Author has written 19 stories for Digimon, Shaman King, Gundam Seed, Naruto, Bleach, and Gakuen Alice. Previously known as shackled wisteria (and more recently as, bittersunshine). An Electronic Engineering student at the university that once catered JK Rowling's amazing mind. She lacks the ability to think of spiffy pen names, but does know how to spell 'renaissance'. Filipino by birth and blood, but British by nationality. Gundam SEED/Destiny: Mu/Murrue/Andy, Kira/Cagalli, Athrun/Cagalli, Dearka/Miriallia, Dearka/Yzak/Athrun, Yzak/Shiho 05 August 2012 I am alive, but all I have at the moment for my multi-chaptered Gundam SEED fanfics are bits and bobs of brainfarts. The Puppet Show is currently under the magnum opus category of my fanfiction career so rest assured that it will be completed. Soon. Let me just get a bit of my BLEACH phase and the wheels will start rolling once again. The Havishams is currently helping me cope with my OCDness in writing. Anyways, feel free to hurl tomatoes at me in tumblr. |
070 (2) Icarusy (12) | Nadyell (12) syaoran no hime (192) |