Author has written 3 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Legend of Zelda, and Avatar: Last Airbender. Sex: Female! Age: 20 :About Her Writing: Writing has been pretty much my major hobby since I was very young, inspired by my adamant love of reading that came before it. Since I've been at it for at least a decade, my writing style has met with significant and rapid change over the years, so I tend to delete anything that is any more than a few years old. I hate reading my old stuff, and someday I will hate reading my current stuff--but them's the breaks, and at least I know my writing is changing (and, ideally, improving!). Strangely, I don't play video games or watch televisin much. I've played several Zelda games all the way through (mostly newer ones), and fiddle around with Pokemon games and the like, but I'm still not much of a gamer. I can, however, "talk" video games. I love writing all around. Fiction, non-fiction, anything. My main goal is to actually publish a novel, but for now, I'm very uncertain about my abilities, so I use fan fiction as a serious form of practice. :What She Likes: Humor. I love to laugh, and my favorite way to do so is through Internet Drama. No, I don't like to participate, because it's messy business. But I do enjoy websites that do the work for me: SomethingAwful, Encyclopedia Dramatica, Deleterius, DeviantartSnark, FandomWank and Fanficrants are all favorites. Again, though, I don't post on any of those communities, so I guess you can't "find" me on any of them. I love to lurk. Christianity. ("Like" in the sense of "follow", I suppose?) Though I guess the terminology doesn't matter or make sense to most people, I think the best way to describe myself is: I'm an Evangelical Christian, with a dash of Baptist. My family and I are conservative enough to make most non-religious people scoff, but liberal enough to rouse the suspicion of fundamentalists (we have a proud tradition of being called "liberals"). More on the side of compassionate conservatism, loving your neighbor, dining with sinners, and sharing Christ's love--much less on the side of Creationism, anti-Catholicism, War-On-Christmas crusading, and preaching Rock n' Roll as Satan's music. If you have had to deal with the latter group, I... I'm so sorry. Reading. I mostly read non-fiction, and some of my current favorite topics include race relations (specifically black/white relations), religion, Asian cultures, education, and politics. When I do read fiction, it tends to be classic fiction. Debate. This is a bad habit of mine, inherited from my dad. I love to argue; it's fun for me. It has, however, occasionally made people upset with me for one reason or another, usually through misinterpreting my various forms of sarcasm/cynicism. Um... So yeah, I avoid it when at all possible. :What She Doesn't Like: Ego. Especially, though not exclusively, when it is matched up with a person of little talent, not only because they are misguided, but because their ego keeps them from getting any hope of improving. Criticism can be hard to take, but it's the ONLY WAY to really improve. If you think everything you write is perfect, there's something wrong. Smut. Nothing personal here. I just find most fanfiction based on this sort of thing laughable. I think it's just me. This term is also kind of an umbrella for yaoi/yuri/het/whatever. Shipping (Arguing about couples). Harmonians, Zutarians, Malinkers... YOU... ARE... ALL... INSANE. Ok? Ok. Fandom. I like some parts of fandom, mostly the geeky, quiet parts. The rest of it is scary and full of squeeing fangirls. Disclaimers. If you owned the product, you wouldn't be on this website, now would you? Also, it doesn't give you legal protection in the United States anyway. We are protected solely by the whims of the creators, who are CHOOSING not to sue us. :Old Stories: - All My Yu-Gi-Oh Stuff :Since the recent clean-up of my computer, I no longer have access to my old Yu-Gi-Oh stories. Sorry to disappoint anyone. What remains here, remains.: :She Will Shut Up, I Swear: What? Oh. Right. Check my favorites list! Great stuff is there! (News) (4/23/10) Chapter 10 is up! Are you excited? I'm excited! |
Evadne (6) Jacen Shaw (1) | Khaleda (7) | Wingleader Sora Jade (221) |