![]() Author has written 7 stories for Hawaii Five-0, and Star Wars. Hello, everyone; my name is Megan, but everyone calls me Megs. I found Fanfiction about five years ago, and started writing my own stories about three years ago. My mascot is a little squishy toy fish from my mum's workplace, which one of her colleagues had named 'Trishy Fishy', as her name is Trish. I found it again when we moved house in May 2013, and it became my mascot. Age: 19 Eye colour: Grey-blue, with a light brown ring around pupil (I recently found out this is central heterochromia and that my dad doesn't have a brown ring in his irises) Natural hair colour: Dark brown Current hair colour: Red Height: 157cm/5ft 1in (I'm ever-so-slightly taller than I thought) About me: I live in England with my parents and older brother. I have two older sisters as well, but they've long since moved out. I'm currently in my first year at university, I'm studying Adult Nursing and in the middle of my first placement in a hospital. Hobbies/Activities/Sports My favourite hobbies are (of course) reading and writing. I've loved reading since I was about eight, and I love to lose myself in a good book when I'm frustrated with life. Dancing is another of my favourites; I started Ballet when I was seven, and later took up Tap and Modern Theatre. I gave up Tap at the end of 2013 and stopped Ballet in July 2015. I carried on with Modern Theatre for a while and moved up to the Intermediate/Grade 7 class before I stopped in February 2016, before my A-Level exams started. I've already joined a variety of clubs and societies at university. My favourites are Archery and MMA (Mixed Martial Arts), although I've missed several sessions of the latter because of my placement (12-hour shifts don't leave much time for a social life!). A friend set up a baking society recently, so I'm hoping to become a member next year. Planned Projects - Begin Again (Hawaii Five-0): "An alternate re-write of 'Remaking Lives' in which Bethany survives." In progress Favourite fandoms: I am a fan of Hawaii Five-0, although my interest in the show has been dwindling as of late; I don't feel like the writers take it seriously anymore. But I still love all of the team, and my favourite is Danny. I'm not particularly keen on Jerry's character; I don't know what he brings to the show. Max is our resident quirky character. I like Lou, but I do feel that he intrudes on Danny and Steve's partnership; there hasn't been nearly enough Steve-Danny bromance over the last couple of seasons. I have a few more stories planned for Hawaii Five-0, which means I will have to, at some point, force myself to watch Season 6; I think I watched maybe five, six episodes of Season 6 and thought 'Nope' and didn't watch it until the season finale, just to see if it could renew my passion for the show (it didn't). However, I will give Season 7 a go, just to be fair. Favourite quotes: - "Being a geek is all about being honest about what you enjoy and not being afraid to demonstrate that affection. It means never having to play it cool about how much you love something. It's basically a licence to emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating." ~ Simon Pegg - "I'm one with the Force, the Force is with me." ~ Chirrut Imwe, Rogue One - "The beautiful part of writing is that you don't have to get it right the first time, unlike, say, a brain surgeon." ~ Robert Cormier - "Never apologise for being nerdy, because unnerdy people never apologise for being assholes." ~ John Barrowman - "The meaning of life is to give life meaning." ~ Ken Hudgins - "When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile." ~ Anonymous - "Here's to the girls who don't wake up with perfect hair. Who don't mind eating a Big Mac instead of a salad. Who'd rather spend the day in sweatpants than skinny jeans. Who don't get all the guys. Who aren't popular, but feel like it when they're with their friends. Who aren't afraid to break a nail. Who don't always get their own way. Who don't always get everything they want. Who don't need a guy to tell them they are beautiful. Here's to all the girls who are like me." ~ Anonymous - "The best feeling in the world is when tears turn to laughter, because someone who cares about you doesn't want you to be sad." ~ Susan Gale - "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." ~ Jack London - "I know I'm normal. No writer is normal. And who wants to be normal anyway?" ~ Skyflower51 (my best friend and a great writer (check out her stories!)) |