Sky walked through the forest.
Her head was hung low, her shoes were muddy. She felt horrible, and not just for losing the challenge. For what she did to Dave as well.
She stepped over a log and ran a hand through her raven hair. God, how could she screw things up so bad with him? She tried to apologize, didn't she? Yes, but it doesn't make up for what she did. He LOVED her, and she tossed him aside.
Well she would make it up to him. One way or another.
She spotted Dave sitting on a log. A whole bunch of twisted metal chunks and blotches of black liquid surrounded him. What looked like Scuba Bear 3.0's head and jetpack lay in front of him, destroyed. A wrench was clutched in his hand, which was stained with, was that motor oil?
Sky walked up to him. She could see the burns on his head that was caused by Catbot's laser. "Hey, Dave," she said tentatively. "You all right?"
"Go away." His voice wasn't angry. Just exhausted.
She came forward a bit, before actually going so far as to sit on the log next to the teen. "Are you okay?" Dave said nothing.
The young teen put her hand on Dave's shoulder and sighed. "I know how you must feel. I screwed things up so badly with you. I hope you can forgive me."
She saw the disfigured Maskwak round on her suddenly. "Forgive?" he said. "FORGIVE?!"
Sky stood and rapidly backed up. Dave was on his feet now, and in his eyes was fire.
"I did EVERYTHING on this goddamned island for you! I got lost underground, I crawled through a sewer, I got myself ELIMINATED for you! And you want me to FORGIVE?!"
Sky was looking at the ground. "I'm sorry," she said softly.
"Sorry doesn't cut it! Sorry got me this!" He jabbed furiously. to his burned and scarred head. Sky was mute.
"You made me into a disfigured FREAK! You blew my chance at a MILLION DOLLARS! You even rejected my love!" Dave laughed crazily. "And you want to know the worst part? I wasn't even your first choice! Mclean told me that you wanted that country rat, Rodney as your partner! RODNEY! Well, I'm glad that you were stuck with me anyway! Otherwise he might've fallen in love again! Better just one guy crushed, eh?!"
Dave's enraged expression melted into one of depression. "My hair may never grow back again." His voice cracked at 'again.' "Who'll want to marry someone who looks like this? Who?" He slumped down on a nearby tree stump and put his head in his hands.
The nearly-hairless teen raised his head in surprise to a sound coming from in front of him.
The sound was Sky was on her knees, heaving great sobs. Tears streaked down her face and she beat the ground with her hands. "I'm so sorry!" she weeped. "I'm so fucking sorry! I didn't mean to get you head roasted or to break your heart or anything else! I just wanted to win the challenges so bad! I wanted to be an Olympian since I was a toddler, and I was so close on this show! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry, and you'll never forgive me but I love you and I was gonna dump Keith when I got home and I would do anything to take everything I did to hurt you back!" She buried her head in her hands and weeped, albeit quieter.
Dave looked at her. "You really love me?" he said softly.
Sky stopped crying. She wiped her eyes and simply nodded.
The two were quiet. They stayed that way for ten minutes, and they might've stayed that way longer if the Pahkitew Chopper flew in above them. Chris's voice boomed out, "Hey! The producers are yelling at us to get outta here! A new shipment of interns are en route to clean up the island for next season. They're kind of saddening, and that's bad for my skin!" The left door hatch slid open, and a rope ladder dropped down.
Dave looked at Sky, smiled, and offered his hand. "Why don't we continue this back on the mainland?"
Sky smiled back, and took it.