Author has written 7 stories for Final Fantasy X-2, Hey Arnold, and Avatar: Last Airbender.
Hi there_ I'm a big ol' softy-sap-romantic-type, so I'll mainly be posting fluffy little bits about various pairs that strike me. Hope y'all enjoy!
So...I haven't posted in...my God, has it really been YEARS?! Anyway, now that I'm done with school (for now) in one sense, and starting in another (pharmacy school...whee?), I shall try to eke out an existence on FFN once again!
To be continued, the story of my life.
I s'pose I could do one of those like/dislike shenanigans...
I like:
-puppies/kittens/snakes, y'know--the cuddly stuff!
-freshly baked bread
-crying and laughing at the same time
-peeling sunburns (you know you do it, too...)
-debunking e-mail scams and chain letters
-seeing my handwriting from when I was 5
-how dryer-fresh socks feel on a cold day
-and sleeping in on my days off.
I ADORE:Paine/Baralai (FFX-2)
Syaoran/Sakura and Eriol/Tomoyo (CCS)
Helga/Arnold and Curly/Rhonda (HA!)
RecentlyZuko/Katara (Avatar)
Shion/Allen (Xenosaga Series)
Ginny/Draco and Snape/Lily (Teh Potter)
Edgar/Celes and Relm/Locke (FFVI, don't ask why, I just do)
Rose/9thDr/10thDr (Dr Who)
and...actually, quite a few more! I am always looking for new 'fics to read and new genres to try.
I DON'T like:
-Wet shoes
-Cold coffee
-Chipped Nail Polish
-Gullible people
-Getting sassed by students half my age
-Harry/Ginny...no offense, but BOring!
-Losing my glasses...when I'm wearing them
-Inverting letters when I write (I may be slightly lysdexic...)
-Hangovers from tequila worms...NEVER drink the worm!!
-"Grape" flavor that tastes nothing like grape and stains everything purple
If you've ever gotten annoyed by those "If You Ever" things, do NOT copy this into your profile.