Author's Notes: This is my first fanfic, so don't blame me if it turns out to be 'dull.' All I can say is review and leave your comments… English is not my first language…

Disclaimer: me do not own DIGIMON….

Summary: Ruki Makino is a fortuneteller believer, that's what she is… But even in that kind of personality, a girl like her didn't believe in destiny. Well, except, perhaps, when an annoying guy named Lee Jenrya turned up right in front of her face and made her world crazy. But who would've thought that Lee Jenrya, himself turned her world into a nightmare, she had never dreamed before? R/R!

Predicted Love?

Chapter One: Blaming it on You

The sun showed its vibrant rays towards the huge city of Tokyo. Ruki Makino, a girl of 18 with dark orange hair and amethyst eyes, murmured softly, as she walked down the stairs of her dorm. Her long shiny hair was tied loosely with her blue handkerchief. She clung onto the right side of her backpack, while staring at the streets of her new hometown. 6:30 am, still forty-five minutes before their class starts.

"I have always wondered, why Tokyo seems to annoy me everyday," she murmured again, her head fell sideward. The sound of the taxis and vehicles roaming in the street roared in every people's daily routine.

Standing 6 feet, Ruki found it easy to collide with some persons strolling along the sidewalks. She glanced at a small kiosk, just a few meters away from her. The Stars in You… (A/n: it's lame I know…) That was the name of the booth as far as she could read it. It looks like a mysterious store that sells, a lot of things that has something to do with witchcraft. She smiled as she gladly marched inside the booth, not curious about its name.

"Good Morning," Ruki greeted politely her head turning in every angle she could do. There are cards with funny drawings and inscriptions displayed on the shelves of the store.

"Anything you need dear?" a woman in her late 60's asked, her eyes look like that of a cat.

"Nothing big, I hope…" she replied, a bit afraid with the woman's scrutinizing look.

"I see it in your eyes dear. The position of the constellation Virgo is on its best, your zodiac is functioning quite beautifully this day. I suggest you try Madam Hsiane's crystal ball reading, it will give you a prediction about your love life," the woman reached a hand and gestured Ruki to go through the door, connected to the store.

Ruki stared in shocked and can only nod at the moment. She took a peek on the door, and asked herself hesitantly, 'Will I enter or not?'

"Quite doubtful, are you? Can I guess one thing?" the woman questioned again, and made a face.


"Have you ever believe in divination, foretelling?" said the woman.

"…uhh… Yes… Actually, it's my hobby… Like reading the horoscope, buying those things that you called Tarot cards and etc," Ruki answered proudly.

"So, what's the big deal, afraid?" uttered the woman intriguingly.

"No, not at all…" Ruki waved her hands in front of her face, wondering how this oddly made woman can tell her that! She was never afraid of this inconsiderate kind of improbability happening in the world!

"Oddly made? Is that what you think of me? If you don't believe in fortune telling, then why did you even dare to come here? Call fortune telling an inconsiderate kind of improbability? You're weirder than I thought," the woman sighed.

"You can read my mind?" Ruki asked in disbelief.

"No, but your eyes reflect your soul. You know what? I can see the inner beauty inside and outside of you… Who can tell? The one you are meant to hate will be the person whom you are meant to fall in love with?" mocked by the old woman.

"Rubbish," Ruki mumbled, and ignored the oddly made woman's nonsense, balderdash, so typical for a person like her.

'Weirder than I thought? Drop the subject will you? Correction! She's a way too far away from the reality that's eating up her brain!! But I can't blame her, can I? This is SO mind-boggling, immoral!' she thought fiercely.

"If this is immoral, then you can call yourself immoral too. Did it ever cross your brain that you have your faith clinging on a shredded rope? And did it ever hit your head that that shredded rope you can refer to is your greatest hobby of all time, believing in those silly readings?" Ruki's mind screamed directly on her. She felt a slash on her heart after hearing those words. Her subconscious has always been right, hasn't it? And she? She's always on the verge of creating a decision, she'll regret for a lifetime. 

"Going or not?" the woman interrupted her thoughts.

"Going," Ruki said firmly.

"I wonder if the reason that you keep in your mind, is about the thing that Madam Hsiane will tell you? Never been in love before? I guessed you dreaded that thing to come to your life…"

"None of your business," Ruki mumbled under her breath and staggered all the way to the strange door. She grasped the doorknob tightly and turned slowly. The bafflement immediately spread on her face, as soon as she opened the door. The atmosphere is cold, and the fact that she had to wrapped her slender arms around herself is noticeable.

"Took you long enough, dear?"

There it goes again… Those "deary-deary" words will instantly turned out to be those "dreary-dreary" words. How palsy-walsy is this world!? Has anybody asked about that? The world? What? Friendly? Ruki Makino has doubted that.

"Take a seat," Madam Hsiane said, her eyes bulging every second. Ruki accepted the woman's offer and sat on the perfectly polished mahogany chair.

"What do you want to know?"

"First of all, I want you to tell me something, of course a thing, that's not related to love… Second, please inform me ONLY those good things that will happen TODAY, I don't need any exemptions! Lastly, don't make a fool of yourself in front of me, like that oddly made woman did out there. My brain disintegrated after talking to her, I'm telling you," Ruki emphasized her words.

"Hahaha! It seems that you have a small temper, am I right?" Madame Hsiane laughed.

"Right," Ruki said dully, her amethyst eyes weary.

"Today, expect for nothing…"

"Then why did that old woman out there in the middle of nowhere just snapped at me saying that 'your zodiac is functioning blah, blah, blah!' Speak!" Ruki exclaimed rudely.

"Do you want me to tell it to you face to face," Madame Hsiane's face darkened and the sound of her voice changed.

"I told you so! Then tell me!" Ruki shouted impatiently once more.

"Listen," Madame Hsiane whispered strangely, as her hands roamed around the crystal ball in front of her. Ruki cocked an eyebrow, a little bit interested. "Beware, the first person who will say sorry to you, can change your whole world. If I say change, a complete change…"

"Like that of a butterfly undergoing the stages of metamorphosis?" Ruki cut in, but the fortuneteller ignored her, serious of what she was doing. Ruki tensed up a bit, after noticing something that may lead her life into despair.

"A boy, destined to love you… destined to protect you… And you yourself will find it hard to recognize the reality and possibility to love him… At first, you'll shove him away, but the next time you'd want him to stay by your side…"

"Excuse me!!! I have no intention of knowing WHAT my love life would be! Destiny? Heck no! I have never heard of a fortuneteller who believes in destiny rather than believing in divination or predicting, which is one of her priorities!!!! Listen here Madam whatever your name is… I don't believe in destiny or in meeting that stupid guy! So eat your face dear!" Ruki boomed and kicked the door out. She hastily placed the payment on the receiver's desk, "I'M OUT OF THIS FREAKING WORLD!!!"

Ruki Makino has always been like this for ages: a Jekyll and Hyde. In a moment she's in her goodie-goodie mood, and in another moment she can be too harsh… Wonder if she'll ever change? Nah, everybody doubted that, including herself.


"Jenrya, Jenrya!!!!! You come with me after school!" a 12-year-old girl tugged her big brother's sleeve, angrily. Her light brown swayed as she walked in circles inside their living room. (A/N: Does anyone know about the color of Shuichon/Suzie's hair? I didn't even have the chance to look at it!! Lolz! Please tell me!!! ) It was a fancy living room though. A comfortable room decorated with the most expensive furnishings there are in Japan. The walls were painted with light blue that shows serenity and peacefulness inside the house. The sweet scent of flowers (A/n: Name it yourself…cant think of any) can be smelled in every corner of the room. Lee Jenrya, a guy with navy blue locks and piercing gray eyes scowled at her little sister.

"Not now Suzie!!!! Going to Ginza is practically insane!!! Planning on wasting your money there! That's totally gobbledygook, gibberish!!"

"IT'S NOT!!!!" Suzie snapped.

"Ginza? Are you crazy?! The prices there are suicidal!!" Jenrya reasoned out.

"Oniichan! We're rich! Not some kind of mouse!" Suzie replied at full volume.

"Remember what I told you?! Be thrifty!" Jenrya crossed his arms at the front of his chest.

"You're impossible!" she said furiously. "Ok, but tomorrow promise that you'll go with me!"

"Ok, squirt!" Jenrya agreed, stood up and ruffled his baby sister's hair. "I'm off to school…"

"I'm not a squirt!!!!" Suzie tried to kick her brother but unfortunately, she missed.

Jenrya can only smirk at the very sight of it… And there was only one word that can describe that lovely scene: prestigious.

"You have to be taller than you thought! At least somehow, proofread your height's statistics!!!" Jenrya ridiculed while waving goodbye. "Be careful! Don't forget to ride the school bus, mousy!"

"IDIOT!!!!" Suzie shouted and throw a book on Jenrya's location, and for the second time she just simply missed it. The door was already closed.

The Lee's were considered as one of the richest families in Shinjuku, actually in Japan. Jenrya's father Janyuu, who is a Chinese, owns a company for handling the moneys earned in every computer or technology shop. As for Jenrya, he just moved here in Shinjuku from Ginza, the most expensive place there is in Tokyo. No, he hasn't experienced any financial problems, they're rich that's the truth. It's just that his boredom took the better of him, and the prices took a shit out of him. It was really hard to breath to look at those tag prices. It can nearly kill you, and he has always sworn that to himself.


An earsplitting sound of a locker that has just been smacked by someone echoed in the deserted hallway. Ruki Makino found it so hard to open her damned, cursed locker. Her mood is in the state of an erupting volcano, and those who dare come a few inches near her will have the time of their lives.

"Just open up will you!!!!"

A man taller than her fought his way through her locker. He stopped when he was a step near her, making a decision that will decipher in his mind. Ruki started kicking the door, and it nearly broke down into pieces even if it was made of metal. With one last try, she banged the door but hit the handle instead, which was harder than she ever thought. Ruki nearly stumbled, but someone steadied her.

"Not using your brains are you?" a deep, masculine voice said. "The key?"

"And who on earth do you think are you????!!!"

"The key," the guy repeated, offering a hand.

"Suit yourself boy. I don't need you anyway! I can do this on my own!!!!" Ruki shrieked at him. He was annoying, as far as she can tell. Like Satan's trainee who just came out from hell. He was very persistent indeed. 'Those gray eyes, I wanted to knock them out of his handsome face!!!! Wait? Handsome? It's outrageous! Bizarre! And, one more! Heck! He isn't like that for goodness sake! Not even my dreams!!! Darn him!' Ruki thought.

Sadly, since the guy was a little bit impatient than she is, he grabbed the key from Ruki's right hand without second thoughts. "Sorry, girl… But I have to do what I am supposed to do…" He inserted the key on the keyhole.

He hit the locker with his firm and strong fist, and a blow was slightly heard. Ruki gasped at the sight. Never did a guy help her, partly because she would shout and push them around, and partly because she didn't let anyone do this to her. But in this case, she had lost her barrier, made of ice. Ruki Makino felt a strange feeling emit from her chest and a sudden lurch going inside her stomach.

"Name's Jenrya… Jenrya Lee," Jenrya introduced himself with a bow. "You?"


"Hey miss your name? Is there anything wrong?" Jenrya asked, concern written all over his face. He gradually shook Ruki's shoulders to bring her back to earth.

'His touch so warm, and caring. I am safe am I?' Ruki daydreamed.

For the second time, Jenrya heard nothing but silence that welcomed his first day here at school.

"I'm sorry," he spoke once again.

Ruki realized what he said and her eyes widened in fear, as she recalled the fortuneteller's voice: The one who will say sorry to you…

"Not now. Not here. And especially not YOU!" she whispered hoarsely.

"What?" Jenrya asked quietly, removing his hands from her shoulders. He missed that feeling, when he touched her.

"What did you just say to me?" Ruki demanded him to answer.

"I just say sorry. Nothing big!"

"YOU! YOU! YOU! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go back to where you belong!!!! How dare you tell that sentence to me!? You illiterate! Idiot! Fool! Freak! Cretin!"

"STOP!!!!" Jenrya retorted, because he had already had enough.

"NO! Why don't you yourself stop! I believe I have no concern towards you, since my memories from childhood to present are still fresh, I can't be able to see you in there!!!!!"

"Me stop!? Shut up!!! You're the one who have to stop yourself! At least bring a halt to idiocy missy! Listen! Aren't you at least be GRATEFUL that I helped you out with that freakin' locker of yours!"

"When did I ever ask you to help me? You neophyte!"

"Neophyte?! Look who's talking here!?? At least a neophyte in the school, rather than a neophyte when it turns to opening a single locker!!"

And there the story goes on… It wasn't until 7:15 that they decided to break their quarrel that's making a commotion. And not until they realized that they are new to the school and have to be early on the first day of their classes…

Ruki Makino hated Lee Jenrya, and vice versa. 

They were enemies since the first day they met.

'Til now, they haven't recognized their current status in life. It's been 30 minutes ago when they started the sudden outbreak. And there's a thing inside her that Ruki Makino blamed on the fortuneteller, and most specifically with the highest loco pointer, Lee Jenrya, who's just as stupid as egotistic as she is…

To be continued…

A/n: I'll appreciate it if you'll review the first chapter, and I'll promise you that I'll update within 2-3 or 5 days… You can tell me your comments and suggestions in your reviews. Inform me if have written some errors on this fic. Thank you!!!!

…and email me also:

[email protected]

