Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter, and Charles Dickens. First things first. My webcomic. Life, Death, and Limbo: A Post HBP Serial Comic It's here -- http:///users/lifedeath_limbo So read it, comment, friend me, and then rec it to all your friends... please? Now onto the profile: Yay me! I know, I know, I am a TOTAL narcisist but oh well. What can I say: I'm gorgeous and talented. Not that you aren't! I'm sure your just as pretty as me. he he he. : - ) Anyway. I MOSTLY read harry potter fics, but I like Alias and Tamora Pierce stories too. Though I did read Forbidden Forest by my friend dreamcatcher5 and that's anime, so you never know where my endevours (spelling?) into new interests will take me. FAVORITES Of my Fave Stories- Pineapple Yum! Or Oh Coconut, which is the single best Hermione/Draco story ever written. Read it and weep! Mieko Belle's Fairy Boys, October 5th 1985 (so cute!), and The Space Between the Stars Color- pink Animal- Walrus (J'ai un morse dans ma baignoire! he he he! ho ho ho! Non, Je n'ai pas un morse. ;-D) Actor- for talent- Jude Law for kissable lips- Jonathan Rhys Meyers (check out , best site ever!) for looks- Jonathan Rhys Meyers (again) (drool drool drool) 2nd. Johnny Depp (I wanna be a pirate) 3rd. Ewan McGregor (Moulin Rouge/Down with Love, sizzle!) Actress- Kiera Knightley (Bend It Like Beckham/Pirates of the Carribean, yay KK!) Liv Tyler (ya Arwen!) Hobbies- Making Movies, dancing (bust a move! he he he), singing in the shower, talking, making new friends, fanfiction-ing (if that's not a word it should be), reading, writing, drawing, being artistic, watching disney movies, drooling over Jonathan Rhys-Meyers Book- Stargirl by Jerry Spinelle Movie- Bend it Like Beckham Song- I don't know at the moment, but I'll get back to you on that. Musicals are cool Disney Movie- Beauty and the Beast Currently I'm Reading- Shopgirl by Steve Martin School is- deathly boring HARRY POTTER Fave Book- Prisoner of Azkaban (#3, for those of you who are not potter-literate) Favorite Actor in the Movies- Tom Felton Fave Pairings- Harry/Luna (I used to say Harry/Ginny, but I really think it's unfair to push Harry on her, I seriously think she's over him) Sirius/Remus Ron/Hermione Plus, I don't think it'd happen, but I LOVE Draco/Hermione stories. They make me happy. Love much! Edit: Thought I should put something in here about my stories- Where Things Are Hollow- is very slow in being updated because, well, I've had to change a lot and I can't quite agree with myself on where to start the second chapter. Fear not, however: It will be done. A Perfect Day to Elope- The one that most of you read, and the one that the rest of you should read if you're patient. The updates are occasionally few and far between and it has it's patches that I really hate. It's really marvelous once you get past chapter 16 or so, I think... I've been told by many people that they laugh aloud at every chapter. Everything beforeChapter 16I consider a bit mediocre for my tastes, honestly. Nonetheless I am in love with it and many many people are just as in love with it as I am... so won't you please fall in love with, too... please? Now lovelies, don't forget to REVIEW! |
bella'amor (2) cyropi (14) Deepdarkwaters (0) | dreamcatcher5 (2) Elie de Lantreuil (10) Genevieve Jones (0) | MunkyGurl (3) Sheasera (0) |