters to make up for my procrastination-er, I mean, technical difficulties) The Shadows Among Us (This is no longer a Halloween-based fic-just a normal Smash AU. With werewolves. And vampires. And witches. And goblins.) DISCONTINUED Percy and Annabeth: The Life and the Love (I am so sorry to those who waited for over a year for me to update it! But I realized that with my tendency to procrastinate, a long-term fic is just not up to schedule. Sorry again guys.) Aura Cycle Book One: The Aura Awakens (Once again, I'm sorry to those who were fans of it, but I realized two Smash book parodies would be weird and redundant. Plus, I was having trouble deciding what Smashers would be certain characters.) Days at the Mansion: The Rise of Scarmask (Yeah...I have no idea what kind of drug I was on when I wrote that. I recently read through it, and I realized it was repetitive, gimmicky, and cringeworthy. No wonder nobody seemed to care about it!...hehe.) PLANNING TO REWRITE Way Back Home (I had no idea how to work with the plot after the way I left it off on Chapter 1. Then all of the newcomers came in. But I came up with a really cool concept for a rewrite, so expect that soon! A hint about the new plot: Man's best friend. ;) PokeWarriors: Light versus Dark (This is the more...iffy rewrite. I was writing Chapter 3, but then I hit writers block. Then I read through it, and I realized it was nooby and very, VERY cringeworthy. It was my first fanfic, though...so I believe I can rewrite it and make it better! :D) STATUS UNDER CONDSIDERATION Ness Greil and the Hocotatian Stone (I...just don't know about this one, guys! I've actually really lost a lot of interest in it, but there's a part of me that wants to carry on and make it a full-fledged series...) NEW STORY IDEAS Densetsu (A Smash Bros AU about the Smashers being gods, and some of the so-called "myths" about their creations and adventures. Expect lots of Bowser, Lucario, Charizard, Greninja, Samus, Fox, Falco, Wolf, Meta Knight, Pit, Dark Pit, Ike, Robin, Corrin, Lucina, Ness, Lucas, Captain Falcon, Sonic, Mega Man, Ryu, and Bayonetta. Expect it to start when both Eating Me Alive and Revolutionaries of Smashtopia are completed...so...late autumn to early winter. :P) A spinoff story from a certain chapter of Your Love is Music to my Heart (Which chapter is it? Well...You'll have to wait till the end of the story...whenever that is.) Death by Dadhood (A comedic-fluff Undertale fanfic about Mettaton being a dad. This one should come out in late summer or early autumn.) I'm doing one of those "pick 10 characters and answer questions" things because I really like them. All questions belong to Tigerwillow, not me. 10: Lucina (Fire Emblem) 9: Olimar (Pikmin) 8: Ghiriham (Legend Of Zelda) 7: Mr. Game and Watch (Game and Watch) 6: Bowser Jr. (Mario) 5: Ness (EarthBound/Mother) 4: Little Mac (Mike Tyson's Punch Out!) 3: Wolf (Star Fox) 2: Dark Pit (Kid Icarus) 1: Duck Hunt Dog (Duck Hunt) 1, 5,7, and 9 have all won an expensive cruise trip! How do they react? Duck Hunt Dog: Ruff, ruff, arf? (Translation: What's a cruise?) Ness: Umm... OK? Mr. G&W: (Beeps in delight) Olimar: I prefer my spaceship. 4 is secretly a brony! How does 3 react when he/she finds out? Wolf: o.0 The heck, man? Little Mac: (Turns away from TV playing MLP:FIM) What? 10 wants your advice on asking 2 out on a date. How do you react? PK2: Well, the only advice I can give you is to be yourself. (In head: OMGYESYESYESITSFINALLYHAPPENING!) Lucina: Hmm... OK? 8 walks in on 6 and 9 kissing! How do they react? Olimar and Bowser Jr.: (Smooching messily) Ghiriham: ... (Shuts door.) 3 has been turned into a baby version of themselves! 1 and 2 have to care for him/her. How does it go? Baby Wolf and DHD: (Wrestling and tumbling like a pack of, er, puppies) Dark Pit: Hmph. I have no time for- Baby Wolf: Dak Peet? (How I would imagine a baby saying Dark Pit) Dark Pit: AWW LOOK AT YOU ADORABLE THING! (Starts playing with the two) PK2: (Videotapes Dark Pit playing with DHD and Baby Wolf and sends it to Pit) 7 ate a piece of cake that 4 was saving for him/herself. How does 4 react? Little Mac: (Turns into Giga Mac and starts punching Mr. G&W like heck) Mr. G&W: Stop! Please! I didn't know it was your cake! PK2 and Little Mac: Wait, YOU CAN TALK? Mr. G&W: Yes. Yes, I can talk. 5 has a new favorite band and song by that band. What is that band and song? Ness: THE STORY OF MY LIIIIIFE! PK2: (Covering ears and asking self why she got Ness that 1D CD for Christmas) You bump into 9- literally- in the street. How do you react? PK2: How the heck can I bump into Olimar? He's like, 1/1000 of my size! 8 confesses that they've had a crush on you for months and asks you out! How do you react? PK2: NO. YOU ALREADY HAVE TWINROVA. Ghiriham: :( But she's ugly! 1 thinks that they're now a cat. DHD: Meow, meow, meow! Everybody Else: (Sweatdrops) Well, this is awkward... 6 and 1 go to the mall! What do they buy? Bowser Jr.: (Holds a cart laden with paint and weapons) DHD: (Happily trots out of store with only a rawhide bone) All Characters: YAY! IT'S OVER! PK2: Not so fast... (Pulls out sack labeled 'Questions') Burning Light and Crystal was kind enough to lend me this! Everybody Except for PK2: NUUUUUUUUUU What would happen if 1 woke you up in bed? DHD: (Licking PK2's face to the point where it nearly falls off) PK2: BAD DOG GET OFF! DHD: Woof, ruff, arooooof! (Translation: But you're going to be late for school!) PK2: Oh. Thanks for telling me! (Runs off!) Number 3 walks in on you while your showering. How do you react? PK2: GET OUT BEFORE I SKIN YOU ALIVE! Wolf: AGGH SO SORRY I WAS JUST LOOKING FOR MY BLASTER! (Runs) Number 4 announced that he/she is going to marry 9! How do you react? PK2: ... What the heck? Just... What the heck? Little Mac: Last time I drink 4 gallons of Coors Light on a Friday. 6 is lying next to you on the beach. What happens? BJ: PK2? PK2: (Listening to Three Doors Down on stereo with headphones) BJ: PK2??? GET UP! PK2: (Removes headphones) WHAT DO YOU WANT? BJ: Do you wanna build a sandcastle? PK2: Oh, sure! Number 7 has announced that he/she is part of your family! How do you react? PK2: How in the name of Firestar IS THIS POSSIBLE! Mr. G&W: I think I was doing the same thing as Little Mac. 8 somehow ends up in the hospital. Ghiriham: (Lying in a hospital bed with multiple stab wounds) PK2: OK, what happened? Ghiriham: I was flirting with Zelda in front of Link. You can guess what happened from there. PK2: (Sighs and facepalms) You are going to marry 10! What is 1's reaction? DHD: Woooof? (Translation: Whaaaat?) Lucina: I think we all went to that tavern on Friday. Number 2 confesses his/her deep love for 9! How do you react? PK2: ... Blame the tavern? Dark Pit and Olimar: Blame the tavern. If 9 sketches what 6's soul mate would be, would 6 be happy? Bowser Jr.: (Making out with a photo of a female mini-Godzilla) Olimar: I knew he would love it. :) Dark Pit: Pfft. You can't be that good. Olimar: Let's bet, shall we?(Sketches photo and hands it to Dark Pit) Dark Pit: (Whistles upon seeing photo of Lucina in some Victoria's Secret...outfit) OK, scratch that, you are amazing. Lucina: (Watching from corner) He likes me? (Blushes) 10 now has a daughter! How do you react? PK2: AGAIN WITH THE TAVERN! (In head: The dad better be Dark Pit or else...) 10 and 2 kiss- just as 7 walks in. How does 7 react? Mr. G&W: Ah! What a lovely day it is tod- (Steps into his room at the exact moment that Dark Pit and Lucina kiss) G&W: OMGOMGOMGGGIHAVEGOTTOTELLTHEOTHERS. (Runs to give the others the message) Dark Pit and Lucina: (Thinking) Best. Moment. In. Our. Lives. Everybody is invited to 2 and 10's wedding-except for 8. What happens next? Ghiriham: Eh, I barely know the two of them, so it isn't a big deal. PK2: WHOAWHOAWAITDARKPITANDLUCINAAREGETTINGMARRIED? Dark Pit: Umm... Yes. PK2: (Fangirls) WHEN? WHERE? Lucina: Tomorrow around 5:00 PM at the Smashville Church- PK2: I'LL BE THERE! (Continues to fangirl, then faints) 9 arrives late for 10 and 2's wedding. Why were they late? Minister: Do you, Dark Pit, take Lucina to be your lawfully wedded wi- Olimar: (Stumbles in looking like he had an argument) Dark Pit: The heck were you? The main ceremony's almost over! Olimar: My wife was being a total witch again. Do you think that 3 is hot? How hot? PK2: He's...kinda hot, in the punk rocker kind of way. Wolf: Thank you. Would 1 and 7 ever be a couple? PK2, DHD, and Mr. G&W: HELL NO! If you saw 10 and 2 sleeping together, how would you react? PK2: (Wearing baseball outfit and flipping baseball) What an excellent day for playing ba- (Walks by room, halts) Dark Pit: (Stroking Lucina's face) Lucina: (Has one arm around Dark Pit) PK2: ERMEGERDITSHAPPENINITSHAPPENIN (faints) Dark Pit and Lucina: (Wake up from the noise and look at each other) AGGGGGGHHHHH! You're on vacation and you manage to break your leg. What will 2 do? Dark Pit: Hmph. I've got other things to do. (Walks away) PK2: YOU LITTLE SON OF A- 10 ignores you all the time. PK2: Lucina? Lucina? LUCIIIIIIINNNNNAAA! Lucina: (Texting) It's your birthday. What does 3 get you? PK2: YAHOOOOOO! (Driving around in a Landmaster) Wolf: (Sweatdrops) I'm guessing this means you like it? You notice that 5 and 6 have been in that motel room for more than a few hours. What are your thoughts? PK2: Uh-oh. Junior's probably got something in mind... (In the room, Ness and BJ are having a VERY competitive Smash Wii U match) Ness and BJ: MUST. NOT. LOOOOOSE! If 2 sent a message to his BF/GF, but 9 got it, what would 2's reaction be? Olimar: (Reading message) Dear Lucina, you are the prettiest girl that I have ever seen and I think nothing else. From, Dark Pit. (Grins at Dark Pit) Getting serious, are you? Dark Pit: GET OVER HERE SO I CAN SQUISH YOU! (Chases Olimar around the room) PK2: (Blocks out the scenario by listening to Maroon 5) You're about to do something that will make you feel extremely embarrassed. What will 5 do? Ness: Please, don't. You will be humiliated until the end of your life. PK2: What? All I'm going to do is do the Gagnam Style down the street while wearing a Freddy Fazbear suit and singing the Gummy Bear Song. There's nothing wrong with that! Ness: Uggh. Oh well, at least I tried. 1 is all you ever dreamed of. Why is that? PK2: He's an adorable dog! What else can I say! DHD: Woof, arf! (Translation: Thank you! If you wrote a songfic about 4, what song would it be? PK2: "The Fighter" by Ryan Tedder and Gym Class Heroes. 8 dies. Your reaction? PK2: Ah, Ghiriham... Everybody Else: (Not giving a single crap) 3 falls in love with 6. 8 is jealous. What happens? Wolf and Ghiriham: HOW ABOUT NONE OF THAT HAPPENS! BJ: Wait, what's going on? Who would 3 jump in the way of a bullet for? Wolf: Erm... Nobody...? (Eyes dart to the left) PK2: C'mon, Wolfie. You know better than to lie! Wolf: OKAY, OKAY, I WOULD JUMP IN FRONT OF A BULLET FOR FOX! YOU HAPPY? PK2: (Snickers while texting Fox about this) Very happy. 2 and 10 accidentally kiss. Your reaction? Dark Pit and Lucina: Oh gods, that was... (Smooches again) PK2: ASDFGHJKLQWERTYPOIUZXCVMNB (Faints) Mr. G&W, BJ, DHD, and Olimar: (Dying of laughter) Wolf: (Takes a picture) Now to upload to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr... Oh, AND mail it to Chrom and Pit! You and 1 share a song. What is that song? DHD: Aroof, woof, hoooowl! (Translation: Who Let the Dogs Out By Baha Men!) Everybody Else Except PK2: o.o PK2: What? That song was my childhood! 8 notices you're incredibly sad. What does he/she do about it? PK2: (crying) Ghriham: Hey, look what I found! (Shows PK2 some Goat Remix videos) PK2: (Crying turns into laughter) 9 becomes a singer. What happens? Olimar: (singing Ai no Uta in a voice that sounds like the Chipmunks voice) PK2: Make it stop... MAKE IT STOP... 6 sends 1 on a mission. What is that mission? BJ: Kidnap Princess Peach for me so I can impress Daddy! DHD: Arf arf woof? (Translation: There's nothing in it for me, so why?) BJ: (Holds up cage of live ducks) This is what's in it for you. DHD: (Salutes and heads off to the castle) BJ: Good boy! 10 and 9 are blushing while they talk. What are they talking about? PK2: Hey guys, wasssup? Olimar: Oh, um... PK2: What? Olimar: (Opens his mouth to say something, but Lucina pokes him) Lucina: (Whispers) Don't tell her! She freaks out at these sort of things! PK2: What are you whispering about? Olimar: Uh...So, you see... Lucina wants to eat a Pikmin... And I'm trying to talk her out of it. PK2: Ohh. Good luck with that. (Leaves) Olimar: (Waits until PK2 is out of earshot, then turns back to Lucina) So, what were you saying about you being pregnant with Dark Pit's kid? 7 makes an apple pie. Is it any good? Mr. G&W: (Sets a Dutch Apple Pie slice with vanilla ice cream in front of PK2) Go on, try it! PK2: (Tries the pie) Mr. G&W: So? PK2: THIS PIE TASTES LIKE HEAVEN! (Eats it all) Mr. G&W: I knew she would like it! :D You invite everybody to your house for a Movie Night. What happens? (Watching the scene in Lion King where Scar kills Mufasa) DHD, Little Mac, Ness, Mr. G&W, Olimar, and Lucina: NOT MUFASA! POOR SIMBA! (Crying rivers) PK2, Dark Pit,Wolf, Bowser Jr, and Ghiriham: GO SCAR GO SCAR GO SCAR! Little Mac: (Glances at PK2 weirdly) PK2: What? Scar has a very cool backstory that's not in the movie. You see, his father, King Ahadi- Ness: Just let us mourn Mufasa in peace... How do you feel? PK2: I feel fine. DHD: Woof! (Translation: I feel great!) Dark Pit: Eh, I'm fine. Wolf: I feel good. Little Mac: I'm OK. Ness: Still recovering from Mufasa, but overall good! BJ: Pretty good. Mr. G&W: Fine, actually. Ghiriham: Fabulous! Olimar: Excellent! Lucina: Quite fine, if I do say so myself. PK2: You know, I'm bored... So I'll make my own questions! Everybody Except PK2: WTH?! PK2: Yes. But first, let me introduce you to some friends. (Opens door and lets Pokemon's Croconaw and FNaF's Foxy the Pirate Fox in) Croconaw is 11 and Foxy is 12. Croconaw: Croco naw naw? (Translation: Where am I?) Foxy: Yar, mateys! What am I doing here? PK2: That doesn't matter! Now let me see what I can do with you... 4 has a new phone ringtone. What is that ringtone? Little Mac: IM BLUE DA BA DEE DA BA DIE! PK2: (Dancing to the ringtone) 9 tries to pick a fight with 11. What happens? Croconaw: (Swallows Olimar whole) Everybody Else: o.o Croconaw: Croco roco naw? (Translation: Did I do something wrong?) Does 3 have any reason to hate 12? Wolf: The fact that he's the same species and has almost the same name as Fox... Foxy: Who? Wolf: NOBODY! 7 and 5 read Twilight and are now having a ship war. Mr. G&W: BELLA/EDWARD IS BETTER! Ness: NO BELLA/JACOB IS BETTER! PK2: (Facepalming repeatedly) 1 and 6 make a pizza. What happens? Bowser Jr.: OK, so I have the dough, cheese, sauce, peppers, onions, pineapple, mushrooms, and jalapeño set. Now where's the pepperoni? Duck Hunt Dog: (Eating all of the pepperoni) 8 wants to become a criminal mastermind. Ghiriham: PFFFFFFF IM ALREADY EVIL! 12, 5, 2, and 10 are all at a fancy restaurant. What happens? Dark Pit and Lucina: (Making out without any regards of the food, Foxy, or Ness) Foxy: (Looking at Dark Pit and Lucina) o.0 You know, I feel full enough... Ness: (Eating away) Foxy: HOW CAN YOU STAND THIS, MATEY? Ness: They've been doing this at every big meal for the past 8 months. I got used to it. And so will you. Foxy: (Groans) 11 visits a petting zoo. What happens? Croconaw: (Lying in a pen surrounded by goat carcasses) BURP! PK2: ...Good Naga, we need to make you a vegetarian. 5, 6, and 1 go to Mars. What happens? (Ness, Bowser Jr., and DHD are playing with Martians) Foxy: Are you guys going to miss them? Everyone Else: Nope. 11 tries to become a vegetarian. What happens? Croconaw: Co, naw, naw, CROCONAW! (Translation: WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!?) PK2: Hm...Let's see...You ate all of the Pikmin, those goats from the petting zoo, THAT ABANDONED PUPPY IN THE ALLEYWAY, AND A GODDARN KOOPA TROOPA! Croconaw: Naw, Croconaw... (Translation: Well, perhaps I'll try...) THREE WEEKS LATER... Croconaw: CROOOOCOOOOONAAAAAWWWW!!! (Translation: I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMOREEEEE!) PK2: Let's keep him a carnivore. Poor guy's mentally destroyed. 4 becomes pregnant with 9's child. How do you react? PK2: I'm done with life. I'll see you when my brain has been bleached. Goodbye. (Goes off to Disney World) Are 3 and 7 destined for each other? Wolf and Mr. G&W: NOPE, NOPE,NOPE, NOPE, AND DID WE SAY NOPE? 1 and 5 dare 2 and 10 to do the Caramelldansen. What happens? (And to those of you copy-pasting who don't know what the Caramelldansen is, just say they did the Gangnam Style or something like that.) Dark Pit and Lucina: HAVE YOU TWO LOST YOUR MINDS? WE ARE NOT DOING THAT DANCE! Ness: You don't understand! You see, we signed up for this viral video contest, and we want you two to be the stars of the vid! DHD: Woof, woooof, hooooowwwwwl, arooof! (Translation: Besides, it helps out with PK2's stories!) Dark Pit and Lucina: YOU WHAAAATTTTTT? Ness: Just do it, OK? Dark Pit and Lucina: (Sigh and nod) ONE HILARIOUSLY EMBARRASSING RECORDING SESSION LATER... Ness: (Laughing while uploading the video) We are SO winning this competition! DHD: (Laughing and nodding) 6 is dying and asks 8 to deliver his/her final message to his/her family. What is the message? BJ: Ghiriham...? (Severely wounded) Ghiriham: What is it, kid? BJ: Can you please tell...my father...to beat that plumber up good for me? Also...please...tell...him...I...regret...never...knowing...my...mother...(Dies) Ghiriham: ...Well, then... THE END!!!!!!!!!...or is it?????????? Warrior Kitty's Smash Bros Meme! (Thanks to Warrior Kitty!) 1: Hey there, Smash Bros fan! Introduce yourself and why you love Smash Bros. I am PrincessKatniss02, but you can just call me PK2! I love Smash Bros because it's an AWESOME fighting crossover game! 2: Now tell us which Smash Bros game is your favorite. Brawl because it was basically my childhood. 3: Who's your favorite Smash Bros character? WOLF O'DONNELL FOREVER! Oh, why did they have to cut him in SSB4... (Cries) 4: Now who's your least favorite Smash Bros character? Peach. She annoys the living crap out of me... 5: What's your favorite item? The Dragoon, or as I like to call it, THE SPACESHIP CAR THINGY OF DEATH! 6: Now have your favorite character beat up your least favorite character with your favorite item. Wolf: (Grabs all 3 Dragoon pieces) This... Is... SPARTAAAA! (Shoots Peach with Dragoon) Peach: MARIO HELP MEEEE (Gets Star KOed) 7: Now have your favorite characters do something stupid. Wolf: (Dressed up as Freddy Fazbear and drunk) OOGA WOOGA! Mr. G&W: (Tap dancing and also drunk) I'M A LITTLE TEAPOT SHORT AND STOUT, HERE IS MY HANDLE, HERE IS MY SPOUT! Mario: THAT'S IT, NO MORE BEER OR WINE IN THE MANSION! Dark Pit and Lucina: (Drunk and kissing) Why? Beer is great! Mario: (Facepalms) 8: Well, anyways, what's your favorite Smash Bros couple? If you don't have one, just have Pikachu attack Ike. Well... I have a LOT. I ship Dark Pit with Lucina, Samus with both Ike and Pit, and the obvious Link xZelda and MarioxPeach. And because I'm sadistic but love Ike too much, I'll have Pikachu attack Wario instead. Pikachu: Pika... CHUUUU! (Volt Tackles Wario) Wario: MAMMA MIA WHY ME (faints) 9: What are your thoughts on the Subspace Emissary? AMAZING. That is all I have to say. Oh, and what was Sakurai thinking when he removed Story Mode in SSB4? 10: How excited are you for SSB4? It's out, it's amazing, WHAT MORE CAN I SAY? 11: If you were to make the next Smash Bros, what would you name it? Super Smash Bros. Rumble! Or Super Smash Bros. Revolution. 12: Now do something random for the characters. Wolf, Mr. G&W, BJ, DHD, Lucina, and Dark Pit: (Doing the Cotton Eye Joe dance to Anaconda) Samus, Ike, Pit, Fox, and Bowser: (Sweatdrops) Uh, guys, wrong dance... Wolf, Mr. G&W, BJ, DHD, Lucina, and Dark Pit: This is the right dance! Samus, Ike, Pit, Fox, and Bowser: (Facepalm) 13: The end! Speak now or forever hold your peace. Or have Pikachu attack Ike again. I have nothing, but I don't want to hurt Ike, so... PIKACHU, USE THUNDER ON PALUTENA AND SONIC! Pikachu: Pika! (Fries Palutena and Sonic to a crisp) Palutena and Sonic: Why ussssss? (Faints) Warrior Kitty's Video Game Couple Meme! (Thanks to the almighty Warrior Kitty again!) 1: Hello there! Introduce yourself in a brief description. I am PK2, fangirl and writer extroidinarre! 2: Introduce the nice couple that you have taken a liking to. DARK PIT AND LUCINA FOREVER, PEEPS! 3: Why are they your favorite couple? They just have this dynamic that works well, in my eyes. 4: Who's the shy one in their relationship? Describe that person being shy towards the other. Dark Pit: (Breathing in and out while saying this) OK. You can do this, Dark Pit. Just give the chocolate box to her. (Walks up to Lucina) Lucina: What's up, Dark Pit? Dark Pit: OHNOTHINGIJUSTWANTEDTOSAYHITOYOUANDIHAVEAMATCHAGAINSTFALCONOWSOBYE! (Flies away) Lucina: Well, that was weird... 5: One of the characters tries to impress the other, What happens? Lucina: Hey, Dark Pit? Dark Pit: Yeah? (Still embarrassed about the chocolate fiasco) Lucina: I brought you some bear meat. Dark Pit: Bear... meat? Lucina: It's a delicacy where I come from. Dark Pit: Oh, really? (Takes a bite) HOLY SKYWORLD, THIS IS DELICIOUS! (Eats it all) Lucina: (Blushes) Th.. Thanks... 6: Now make one of their friends make fun of them. Wolf: PITTOO LIKES LUCINA, PITTOO LIKES LUCINA! Dark Pit: No, I don't! And don't call me Pittoo! Mr. G&W: DARK PIT AND LUCINA, SITTING IN A TREE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! Dark Pit: I don't like her! We're from two different universes for Skyworld's sake! Bowser Junior and Duck Hunt Dog: YOU LOVE HER, YOU LOVE HER, YOU REALLY, REALLY LOVE HER! Dark Pit: (Bangs his head against the wall) How did I ever manage to befriend you guys? 7: Now have a fluffy moment happen between the two of them. (It's Christmas Day, and everybody is opening their gifts) Dark Pit: Erm, Lucina? Lucina: Yes? Dark Pit: Remember the day I tried to talk to you, and I ran away instead? (Hands Lucina chocolate box) I was trying to give you this. Merry Christmas, Lucina. Lucina: Oh, my gods! This is my favorite kind! Thanks, Dark Pit! (Envelopes him in bear hug) All the Other Smashers: D'AWWWWWWWWWWWW! 8: One accidentally kisses the other. How does this happen? (Lucina and Dark Pit are in a Team Battle against Fox and Bowser) Lucina: (Aims a Dancing Blade at Fox) You are going do- WHOOAAA! (Somehow knocks down Dark Pit and kisses him in the process) Bowser: (Witnesses the entire thing, jaw drops) Fox: OHHH SHIT THAT DID NOT JUST HAPPEN! Lucina and Dark Pit: (Break out of kiss) That did NOT just happen. (Return to fight) 9: Confession time! (After the Team Battle described earlier) Dark Pit: Lucina... There's something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time, and what happened at that match just makes it all the more necessary for me to tell you... Lucina: Oh, I know you like me. Dark Pit: (Jaw drops) O..oh, yeah? Lucina: Yes. And that is why I am telling you right now that I like you too. (Kisses Dark Pit) Dark Pit: (Is shocked, but returns the kiss) Wolf and Mr. G&W: (Just happened to be standing right next to the two) DANGGGGGGGGGG THAT ESCALATED QUICKLY! 10: Many months later, the girl expects her first child. How does the daddy react? Dark Pit: (Is playing poker with Ike, Falco, Mewtwo, and Snake while drinking a glass of Pepsi) Lucina: (Bursts into room) Dark Pit, there's something I need to tell you now. Dark Pit: Make it quick, I'm in the middle of a game. (Drinks some Pepsi) Lucina: Dr. Mario told me that I'm pregnant! That's great, isn't it? Dark Pit: (Spits out Pepsi) YOU HAVE TO BE JOKING! Lucina: No, I'm not. Dark Pit: So, what you're telling me is that in nine months time, I'm going to be a dad? Lucina: Yes! Isn't that wonderful? Dark Pit: Great mother of Skyworld- (faints from shock and joy) Lucina: (Sighs) I had a feeling he was going to react like this... Ike, Falco, and Mewtwo: (Witnessed the whole thing, laughing to death) Snake: (Videotaped it all) This is going on YouTube. 11: This is the end! Any last words! I just might make a fanfic based on this. Ah well DARK PIT AND LUCINA RUUUULLLLLEEEE! Ok, so, now I'm gonna try someone else's meme. Why? Because I'm bored. DarkX the Dragon Knight, if you're reading this, all credit goes to you! Welcome to DarkX's Totally Awesome Video Game Meme! First things first- you must list your top 10 favorite video game characters. GO! 1: Bowser (Super Mario Bros) [Bowser warps in] (Where..am...I...OH WAIT, YOURE THAT CRAZY AUTHOR CHICK! MY SON TOLD ME ABOUT YOU!) 2: Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles) [Shulk warps in] (...Oi? This isn't Bionis! And you aren't a Homs!) 3: Lucas (Mother 3) [Lucas warps in] (MOM? DAD? CLAUS? WHERE ARE YOU, AND WHO IS THIS PERSON?) 4: Dark Pit (Kid Icarus) [Dark Pit warps in] (Huh? Where am- OH ITS YOU AGAIN!) 5: Lucina (Fire Emblem) [Lucina warps in] (What happen-...We're doing this again, aren't we?) 6: Wolf O'Donnell (Star Fox) [Wolf warps in] (Where did I-Oh man, she found more questions...) 7: Marowak (Pokemon) [Marowak warps in] (Maro,maro,wak? {Translation: Where am I, and who are all of you?}) 8: Mr. Game-and-Watch (Game-and-Watch) [G&W warps in] (So, where did I-Oh, hey! It's you again! Which means...O.0) 9: Samus Aran (Metroid) [Samus warps in] (Where...am...I...? And who are all of you?) 10: Meta Knight (Kirby) [Meta Knight warps in] (...Who are you, and why did you send me here?) 1.) 1 and 2 are out hiking, but they get lost. What happens next? Bowser: (Shuffling through backpack looking for map) WHERE'S THE MAP? I COULD HAVE SWORN I PUT IT HERE! GRRRR! Shulk: Don't worry, mate. I just had a vision that showed me Samus rescuing us. Bowser: (Scoffs) Right...and pigs fly! (At that moment, Samus's ship shows up) Shulk: (Smirks at Bowser) Bowser: (Growls colorful language under his breath) 2.) 3 tries to learn how to play the guitar. Does this work? Lucas: (Playing the guitar riff for "Feel Good Inc" by Gorillaz with no mistakes) PK2: ...You know, Lucas, you could make a living off of this. Lucas: Oh, really? Thanks! 3.) 4 is invited to 5's house. Why? Dark Pit: Oh...That's because we're going to be training for our next match there! PK2: You sure about that? (Thinking particularly romantic Kerosene thoughts) Lucina: Yep! Definitely! PK2: (Does the Condecsending Wonka pose) OH, REALLY? BECAUSE ALL THE SIGNS SHOW THAT- Dark Pit and Lucina: (Have somehow gotten Smash Balls and are ready to unleash their Final Smashes at PK2) WE'RE SURE, YOU LOONEY-TUNE! PK2: CRIKEY! I WAS JUST JOKING, OK? PLEASE DON'T KILL ME, I HAVE RELATIVES IN YOUR UNIVERSE! (Runs off) Dark Pit and Lucina: (Wait until PK2 is gone, then sigh in relief) THAT WAS CLOSE! 4.) 6 wants to go on a roller coaster, but they are too short. What now? Wolf: ...What sense does this make? Park Employee: Read the sign, mister. (Taps at sign saying ONLY LEGENDARY POKEMON CAN RIDE) Wolf: But...I want to ride! Random Victini: (Cuts in front of Wolf) Vic, vic, tini? (Translation: May I ride, please?) Park Employee: Sure thing, little buddy! (Lets Victini on) Wolf: (Rage quits) 5.) You and 7 are robbing a bank! Do you succeed? PK2: ...I think we would succeed. Marowak and I make a good team. Marowak: Wak, wak, marowak...(Translation: I'm flattered...) 6.) 8 wakes up to find themselves chewing on 9's leg. How do they react? Mr. G&W: Was I drunk again? Samus: AARGH! A METROID! GET OFF OF ME BLOODSUCKER! Mr. G&W: ...Yep. Definitely drunk. 7.) 10 must marry the first person they see, which happens to be you! How do you react? PK2: WHAT? WHAT? WHY? NO! META KNIGHT IS AWESOME, BUT I DONT WANT TO MARRY HIM! Meta Knight: I'm sorry, PK2, but I must. Dark Pit and Lucina threatened to kill me if I didn't. And even the bravest man shudders when those two get angry. PK2: ...Wait, what? Dark Pit and Lucina: You ship us together all the time, so we thought we'd ship you with someone! PK2: (Strangles Dark Pit and Lucina) 8.) 1 tells 5 a scary story. What does 5 do afterwards? Bowser: Once, there was a poor man who needed a job. Lucina: ... Bowser: He read an article in the newspaper about a slot for a nightguard at a pizza place, so he signed up. Lucina: This is kinda lame so far. Bowser: When he entered the place, he saw three animatronics staring at him; a bear, a bunny, and a chicken. Lucina: I think I've heard this one somewhere... Bowser: Ignoring the robot animals, he entered his office and took a seat. Then, the phone suddenly- Lucina: THIS IS JUST THE PLOT OF FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S, ISN'T IT? Bowser: Gosh dangit, you did notice... 9.) 8 is giving 2 a massage! Is this OK? Shulk: Yep. This is good. Gamey, do you think you can rub my shoulder a little harder? Mr. G&W: (Grumbles) This better be worth the five dollars Meta Knight said he would give me for this... Meta Knight: (Laughing and recording) 10.) 6 is choking! Quick, what do you do? Wolf: (Choking badly) PK2: (Paging through medical book) HEIMLICH MANUVER, HEIMLICH MANUVER... WHERE IS THE PAGE ON HOW TO DO THE HEIMLICH MANUVER? Wolf: (Manages to facepalm) 11.) 3 and 10 are locked in a closet together. What do they do? Lucas: How long are we gonna be stuck for? Meta Knight: Quite a bit, I presume. Lucas: Hey! Can I ask you something I've wanted to ask you for a bit? Meta Knight: Sure thing, kid. Lucas: What do you look like underneath that mask? Meta Knight: ... 12.) 4 and 7 switch bodies! How well do they do with the swap? Marowak: Ugh...How do I get this bone off of me? (Tugging at bone in hand) Dark Pit: Marrrrrrrooooowwwwaaaakkk? (Translation: I have wings? Does this mean I'm a Flying-type now?) Marowak: Hey there, does your kind ever remove these bones from your- Dark Pit: MAROWAK, WAK, WAK, MAROWAKKKKK! (Translation: I HAVE BECOME A FLYING-TYPE! ALL GRASS TYPES SHALL BOW BEFORE ME NOW! MWAHAHAHAHA!) Marowak: Why me? 13.) 9 is sad. What will you do? 14.) 3, 6, and 8 join the army! How well do they do? 15.) 1 and 4 must rescue 2 from 7's evil clutches! Does their mission succeed? 16.) Congrats-you made it halfway through this meme! How is everyone feeling? 17.) 5 decides to cook dinner. What do they make? 18.) 10 is about to win a Wi-Fi battle when their internet crashes. How does 8 cheer them up? 19.) 6 is chasing 4 with a chainsaw. Why? 20.) 1 wants to be an artist, but they can't find inspiration. How do you fix that? 21.) 7 attacks 3 in their sleep! What madness ensues? 22.) 9 and 10 are locked in a deadly sea battle. Who wins? 23.) 8 has had their cake stolen! How do they find the culprit? 24.) 5 tries to sing. Are they any good? 25.) 4 has been banished by 10 to the Reverse World, and 1 must rescue them! Do they succeed? (If you don't know that that is, just say they were banished to the Underworld or something.) 26.) Oh no! 2 is in a bad accident and must be taken to a hospital! How do you accomplish this? 27.) 3 and 8 make a bet. What is it? Who wins? 28.) 1 is having a party, but they don't invite you. What do you do? 29.) While at 1's party, 9 gets drunk. What's the damage? 30.) Suddenly, 5 shows up at 1's party with a watermelon on their head! Reactions? 31). Congratulations, Dragon Knight. You have survived my crazy quiz, and are now free from its grip of randomness! What does everybody do now? |