Author has written 1 story for Yu-Gi-Oh. Update 7/25/04I hope people will check this... I know it's been a month since I've updated Deep in the Forest and past that for everything else, but fankly I'm 3,000 miles from my computer. I'm staying with my grandfather who is in the hospitol. I'll be back in a little over a week, so I'll update then I promise. Update- 6/13/04 Like I said before, I will be putting up fanart sites!! I have a few done. Look below my stats. Update- 5/9/04 Hey, don't worry about my stories, they were acidently deleted. But they will be back up by 5/14/04! I promise, I just have to wait until will let me create stories again. Oh, and my stories that are left, I can't add chapters to them until 5/12/04. So I should have new chapters for them soon. Oh, and also: I took off my e-mail because it is like, really screw-ed up at the moment, so if you need to contact me, just use reviews or e-mail my yahoo account: mp3queen308@ Je ne! ^^ Freai: Hey, just going to tell you a little bit about myself here and... Yami Bakura: What about us? Freai: I was getting to that. Yami Bakura: Well get there faster. Ryou: Yami, please. Freai: Anyway, before I was interupted I was going to- Yami Bakura: introduce us. Freai: Ya know, I just found out something. Yami Bakura: I do not! Ryou: Actually, you do. Yami Bakura: What was that? (Faceing Ryou) Ryou: nothing. Yami Bakura: Didn't sound like 'nothing'! Ryou: yami ... Yami Bakura: Just hold still for a moment and ... Freai: WILL YOU SHUT UP!!!!!!! Yami Bakura: Sheesh! Bio. Ryou: That's all for Freai's bio, for now... My Stories: Another InuyashaYugioh Crossover! - I don't write this one, it belongs to my friend Julie, and she's really slow with writing, so this one is real slow in updateing, and I have no idea what happens! Deep in the Forest - This is my only Harry potter and Yugioh crossover. It's goin' pretty slow too. I'm starting to get into it, but the real plot hasn't even taken place yet, so... nothing much to say about it... Forlorn - I have MAJOR writters block on this one. I just kind-of started it on my own time. I never thought it would get this popular, so I'm working more on my plot at the moment. Red Eyes - This is one of my favorites to write, it's my only Marik centered fic, and my only yugioh and X-men: evolution crossover. I'll get into the plot on this one soon. And I'm already starting some fanart on it too! Everyone at school says it's great (personally I think it sucks) now all I have to do is find a scanner... What life hits you with - This is already written, I have the whole thing planned out and stuff, I'm just adding chapters when I get the time. This was my first idea and my first story, but it's not as popular as my later ones. Twist of Life - This is another one that I already have written out, I'm even working on the sequal, I just need more readers... When All lights go out - This one is a story I write sometimes, mostly when I feel depressed, or I'm thinking a lot. This is a story when Ryou goes blind, and you really have to think a lot about what it feels like to be blind, it's kinda sad... School Feild trip - This is one I made up, and its gettin kinda popular too. Why do all of my fics where I have no idea where they are going tend to be so popular??? Mageain - I want to make this my first yaoi fic, and MalikxRyou fic, but I'm not sure if many people will read it... It runs in the family - This is my only fic that is set in Egypt, it's okay, and I like it, but a little depressing. BUT I'M WORKING ON IT!!! Woxzema - Oh, I got a lot of ideas for this fic. I plan on making it mostly a vampire fic. The only spolier I can give you is this... I'm really evil!!! *evil grin* Poor Ryou . . . My fanart sites!! ^^ I'm so excited. Well I only have few to start out with... Forlorn: http:///deviation/8077056/ - Lea http:///deviation/8077182/ - Ty They both suck... sorry. Send me REAL fanart to mp3quee308@ I'll put the URL up if ya send them!!! Love ya lots! -Freai |