Author has written 10 stories for Harry Potter, and Pride and Prejudice. Hi! I am a literature student and I am from Barcelona (Spain). I am currently writing Jane Austen fanfiction, and also a bit of... whatever I can't help myself and end up writing. Lower in my profile you can also find Harry Potter fics in Spanish I wrote in highschool. They are like... relics. My rhythm in And This Is Your Opinion Of Me?, my current long-term project, has slowed down dramatically these last months, due to RL stress and job. But it's not paused, don't worry. If you want me to hurry, you can pester me all you want. It works. Knowing people is waiting for me keeps the next chapter up in my priorities. I'm working on it, though. I promise. It's being cross-posted at my journal (see webpage) and two JAFF forums, 50 Miles of Good Road and A Happy Assembly. I recently got an AO3 account, where you will find only the latest stories. I feel feedback is key to the development of good fanfiction, not to mention everyone loves it. It's the amateur writer's payment, so we never have enough. I always leave reviews when I read. I treasure constructive criticism, and try to give the most useful feedback I can. But if I have reviewed one of your works and said something you don't like, I'm sorry. I'm open to PM and socialize! So feel free to contact me if you want. ¡Hola! Estudio literatura y actualmente sólo estoy escribiendo en inglés. Ahí abajo están los fics que escribí en español entre los 15 y los 18, más o menos. Ahora tengo 23 y hace bastante que no escribo nada en español, aunque vete tú a saber si me dará por ahí otra vez. Si ese es el caso, os prometo que haré algo con Blanco y Negro. Algo como terminarlo. Antes de leer nada, fijaos en si está completo, porque si no lo está, tendréis que terminar la historia como os parezca a vosotros. Dejad review si os apetece, a ser posible con críticas constructivas, y si os quedáis con ganas de más, siempre os quedan mis colaboraciones, en las cuentas LaliNimph y RakshahNimph. Fui miembro fundacional y moderadora del difunto Gremio de escritores de fanfiction HP en español de Livejournal. Avatar picture: Portrait of doña Isabel de Porcel (detail) by Goya |