Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter, Princess Tutu, and Harvest Moon. Hello and welcome, one and all, to the fanicful and magic place known as my world. These are my stories and I hope you will enjoy all of them. For those of you who would like to know I am currently a student at UC Santa Barbara and am working hard to get my school work done as well as all my stories so if I don't respond as quickly with my stories I am sorry. If you do like what you see please R&R and if you don't, flame gently... please. I am still a novice writer... Update (2/13/14) Hmm... what to say. I'm almost 25 this year and yet I still love to write. Um I'm still a student looking to transfer to University of La Verne, going to be a Mommy in July (still feels weird to say but truth). I have recently gotten onto a finishing kick again and am working diligently at the Star of Happiness story and will more than likely re-pick up Black of Night even though it seems both have lost a lot of there fan-base this day. Not surprising there are many new couples to ship. And I uh hope you continue to read and review. :) NEW UPDATE: New Story! Star of Happiness finally got into the HM fan fiction. It's about time too since I've been obsessing about this fandom for a few years now and I finally decided the best way to get my next fix is to write a little bit myself. But don't worry I am still working on Black of the Night. Hope to see you reading!!! :) Did Fanart for Random Jelly Bean's American Honey. If you're interested in seeing it, it's at: http:///art/Enchanted-Fanart-Contest-254145798 Hope you check it out Update: Gwendolyn Okay, finally admitted this is over. 24 chapters and 27 reviews later, this story is complete. I hope you all loved it as much as I did. Gwendolyn says thank you but now is her time to move on. Sixteen was fun, but there's still a war to be won... or at least survived. The Black of the Night Hence, the dawn of a new story. Hope you all like it. Sirius Black, Gwendolyn Farr, 18 and ready to take on the world. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has come into the height of terror and the lives of even the marauders is in danger. Now with the battle on, Gwendolyn must learn to love and get over her fear of losing, a problem that her mother faced once and failed miserably dealing with... How will it turn out? Tune in! All your favorite characters will make a reappearance for better or To Her Own Heart Okay so in order to escape the realities of homework and the writer's block I am wrote this cute little one-shot piece of an anime called Princess Tutu which all of you must watch and love. If you haven't see this anime I would advise you to see it and then read this... if you want to read this... since it is sort of dove-tailed to the ending of anime. I just sort of rewrote the ending... but I like it and it was a fun exercise since i hadn't written in almost a year... I will write more on "The Black of the Night" promise! |