Author has written 35 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Harry Potter, Firefly, Veronica Mars, Office, Battlestar Galactica: 2003, TV X-overs, Doctor Who, and Supernatural. You'll probably only get Buffy and Angel fics out of me, but never say never. I may one day find a new obsession to rival my current. I'm a big tv buff; my favourite currently on the air show is Veronica Mars. I also like Firefly, The OC, early Alias, Joan of Arcadia, House, and Harry Potter. I can't write smut to save my life, so everything's PG. Note: I would have put Bkrstar's The Spike Spinoff Showcase as one of my favourite stories, but it's not available here anymore. I really hope it wasn't because too many people bashed it, because that would really suck. But seriously, google it and find it at it's new home, because it's hilarious. And I'm saying this as someone who counted Spike as her favourite character for years. Oh, and I don't read a lot of fanfic not posted at , but I had to mention this one because it's my favourite fanfic of all time: http:///almightygah/religion.html Characters: I used to say Spike was my favourite character, but his season seven BtVS/season five AtS incarnation ruined him for me. My consistently favourite character over the years is Xander. I'm a big fan of all the core scoobies, as well as Angel, Gunn, Connor, and Lilah. Not a huge fan of Kennedy or Fred, but think Riley and Dawn are both really underrated characters. In other fandoms, I like Ron Weasley from HP, Logan, Duncan, Lilly, Weevil, and Veronica from Veronica Mars, Adam Rove from Joan of Arcadia, Ryan and Summer from the OC, and Mal, Inara, and Jayne from Firefly. Ships: I'm not very particular--I like different ships at different times, for different reasons, and depending on how they are handled. In terms of canon, I like Buffy/Angel, Willow/Oz, Willow/Tara, Xander/Cordelia, Spike/Drusilla, and Wesley/Lilah. Non-canon, I'm open for anything. Lately I've been into Faith/Riley, Faith/Xander, Buffy/Xander, Willow/Xander, Connor/Dawn, Buffy/Gunn, and Dawn/Xander. For other fandoms, I'm mostly just into canon pairings, such as Sandy/Kirsten, Mal/Inara, and Zoe/Wash. My least favourite ships are Wesley/Fred and Willow/Kennedy. Other Favourites: Favourite BtVS season: 3. Favourite AtS season: 4 by far. Favourite HP book: GoF. |