![]() Author has written 12 stories for Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Gotham, Dragon Age, Batman, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Superman, Justice League, Witcher, and Pokémon. So, this is my profile. I'm a 25 year old writer, who is actually trying to write an actual book. It has original characters that I have created myself, but to protect them, I can't write about them. So I'm writing about my favorite characters here, where everyone can do it an I hope that by getting good reviews on them I can improve myself in writing my actual book. I like Batman and Doctor Who, so my first fanfics have been crossovers between them. After being here for a year, I have also expanded my work to Harry Potter and the DC Universe, but as time goes on and people will review my work, I will always find more inspiration to expand. Every story I have ever written has been treated as if it were a movie or a television show. That is why I have created cast-lists for character to have an actor or a voice-actor, so that imagining and hearing them would be easier. Some of these actors are already legit and some are made up/fancast for their characters. [21.1.2018] As of this point I have abandoned using the fancasting of actors for characters in my stories and am letting the readers use their imagination. [2.7.2018] I have changed my pen-name to the one I also use in Discord, Disqus and one day in Youtube. THE MULTIVERSE: 52 parallel earths floating in the Bleed bottle held in the Nil by the Monitor Nix Uotan. -Earth-0: First Earth of the Multiverse and home of the Justice League. This Earth has merged with the another timeline from the Hybertime and also inhabits the characters of Harry Potter. -Earth-1: Standalone world not connected to the other worlds in the multiverse. -Earth-2: This Earth was swallowed by Apokolips after High Father of New Genesis allowed Darkseid have it as a feeding universe while leaving all the other world in the multiverse alone. Only a handful of survivors were rescued by John Constantine and Ron Weasley of Earth-0. -Earth-3: Former home world of the Crime Syndicate. Other name Pete's World. -Earth-8: Neon world of arcane magic and home of the Troika-Batman. -Earth-10: Home world of Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters. Long story short, the Nazies won the World War 2. -Earth-11: Matriarchal World were genders are reversed. -Earth-12: AnimatedWorld of DC Animated Universe and Batman Beyond. -Earth-13: Gothic World, where Tim Burton's Batman movies happened -Earth-14: Universe where The Dark Knight Trilogy and Doctor Who co-exist. -Earth-16: Universe of Young Justice cartoon. -Earth-19: Steampunk Universe of Gotham by Gaslight. -Earth-21: World where United States of America still lives under to law of Commonwealth. Bruce Wayne grew up to become a Reverand while all the superpowered heroes were surrendered to the god fearing government. -Earth-24: Retro themed world where Batman '66 takes place. -Earth-27: Timeless World where Gotham tv-show takes place. -Earth-43: World where Bruce Wayne became a vampire. -Earth-51: The Batman of this universe was spared from 'The Great Disaster' by being taken to the Bleed by the Valeyard during the Hereafter story. DARK MULTIVERSE: Series of temporary worlds, where stories that should have never been told came to be. It is looked after by an ancient dragon known as Barbatos. -Earth -1: World in which an unknown event caused Superman to change for the worse and holding back from opposing him caused the death of multiple heroes and villains, until Batman exposed himself to the Doomsday Virus and stopped the Man of Tomorrow the only way there was left -Earth -11: Gender-reversed world, where after loosing her lover Sylvester Kyle, Bryce Wayne started a war against metahuman and eventually murdered the Aquawoman. In retaliation Atlantis drowned Gotham City and forced the Batwoman into adapting to her new situation by becoming the Drowned. -Earth -12: World where the Gods waged war on Earth. Batman and Wonder Woman fought it together, in time becoming lovers, until Ares killed her and Batman avenged her by taking the source of Ares' power, becoming the new God of War. -Earth -22: World reduced into ashes after the death of the Joker in the hands of the Batman Who Laughs -Earth -32: World where a young Bruce Wayne was given a Green Lantern ring and used it to murder the man who killed his parents. After killing every villain in his path, the Green Lantern Corps stepped in, but were not match to the Darkness developed in young Bruce's ring. Not wanting anything to do with his past life anymore, the angsty emo kid merged with his Lantern Battery and became the Dawnbreaker. -Earth -44: World where after the death of Alfred Pennyworth, Batman and Cyborg created an Artificial Intelligence called Alfred Protocol. After being put online, the AI focused on protecting it's creator more extremely than it's template would have, first by murdering every inmate in Arkham Asylum and then turning Batman into a Murder Machine. -Earth -52: Earliest of the dying worlds in the Dark Multiverse, where after loosing his Robins, Batman feeling betrayed stole the Flash's connection to the Speed Force and became the Red Death. HYBERTIME: Series of alternate timelines floating independently outside the Multiverse. -World of Pokémon: Mystical world where wonderful magical creatures and humans live in harmony. This world was created by the God Pokémon Arceus and it's children Dialga and Palkia, while it's kept balance by Giratina in the Distortion Realm. -Shared world of Dragon Age and Witcher: Medieval world inhabited humans, elfs, dwarf, Qunari and Witchers. In the west lies the continent of Thedas and in the east multiple nations currently in war with the Nilfgaarian Empire. -The world of Harry Potter: In this world, Witches and Wizards have hidden themselves from the non-magical Muggle populace and thrived all the way to 21th century. This world has currently merged with Earth-0 in the Multiverse. -Marvel Universe: Yes, I suppose it somewhere over here as well. Expanded summaries The Dark Knight and the Doctor Set during The Dark Knight Rises and after Series 7. Walking in the desert, after escaping from the Pit, Bruce Wayne sees a Blue Box materializing in front of him. Out of it comes 1200 year old Time Lord and the Impossible Girl, the Doctor and Clara Oswald, gotten there by mysterious invitation in the psychic paper. As the history tells, Bruce Wayne was listed among the dead during a fixed pointed event: The Gotham Invasion. Only by helping the exiled millionaire saving Gotham from terrors of Bane and League of Shadows, they might find out if the time is in flux or if there are things even the Universe doesn't know. But will Time allow them interfere and find the answers to their questions? Only once they learn more about Bruce Wayne, the mystery and the legend of Batman is not even close to end. This story takes place in Earth-14 A Silent Guardian and the Predator Sequel to The Dark Knight and the Doctor and also a slight crossover with Kingdom Hearts. After saving Gotham from the bomb, Batman finds himself in a ghost town, under a floating castle. In there he meets a hostage, rescue team and a secret organisation, that has some ties to the Doctor, but without knowing it. As the World's Greatest Detective gets deeper into the mystery, the Doctor and his companions desperately try to find him and stop the Silent Guardian from being used as an instrument in the next attempted falling of... the Silence. This story takes place in Earth-14 and the Antimatter Universe Nine Days during the Beginning Prequel to The Dark Knight and the Doctor & A Silent Guardian and the Predator. During the Last Great Time War, a Dalek Weapon thought destroyed, fell in to the Earth. It fell near Himalayas, where the plant life was contaminated to cause psychotic affects when their fumes were inhaled. Newly regenerated Ninth Doctor and his chance companion seek out to to find and destroy this weapon, even if they have to face the criminal underworld of Gotham City, as the Batman begins his war on crime. This story takes place in Earth-14 A Traveler Among Wizards After the death of his father, orphaned son begins his journey to find his place on his adopted planet. Feeling to be all alone in the world, Clark Kent arrives to London and sits in the very cafe, where three wanted wizards have been ambushed and an alliance will be formed between different people from humans. A crossover between Harry Potter and Man of Steel and a tie-in to first three stories. This story takes place in Earth-0 Hereafter Sequel to The Dark Knight and the Doctor, A Silent Guardian and the Predator & Nine Days during the Beginning (IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THESE STORIES, YOU SHOULD NOT START READING THIS ONE YET). The Rift in Cardiff has opened again and a bounty hunter from another universe flew through, looking for Batman. After besting the forces of UNIT and Torchwood, the bounty hunter caught the trail in time and space and headed towards Hereafter, where the Doctor left the retired Batman to live in peace, which is about to broken by those, who hire 'the Main Man'. This story takes place PRIMARILY on Earth-14 Outsiders beyond Good and Evil Sequel for Traveler among Wizards. After so many years, Harry Potter and his friends finally get to see their friend from another world again. But times have been hard and as they will attempt to repair their friendship with Superman and come to trust his new allies, there will always be evil lurking in where they can't see. And when they do, they'll know it could have been worse. A crossover between Harry Potter and Justice League. This story takes place on Earth-0 and Earth-3 Conspiracy Theory of Gotham City Plot: On the night Thomas and Martha Wayne were killed, there was another victim who was shot and hit by a car, but survived. After waking up in a hospital few weeks later with amnesia, he was approached by a mysterious woman to act as her Private Investigator in exchange for help finding out who he was. With no memory and nowhere to go, what else was the poor chump to do but take the case of finding the real truth behind the Wayne murders? My first non-crossover story. This will be the Gotham episode DC and Fox will never write or produce, but if they did, it would flip out every DC Comics fanboy and fangirl for what happens in, who appear in it and what impact it will/would leave if it was really filmed and shown on television. And I repeat, this will not be a crossover from other franchises. All characters will be only the original ones and other Batman related characters grounded into the theme of the Gotham TV-Show. This story takes place on Earth-27 Arcane War between Gods and Men Plot: Aftermath of the Crime Syndicate's invasion has left it's impact. Magic is no longer secret but just a sub-level form of Arcane. Justice League is recovered, but their alliance to the Ministry of Magic has left them divided as Batman accuses Hermione Granger for grave-robbing Robin's grave and allying herself with Darkseid. While Harry Potter and the Justice League work together to learn what has caused this, Ron Weasley and Justice League Dark set their sights on Apokolips. There will be a reckoning, a Crisis. This story takes place on Earth-0 and Earth-2 Dragon Age Inquisition: Another Anchor Set before Conspiracy Theory of Gotham City and after Arcane War between Gods and Men in the same continuity as my DCEU/HP stories on Thedas in 9:43 Dragon. Following the the death of Corypheus, the Inquisition is set helping rebuild the world of Thedas with their allies from both Ferelden and Orlais. Before the Inquisitor's allies can set down their weapons, the Inquisitions' spies and the Qunari suddenly start sending reports of another person besides the Inquisitor having an anchor in his hand and it's red color alarms them as well as apparent mental link this person has to the Inquisitor. This story takes place in the shared world of Dragon Age and Witcher Life in the Circle of Magi: A Harry Potter/DCEU story "Magic exists to serve mankind, not to rule over it. If we can teach wisdom to balance over the power we use, that power can be seen as innocent. The choice is yours. You can learn to control yourself and understand what it is that you or your has. That is the foundation of the Circle, to have wizards and muggles grow, not as two separate groups, but as one." - Alexander Joseph Luthor Jr. This story takes place on Earth-0 Return to Hereafter: Doctor Who/Nolanverse story The TARDIS bring the 12th Doctor back to Hereafter to meet Bruce and Selina again, but remembering that the TARDIS only brings him to where he is needed, the Doctor stays on his toes. For a good reason too, as familiar faces are brought to their doorstep from across the Bleed, along with the Batman. This story takes place on the planet Hereafter of the Universe designated Earth-14 Pokémon: Dark Multiverse Outside the world of Pokémon, there is a mysterious darkness. And in that darkness, there are great evil coming to the world of Pokémon. 7 evil knights, looking for an anomaly they call "One of Us". In their wake, two brothers take their stand to protect the anomaly and everyone standing on the evil knights' way. This story takes place in the World of Pokémon Upcoming stories: Final Days of Superman After meeting for the last time as they did on their first time, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger are forced to know that they are living a new world, changed by the Death of Superman. This story will take place on Earth-0 before the events of Outsiders Beyond Good and Evil Pandora and the Birds of Prey Short story detailing Hermione's time with the Birds of Prey after the events of Arcane Ware between Gods and Men and before the events of Life in the Circle of Magi This story will take place on Earth-0 Untitled final DCEU/Harry Potter story Yes, the final and last one. |