Author has written 3 stories for Teen Titans, and Yu-Gi-Oh GX. Hmm. Seeing as how people are actually looking at my profile, I should probably put something here. Let's see... first off, I'm MALE. To know why I state that so forcefully, you'd need to hear a long story involving online gaming and a case of mistaken gender. However, I'm not going to tell it. What else... I like anime, cartoons, video games, TCGs, manga, books... pretty much exactly the same things as 90 percent of the people registered on this site. As for what I'm working on, look below. My current main project is my Yu-Gi-Oh GX fic, A New Duelist Legend. Duality, my Teen Titans fic, is currently not being worked on. If anyone shows any interest in it, however, I'll probably start working on it again. I can't think of anything more to put here, so go read somthing else. |