Hey everyone! We made it - this is the last chapter! I've got to say, despite how short it was, it was a great ride. I seriously loved writing these shots, exploring the relationships and reading all of your reactions. It was awesome. (Also, the winner of the vote is at the end of this chapter)

Guest S: Thanks mate, for voting and liking!

lupintonks: Ah, thank you mate, but you arrived at the near end there. Story's ending here

DeathGoddesses: Thanks for voting

Guest: Thanks for the vote and glad you like it!

Kondoru: Thank you for the vote! I never really got to watch most of those shows, but I still hear plenty good stuff from them

The True Nobody: Right - uh, there's one thing about that. I found out, like a week or two ago - that Sev is actually a cannon character in the Republic Commando game, so he can't actually be an OC. Now, this story is kinda out of the way, so I don't think many will notice, but I'm afraid I can't take him on. Sorry about that...

I wanted to make this one longer, but somehow, being this short felt more appropriate? I dunno, maybe that's my exhaustion talking...
Anyway, read, review and enjoy~

When she left, she never imagined she'd seen him – or any of them – again. And she had no idea what they'd actually look like after so long. But that didn't matter. The moment he stepped forward – despite having no real idea how he'd look like – she knew it was him. And she hadn't been so happy in quite a while.

"Commander," he smiled, hands behind his back and she was in shock for a few seconds. Both of them felt like it was back in the old days, of the war. But she made the first move forward, keeping her composure.

"You got old," he said as she stopped in front of him and it was him. He looked so much older, but the voice, the eyes and the body language – it was all the same. She could only laugh – talk about getting old…

"Had to happen sometime Rex," it's been a long time, since she's used his name. And it was still as familiar as ever. And he smiled along. It's been a long time since he's heard her voice at all and… she sounded so much more mature.

And then, she only hesitated for a second, before hugging the man. It was different than she remembered – she was taller than him now and reached him more easily. But he wasn't as tense as back then – maybe shocked. And he was yeah – surprised if nothing else. But it didn't take long for him to get over it.

"I'm glad you're still alive," and he was, really. Another good part of the war that survived. Their Commander, their vod'ika, or more now, their vod.

"You too," she pulled back, smiling. She didn't think they were still alive – not with the accelerated aging. But here he was…

"Well, I wouldn't be if it weren't for these guys," he motioned to the Ghost Crew behind them, who had all remained silent.

"Thank you, for trusting my friend," she knew how hard it must have been for Kanan, but he pulled through. And she'd be grateful for that.

"It wasn't easy," Kanan admitted, giving a small laugh. "…It's still not," he added, eyes downcast.

"Nothing worth doing ever is," she knew that very well. She only hoped that they would get along.

"Ahsoka, brought some caf," Rex entered the small meditation room she had set up, the smell of caf filling the place.

"You didn't put anything in it, did you?" she grinned, turning around to look at him as he offered the drink.

"Heh, I'm a few years late to get you back for the prank war," the soldier laughed, sitting on the bed as he took a sip.

"…I wish we could have done it more…" she held the mug, looking at her own reflection in it and recalled how she used to look like. Just how much she's changed…

"Most of the boys will remember it for a long time," his own tone grew weaker as he looked at her.

"…How many of you are there even? How much do you even have?" Ahsoka looked up, eyes guilty and sorrowful. "My greatest regret was and still is, that none of you got to live your lives. And, with the few years you have left-!"

"Ahsoka," Rex stopped her, giving a smile. "Deep breathes," he reminded her and she nodded, focusing on breathing.

"There ya go…" he laughed as she calmed down, finally drinking her caf. "Which one do you want me to answer first?" he asked, eyebrow raised.

"…Whichever one you want."

"…" he hesitated, before letting out a sigh. "You shouldn't blame yourself for us," he started off. "Living a normal life… That was hardly ever in our minds during the war. But if it eases you any, I did get to live it – sort of," he grinned at her surprised expression. "Myself, Wolffe and Gregor all went together and stayed on Seelos, living in an old Republic tank, slinging for Joopas," he laughed, shaking his head.

"Wolffe made it?" she blurred out, a surprised smile on her face.

"Yeah, a few others as well, though I don't know where they went."

"I'm surprised Cody didn't join you," at her words, he froze, fingers only twitching. And she naturally noticed. "…Rex?" there was concern in her voice.

"…Cody – Cody stayed," his voice was heavy and distant, eyes glued to the mug. "From what I've been told, he's with the Empire, teaching the new recruits…"

"Oh, Rex, I'm so sorry," she had no words really. What was she supposed to even say? Cody was one of Rex's closest brothers. And to have him join the Empire – she didn't even want to think about facing any of her vode.

"…He made his choice," was the only answer as Rex still didn't look up. "I just hope he's not regretting it."

"...What have you been up to?" she asked, just to change the subject.

"And that was the first time in a long while since I've heard Wolffe actually howl," Rex laughed as Ahsoka put a hand over her mouth, trying not to spit the caf out. She had moved to sit next to him as he retold of how the Ghost Crew helped them out.

"I always thought that was just a rumor or something," she admitted, leaning on the wall.

"Hah, the Wolfpack had the most rumors out of all of us – many were just too scared to really ask about it," the soldier admitted, setting the empty mug down.

"Master Plo never said anything about it either," she mused before both of them shared a look. One fearful, the other guilty.

"Rex… Do – Do you know, what happened to him?" her voice was weak as she sat properly, and he averted his eyes.

"…I just know what they said were lies…" he answered weakly. "Wolffe – he nearly lost it. I don't even want to imagine what he'd do if he knew the truth… Of what we did-,"

"Rex, that wasn't you," she reached out, putting a hand on his forearm, feeling him shake. "You didn't do it. You couldn't have stopped it."

"I could have!" he closed his eyes, clenching his fists but didn't pull away. "Fives – he was right. And if I had just – just acted sooner. Then maybe-," he cut himself off, putting one hand over his face, but the tears still fell.

"It still would have happened," she whispered, squeezing his arm. "This was their plan for years, Rex…" Ahsoka herself was feeling the sting in her eyes now.

"I just feel like I let everyone down… My brothers, the General, the people… Especially Fives…" and it was then that she pulled the man into a hug, burying her face into his armor. Just like usually… Only this time, she was the one comforting him, not the other way around.

"Fives would be glad right now… His death saved you and in turn, you saved others… From what I've learned from you all, that's what you all want," she said quietly, feeling him still in shock, before awkwardly hugging her back.

"Thank you, vod'ika…" he mumbled back weakly, just happy to have something familiar right now. Even if it was different than what he remembers…

"Anytime vod," she said back as they stayed in the hug, both finally really accepting the other was there, alive and well.

Outside the room, Ezra was about to knock, when he heard the last few bits. He felt bad, not wanting to eavesdrop or anything, but he got way too curios. The last bit had him confused though, but he left. He could always ask later…

"Hey, Kanan?" Bridger asked, walking into the small dining room.

"Yes?" Jarrus was just finishing up a meal, with Sabine cleaning her blasters next to him.

"Are Ahsoka and Rex a couple or something?" he asked, making the older man almost choke on the meal and the Mandalorian pause.

"What? Why would you think that?" Kanan couldn't really wrap his head around it.

"Well… I um…" Ezra looked away, cursing himself for not getting a better plan.

"You were listening in on their private conversation?!"

"By accident, I swear!" the kid threw his arms up in defense. "But, like, they called each other vodka and vod or something? And I got… curios…" he mumbled, embarrassed.

"…Vod and Vod'ika?" Sabine asked, blinking at the boy.

"Yeah, that. How'd you know?"

"Oh, Ezra," she laughed, as the two Force Users gave her puzzled looks. "Those are Mandalorian words – I guess it shouldn't be a surprise, coming from officers from the Clone Wars…" she added as an afterthought.

"What makes it so funny then?" Bridger was still confused.

"Well, 'vod' means brother or sister, and 'vod'ika' is a little or younger brother or sister. They aren't a couple – they're an aliit. A family," she smiled as she explained and the other two shared a look.

Cut! Yeah, I ended in Rebels. Fight me.
It felt right in any case, to kinda bring it full circle. And I really wanted to see some more of those two bonding on that or any episode. If you wanna get a job done, you gotto do it yourself, right?

Right, here's the winner of the story vote:
Umbara AU wins! (But just barely! It was neck and neck for a while there)
And I'll admit, I half expected this to happen - It's Umbara!
Zygerria started off strong, but in the end, Umbara took over. And I hate you all because I'm gonna need to re-watch it - again! - to get the details and other stuff right. HOPE YOU'RE ALL HAPPY! Also, here's the summary for it, though I might change it? Not sure:

Knowing it's real means they have to make a decision. One - do something about it or two - keep denying it. But they aren't the only ones – Krell knows as well. And he's more prepared than anyone thought.

So, yeah. Thanks to everyone who voted! Hope to see you all when the story finally rolls around! As always, I'll be posting on FanFic, AO3 and my tumblr blog brothers-all. Feel free to send an ask, prompt, idea - whatever you fancy. Also, I make edits. Shitty ones, but I'm trying.

ANYWAY! Thank you all so much for sticking with me through this story and I really hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! You're all awesome and hope to see you in any of my future stories!
Till then, may the force be with you~