Poll: So if you didn't already figure it out Naruto, Shikamaru and Shino are going to be a team. Now Shika and Shino will permanently replace Sakura and Sasuke in the level of importance. I want to make them into the reincarnation of the legendary Sannin, but should Shika and Shino have different summoning? Vote Now!
Author has written 9 stories for Teen Wolf, Fairy Tail, Naruto, Pokémon, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Star Wars, and Bleach. Hi guys and gals, so these have been some harrowing times as of late with both Covid-19 and the BLM movement. I just hope that everyone does their best to stay healthy and safe. Now 2020 has completely turned my world on its head. First of all, I had to drop out of college because I couldn't afford it anymore. So I started working full time, which made me too tired to really write anything. When Covid-19 reared its ugly face, my family has affected in the sense that three of my siblings lost their jobs. Since I was deemed an essential worker, it was just my dad and I working to pay the bills. But some good has come of this year. I got a better job, that is more flexible, with better hours and better benefits. If I play my cards right I can go back to school next year, which I am really excited about. But as for fanfiction, I have a lot more free time to write and edit these days, so I will try to be more attentive with my stories. I wish you all luck in your endeavors wherever they take you. Naruto the Rokubi Jinchuriki: So I haven't even started the next chapter, however, I do have the outline for it. I am most likely going to make the chapters shorter. I feel like it takes me forever to update because every chapter is like a small novel. I Will update soon hopefully. The Son of the Sourwolf: As said I rewrote the story. I have not had a chance to write anything for it, and it might take a bit to do so because I don't know the direction I want to take the story in. Celestial Splash: Okay so I just recently got bit by the Fairy Tail bug again and started reading more fanfiction with it. I am a little disappointed with the narrowness of this fandom. It is like no one really wants to explore the many different and beautiful magics that Fiore has to offer. They all just want to be dragon slayers, demon slayers, or god slayers. I mean there are several strong mages who use regular magic, Juvia and Erza come to mind. I know it is a bit hypocritical of me to say that as my character uses both celestial and water magic, but I feel as if many people don't explore celestial magic because Lucy ends up with almost all the powerful keys. Anyway I rewrote the first two chapters and I think they are drastically different from the original, I hope you all come to like this version just as much if not more than you did the first. Great Migration: This a Pokemon story that is on the basis of mass migration between all of the regions, so for example in Kanto you can find a pokemon from every region. It also involves a smarter Ash and a 12 pokemon team max. I have already written the first chapter, and have started the second. Almost done with the next chapter, but I am stuck a bit. Control: This story is on the back burner. I have the basic outline, but I want to watch the anime more thoroughly to get a feel for certain characters' personalities before I dive in a bit more. Kaminoan Grey: Star Wars has always been fascinating, so I want to take my own spin on this tale. But I am busy trying to build up the background for my character to lay the underlying foundation. Misconception: This story came to me in a whirlwind, and has taken a life of its own. While I haven't written any chapters as of yet, it has been constantly on my mind, so expect an update soon. Scorching Metal: Thanks for all the positive feedback. I really felt the need to give my character a deep background because I feel a lot of reincarnation stories just kind of jump into the story with only giving us very brief glimpses into their background. I feel this doesn't do the character justice because it makes the reader not connect with the character. This means it is hard to discern motives and justifications that might be important for the story. I also didn't want my character to get the stereotypical death of getting hit by a car. I would much rather an author do anything else. Choke on a hot dog, disease, old age, shot. Literally anything else. Now I had the chapter done and was just going through the last finishing touches and edits. But I had to restart my computer for some reason and lost 75% of the chapter, so I haven't had the will to go back in and write more. I will try my best to get back at it though. New Story Ideas Sekirei #08: Yami: This is the story that I was writing a chapter for. I have not finished it because the ending escapes me. Hopefully, I can finish it soon. Basically, I read a lot of stories about all these Ashikabi's but never about new Sekirei, or if they are Sekirei they are artificial. I don't normally like harems because many authors often use it as an excuse to have the main character get a lot of girls or guys and have lots and lots of sex. Some of the people in the harems make absolutely no sense, and there is no explanation on why they are there, to begin with. But I like Sekirei because it gives a background for a harem, the girls are an alien race of love. I just feel like it is more believable. This is not to say that some harem stories aren't well written or have a great plot. Gaia Incarnate: A Flash story. It is about a character named Zachary, Zach, Queen. He is the middle child of the Queen children. He is aboard the Queen's Gambit and becomes a vigilante alongside his brother. However, he will eventually make his way over to Central city and meet Barry. He will be a meta, his powers you will have to wait and see. And yes it is an OC/Barry fic. But I only really have the bare bones of the story. What a Little Wizard Raising Can Do: Title under debate, but it is what would happen if Harry Potter was raised by wizards, and it will not be who you expect. More to come. There is also a Game of Thrones story, but that is more smut than anything. I will add a plot if I have the time. Now, these stories will not take precedence. I will try to get farther in my other stories before thinking about writing anything for these two ideas. Finally opinions Boy/Boy relationship: If you haven't already noticed I like to write Boy on Boy stories. I, however, am capable of writing Girl on Boy, I am gay, so Boy/Boy just comes more natural to me. M-Preg: Now when I was younger it bothered me to read these stories, but as I grew older I stopped caring and even came to enjoy some of these stories. I also don't mind putting it in my stories, but only if it is a believable situation. For example for Naruto the Rokubi Jinchuriki, the Uzumaki clan takes on characteristics of Slugs, which sometimes have both reproductive systems, so it is believable for Naruto to have both reproductive systems, thus making it possible for him to get pregnant. This is not a guarantee that I will do that for those stories. Swearing/ Smut: Now I can admit that I am a bit of a "saint," in the fact that I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, swear, or have sex. (Yes I know it makes me sound like a square, that is my beliefs, but no judgments here.) I, however, know that while these characters are an extension of my self in a sense, they are not entirely like me, so they will sometimes swear and sometimes do things that I would never do. Sex scenes or smut is a different problem, although I am willing to write it, we are technically not supposed to post smut, but people do it anyway. It will be a coin toss if I post things like that. Posting Chapter that you don't like: This is a bit more personal rant because I read a story in which at the end of every chapter the author would be like I hate how this chapter came out. I as an author hate that, I understand that sometimes we produce bad chapters due to writer's block, but to submit something you hate constantly. Continue to write and rewrite until you are happy, don't just give up and post it. Sorry, mini-rant if you disagree know that this was not meant to tear people down, but offer encouragement to keep at the revision process. Harems: I am not a big fan of Harems. I will admit I have read some good ones and enjoyed many others. But I feel people see as harems as a way to have their main character sleep with many women and get away with it because all of the women really like it. I find it to be very unrealistic that all the women are okay with sharing this man. And some authors try to add characters that shouldn't be included for example Naruto and Tsunade. This I feel is just wrong. I am not saying that men can't date older women, but usually, Naruto is between the ages of 12 and 16 at best and Tsunade is 50. Plus the women just become sex objects with no real depth or development. If an author intentionally puts Harem in their summary I generally just skip right over it, which sucks because some stories sound interesting. And to be honest I get wary around Male characters that are straight. Even if they end up with one girl and one girl only, it is too common that all the girls in the series magically fall in love with him, which I feel really ruins the beauty of some of these characters. Ok, rant over. Gender Bent: Now this one really irks me because I feel that it is just a cop-out. I feel that it breaks the cardinal rules of life, struggle. A popular example is the fem Haku. I feel it is a massive degradation to his character to turn Haku male. Yes, he is more femme than masculine, but that doesn't make him any less a guy. You are stripping him of his identity for your convenience. Because let's be honest most of the time it is just because Naruto is straight but they like the Naruto and Haku pairing. If you want Naruto and Haku to be a pairing then have the guts to commit to it. Write the awkwardness of coming out, the pain of rejection, the happiness of acceptance, or even the nonchalance of not caring. I don't care but make it work. And I understand that some authors might say, but wait I am not gay and have no experience with guys liking guys. And my answer to that is so! There are plenty of authors who write about perspectives or people that they don't have experience with. But if you are willing to learn, then you can do it justice. It might not be your narrative, but by choosing to genderbend you are erasing my narrative. Yes this argument was made under the assumption of hetero genderbending. Rant over. |