Author has written 1 story for Justice League. I'm just your basic average comic book enthusiast. I like both DC and Marvel but typically lean towards DC. But it bounces back and forth. I really like the Justice League and many of its underlying characters. The Justice League/Justice League Unlimited cartoons drew me into the universe initially, but since then I've expanded to almost all of the animated movies (still need to see Dark Knight Returns I and II and a couple of random ones here and there...), other TV shows like Batman TAS, Superman TAS, Young Justice, Teen Titans, etc., live action movies, and, of course, the comic books themselves. I'd get into the comics even more if I could. Sadly, I'm a starving college student at the moment and don't have the spare cash for comics right now. But I digress. Right now, I'm working on one story which explores the Justice League's adventures after they've hung up the capes and cowls. So far, it's been fun planning out the quirky encounters they get to have while going out and doing "normal people" things. Right now, I have ideas for 14 episodes but am glad to hear ideas for more! I figure I'll keep the story going indefinitely until it looses steam or I'm completely out of new material. As far as what I like to read, I'm open to anything that has a plot I can't put down. Humor stories are also a good deal of fun! Even the best fandoms have things to make fun of... if done properly, it can be hysterical! I consider myself a novice writer, so any tips would be welcomed with open arms. Right now, it's just a hobby for me, but who knows? It might go somewhere some day with a little bit of work and a dash of luck. In any case, I'm content to enjoy supplying and reading the wonderful stories that this website has to offer! |